HIC in Indonesia 2025
2025.02.08 [SAT]

HIC in Indonesia 2025

Innovative & Emerging Food Technologies Institut Teknologi Bandung

Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference Indonesia 2025 is an industry x academic conference. We aim to bring industry players and university’s researchers, lecturers and students to meet with each other and discuss new possibilities and collaboration.

Institut Teknologi Bandung
Multipurpose Hall CRCS Level 3
Leave a Nest Malaysia
Free Registration for Poster Presentation
All lecturers, researchers, students as well as business and startups owner are welcome to present their idea / research in this conference. The poster will have free design, but it must be printed in size A1 with potrait (vertical) orientation. We are currently preparing the registration link and it will be available soon.


  • Dr. Dian Shofinita
    Dr. Dian Shofinita
    • Institut Teknologi Bandung Department of Food Engineering
    Dian Shofinita is an academic and researcher specializing in food engineering. She is a
    lecturer in the Department of Food Engineering at the Faculty of Industrial Technology,
    Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). She earned her Bachelor’s degree (S.T.) in 2010 and her
    Master’s degree (M.T.) in 2011, both from Chemical Engineering ITB. Dian pursued her
    Ph.D. at The University of Sydney, completing it in 2017. Her dissertation, titled "Wastes to
    Products: Towards New High-Value Products from Extraction of Citrus Peel and Spray
    Drying of the Extracts," focused on the valorization of citrus peel waste for food additives.
    As a member of the Food Engineering and Chemurgy Research Group, her work focuses on
    innovative food processing technologies and developing value-added products from local
    resources. Her contributions include studies on volarization of fruit and vegetable wastes, and
    encapsulation of bioactive compounds.
  • Dr. Nur Akmalia Hidayati
    Dr. Nur Akmalia Hidayati
    • The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Research Center for Applied Microbiology
    Dr. Nur Akmalia Hidayati is a junior researcher at the Research Center for Applied Microbiology under The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). She is actively contributing to the SATREPS project titled “Integrated Sustainable Energy and Food Production from Microalgae-based Carbon Capture and Utilization”, a collaborative initiative with Euglena Co., Ltd., Japan, and the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science (CSRS). As part of her work, Dr. Hidayati is pioneering efforts to develop innovative, value-added products using microalgae through an approach known as "Green Fermentation." By integrating the traditional Indonesian fermented food, Tempe, with Euglena gracilis, she aims to harness the nutritional potential of microalgae to enhance the health benefits of local foods. Looking ahead, the "Green Tempe" concept holds the promise of improving food security and addressing critical issues such as stunting in Indonesia, offering a sustainable solution to pressing nutritional challenges.
  • Dr. Ir. R. Sugeng Joko Sarwono
    Dr. Ir. R. Sugeng Joko Sarwono
    • Institut Teknologi Bandung ITB Science & Technology Park Directorate




10:00 Welcoming Ceremony
Dr. Ir. R. Sugeng Joko Sarwono, M.T, Ph.D.
Institut Teknologi Bandung

Welcoming Ceremony Dr. Ir. R. Sugeng Joko Sarwono, M.T, Ph.D. Institut Teknologi Bandung

  • Dr. Ir. R. Sugeng Joko Sarwono (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
10:15 Keynote Speaker
Dr. Dian Shofinita
Institut Teknologi Bandung

Keynote Speaker Dr. Dian Shofinita Institut Teknologi Bandung

  • Dr. Dian Shofinita (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
11:00 Panel Session 1 - Innovating for Health: Enhancing Gut Health and Nutritional Integrity in Food Innovation

Panel Session 1 - Innovating for Health: Enhancing Gut Health and Nutritional Integrity in Food Innovation

Indonesia faces significant nutritional challenges, including malnutrition and a high prevalence of stunting among its younger generation. Despite abundant agricultural resources, disparities in food access and inadequate nutrient-rich diets persist, particularly in rural areas. Innovations in food technology and localized solutions are crucial to ensuring nutritional integrity and addressing these issues effectively. By fostering collaboration among stakeholders, Indonesia can drive sustainable improvements in health and nutrition for its population.

Lunch / Networking


Poster Session


HIC Splash Session 1

14:45 Panel Session 2 - Bridging Tradition and Technology: Showcasing Local Innovations in Food

Panel Session 2 - Bridging Tradition and Technology: Showcasing Local Innovations in Food

Indonesia’s rich culinary heritage, from rendang to tempeh, reflects its deep-rooted traditions and abundant resources. As the nation aims for Indonesia Golden 2045, addressing food security, sustainability, and economic resilience is essential. This forum highlights the integration of modern food technology with traditional practices to create innovative and sustainable solutions. By empowering communities and enhancing value-added products, Indonesia can showcase its unique food innovations on the global stage while advancing toward a prosperous future.
  • Dr. Nur Akmalia Hidayati (The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN))

HIC Splash Session 2


Award & Closing Ceremony


  • Euglena Malaysia Sdn. Bhd
  • Indonesia Food Innovation (IFI)
  • ITB Science & Technology Park Directorate
  • Metagen
  • Tanya Obat