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【超異分野学会 香川フォーラム2023】Forging global bridge with Monozukuri minded entrepreneurs/2023年12月9日 15:20-16:10
リバネスが主催する超異分野学会 香川フォーラム2023にて、パネルディスカッション「Forging global bridge with Monozukuri minded entrepreneurs」(セッションパートナー HOXIN株式会社)を開催いたします。
A panel discussion, "Forging global bridges with Monozukuri minded entrepreneurs" (session partner HOXIN CO.,LTD.), will be held at Hyper interdisciplinary Conference Kagawa Forum 2023, hosted by Leave a Nest.
Hyper interdisciplinary Conference Kagawa Forum 2023
We will have a program of discussions among researchers, start-ups, and large companies from a variety of perspectives, not limited to the themes of this session. For more information, please refer to the conference website.
Forging global bridge with Monozukuri minded entrepreneurs
セッションパートナー HOXIN株式会社
日時:2023年12月9日(土)15:20〜16:10 / Time and Date: December 9th, 2023 (Saturday) 15:20~16:10
場所:サンポートホール高松 シンボルタワー展示場 / Venue: Sunport Takamatsu Symbol Tower
In recent years, Southeast Asian countries have been trying to promote the introduction of technology into production sites, as set forth in Malaysia's Industry 4.0 and the Philippines' Development Plan 2023-2028 policies. On the other hand, Japanese manufacturing companies and deep-tech startups still maintain their ability to design and manufacture products with attention to detail. They have the ability to manage manufacturing processes and "make it work out" on the premise that products will be surely operated onsite. In this session, 2 startups, a drone startup, and a distribution robotics startup, will be invited from Malaysia to discuss with a Japanese AI robotics startup that originated from Tsukuba University and also has a base in Silicon Valley. Dr. Yev Dulla - Managing Director of Leave a Nest Philippines, that promotes overseas expansion of Japanese companies - will moderate the session to give clarity to cross border activities. Can the spirit of "Monozukuri" be shared across borders? Entrepreneurs from each country will discuss the future of Japan and Southeast Asia.
登壇者/ Panelists
杉江 ニック氏 / Mr. Nick Sugie
株式会社Closer 共同創業者兼COO / Co-founder and COO, Closer, Inc.
Nick was born and raised in the United States of America - and spent his primary and secondary education years in the state of California. After graduating from the International Christian University, he worked in investment banking at Morgan Stanley. In November 2009, he co-founded Closer, an AI robotics venture company from the University of Tsukuba, and has been promoting the introduction of robots in the food and other industries where automation is not yet advanced. In November 2009, he co-founded Closer, an AI robotics venture company from Tsukuba University, to promote the introduction of robots in the food industry and other industries where automation has not progressed. He is responsible for capital policy, finance, strategy, marketing, sales, and recruitment. 100 million yen in funding was raised at the end of March 2011, and the company is a certified JSTARTUP venture. Closer is also adopted as a member of the METI-led Silicon Valley Office, and plans to expand overseas.
Mohd Hazeli Bin Rasul 氏
Move Robotic Sdn. Bhd. CEO
マレーシア工科大学・マレーシア日本国際工科院(UTM-MJIIT)にて電気自動車の研究で修士課程を修了。シンガポールのパートナーと連携し、自律移動ロボットと無人地上走行車(UGV)の数百万ドル規模のプロジェクトを成功させた。その後、東南アジア市場に自律型技術を加速させるべく、自律型移動ロボットの技術開発を軸にMove Roboticを創業。同社の自律技術は、教育、工場、倉庫、警備、軍事、農業と他分野に実装可能だ。
Mohd Hazeli Bin Rasul is currently running his own company with other co-founder, positioned as CEO and Director of Move Robotic Sdn Bhd, a startup company that focusing on Autonomous Technology and Mobile Robotics Technology. Hazeli background is in Mechatronic where he is a bachelor’s degree of Electronic- Mechatronic from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Skudai Johor, fully sponsored by JPA scholarship. He is full time technopreneur ever since his graduation, but at the same time has a few working experiences in related engineering fields. His continued his masters by research in Electric Vehicle focusing on Steer-by-wire technology for Compact Electric Vehicle (CEV) project under MJIIT UTM KL. He is experiences in handling and delivering multi -million worth of project in Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) and Unmmaned Ground Vehicle (UGV) during his ventures with his previous startup with partner in Singapore. His interest is to harness the power of robotic and want to accelerate the Autonomous Technology to the Southeast Asia market. Move Robotic main interest for the Autonomous Technology is in the Education, Factories, Warehouses, Security, Military and Agriculture.
Shian Lee, PhD 氏
Alphaswift Industries Sdn. Bhd. CEO
Since he was young, Dr. Lee was fascinated by the science and technology that allows flight. He pursued an education background in aviation and earned a Doctorate in Aerospace Engineering. He is one of the pioneers who studies the control of UAVs and has worked on projects funded by the Department of Defense. Dr. Lee has worked on many interesting topics, such as Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), flight simulation, Artificial Intelligence, Multiagent Systems (Swarming), and battery technology. Currently, Dr. Lee is deeply involved in the development of electrical flight. He believes that the future of air transportation will have to be greener, and electric power is the right direction for this mission. With more than 10 years of experience working with UAS under his belt and also a clear vision for the future of flight, Dr. Lee is set to change the course of aviation technology for the better.
Yevgeny Aster Dulla, PhD 氏
株式会社リバネス 人材開発事業部・Leave a Nest Philippines, Inc. 代表取締役
フィリピン共和国、イロイロ州出身。2010年にフィリピン大学・ビサヤキャンパスを卒業後(学士 化学)、フィリピン大学・マニラキャンパスにて化学の講師として勤務。2013年に来日し、熊本大学・文部科学省のHIGOプログラムに進学。2015年に修士号(健康生命科学)、2018年に博士号(健康生命科学・薬科学)を取得。卒業後は、営業代行等により日本進出支援を担うビジネスコンサルティング会社イントラリンクに勤め、欧米のバイオテクノロジーや医療機器の会社の日本展開をサポートした。2020年5月より現職。教育開発事業部、創業開発事業部を歴任し、2021年よりフィリピン子会社を設立し、代表就任。
Yev was born and raised in Iloilo City, Philippines. He graduated with a degree in BS Chemistry from the University of the Philippines – Visayas, after which he worked as an instructor at the University of the Philippines – Manila. He came to Japan in 2013 to pursue graduate studies through the HIGO Program of Kumamoto University, and acquired his Masters in Health Life Sciences in 2015 and his PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2018. He worked at a business consultancy company in Tokyo in 2019 to help bring biotechnology and medical companies from abroad into Japan. In 2020, he joined Leave a Nest Co., Ltd. and is currently under the Frontier Development Division. He is also a Balik Scientist Awardee for 2021. In the same year, he co-founded the Leave a Nest Philippines office and is its current Managing Director.
株式会社リバネス 大阪本社(石尾・岸本)
e-mail : [email protected]