News in 2020

2020.06.08 Kansai Forum] How will health change with the "new lifestyle"? June 21, 2020, 13:00-@Kobe City, Japan
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2020.06.08 Kansai Forum] How to change people and organizations, and how to get involved in the workplace? /June 21, 2020, 11:00am-@Kobe, Japan
  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
【関西フォーラム2020】超異分野チームでアグリテック実証フィールドを創りだす 〜IT×リアルテックで果樹園をハックする〜/2020年6月21日15:00〜@神戸市
2020.06.03 Kansai Forum 2020] Creating an Agri-Tech Demonstration Field with a Super Interdisciplinary Team - Hacking an Orchard with IT x Real Tech - / June 21, 2020, 15:00~ @ Kobe City
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【関西フォーラム】グローバル化する感染症をどう攻略するか 2020年6月21日(日)10:00@神戸
2020.06.02 Kansai Forum] How to Attack Globalizing Infectious Diseases June 21, 2020 (Sun.) 10:00 @ Kobe
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【関西フォーラム】新時代の医療を創る〜ベンチャー支援の仕組みを考える〜 2020年6月21日(日)11:00@神戸
2020.05.27 Kansai Forum] Creating a New Era of Medical Care - Venture Support Mechanisms - June 21, 2020 (Sun.) 11:00 a.m. @ Kobe
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【関西フォーラム】6/21(日)超異分野学会 関西フォーラム2020 基調講演にバイエル薬品株式会社 高橋俊一氏と日本環境設計株式会社 岩元美智彦氏が登壇!
2020.05.27 Shunichi Takahashi, Bayer Yakuhin K.K., and Michihiko Iwamoto, Nippon Kankyo Sekkei, Inc. will deliver keynote speeches at the Kansai Forum 2020, June 21 (Sun.), 2020!
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
超異分野学会関西フォーラム2020の神戸開催決定のお知らせ / 大会テーマ「持続可能な社会の実現を目指す知識の環〜アフターコロナの医療と生活環境〜」
2020.05.22 Announcement of the Japan Society for Hyperdisciplinary Research, Kansai Forum 2020 to be held in Kobe, Japan / Theme: "The Circle of Knowledge for Realization of Sustainable Society - Medical Care and Living Environment in the After-Corona
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
2020.04.20 Postponement and Name Change of the Osaka Forum 2020 of the Association of Hyperdifferent Fields
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
4/23 第9回超異分野学会本大会のオンライン開催に関して
2020.04.14 4/23 The 9th Annual Meeting of the Association for Hyperdifferential Studies to be held online
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2020.04.08 Policy on Conducting the 9th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Hyperdifferential Research following the Declaration of a State of Emergency
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