2025.02.08 [SAT]
HIC in Indonesia 2025
Innovative & Emerging Food Technologies Institut Teknologi Bandung
- 超異分野学会とは
- Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference Indonesia 2025 is an industry x academic conference. We aim to bring industry players and university's researchers, lecturers and students to meet with each other and discuss new possibilities and collaboration.
- 日程
- 2025年2月8日(土)
- 場所
Institut Teknologi Bandung
- 主催
- Leave a Nest Malaysia
- 参加費
- Free Registration for Poster Presentation
- 参加対象者
- All lecturers, researchers, students as well as business and startups owner are welcome to present their idea / research in this conference. The poster will have free design, but it must be printed in size A1 with potrait (vertical) orientation. We are currently preparing the registration link and it will be available soon.