Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in Osaka 2022

Conference Theme
A "collision point" of knowledge that causes change.
Day & Time
Saturday, August 27, 2022
Knowledge Capital Conference Room Tower C, 8FAccess

What is the Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference?

It is a place where researchers, large corporations, small factories, and venture companies, regardless of their field or industry, can fuse their knowledge and technology, identify new research themes and issues that humanity needs to face, and promote research together, through discussion. Participants from different fields and industries constructively discuss the creation of unprecedented research themes and approaches to problem solving, and continue to work together to set up cutting-edge R&D projects that transcend barriers.

About the Society of Hyperdifferential Studies, Osaka 2022

Over the past few years, humanity has adapted to major changes on a global scale, updating our lifestyles and the way we communicate with others. We live in a world where no one can predict what changes will occur next. In that case, instead of waiting for something to change, why don't we shift to a mindset of "creating the change we intend" starting from our own knowledge and thoughts? We would like to make the Osaka Congress of the Association of Transdisciplinary Studies 2022 a place where people can share their knowledge with each other, and where the seeds of ideas and projects that will have an impact on the world can be born. Each of these ideas will spread throughout society and eventually become commonplace. Let's have discussions while imagining such a future.

Date and Time Saturday, August 27, 2022
Knowledge Capital Conference Room Tower C (8F Grand Front Osaka Tower C, 3-1 Ohfuka-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka)
>>Access Map
Entrance fee
Free for researchers and students in academia; 50,000 yen for company participation (excluding tax and fees)

<To whom it may concern
Academia, ventures, large companies, SMEs, local governments, secondary and high school students, etc.

Online Abstracts

Abstracts for poster and booth presentations will be available online at the Osaka Congress of the Association for Hyperdifferent Fields 2022.
To view, you must register for a poster or booth presentation or obtain an auditorium ticket.
(Published on Monday, July 25, 2012)

Program Information

  • August 27.

Saturday, August 27, 9:30-18:30

MAIN ROOM Room A Room B Poster and booth
9:30 Opening Ceremony
10:00 Short Pitches by Researchers and Ventures
Technology Splash."
11:00 Poster & Booth
core time
12:00 hour
13:00 Keynote Speech ①. The Ultimate Energy Generated by Laser Fusion Reaction - Breaking Free from Dependence on Fossil Fuels

Keynote Speech (2) Breast Cancer Detection with Tears -Ultra high sensitivity with template and antibody

hour Poster & Booth
13:50 Movement Movement Movement
14:00 Session m1
Talking with up-and-coming young people, chemistry in 1, 2, and 3 dimensions
Session Partner: Toyobo Co.
Session a1
Creation of material value through fermentation remodeling - updating fermentation

Session Partner: Euglena Co.
Session b1
Beauty, Health and Science - How far can cosmetic materials advance through biomonitoring?

Session Partner: Daicel Corporation
14:50 Travel & Rest Travel & Rest Travel & Rest
15:10 Session m2
Considering the health of the earth from useful substances produced by algae

Session Partner: DIC Corporation
Session a2
Engineering Cell Manufacturing - Listening to and Programming Cells

Session Partner: Omron Corporation
Session b2
Revitalizing Nature through Technology - A Study of a Demonstration Plan for the Maintenance and Restoration of the Blue Carbon Ecosystem.

Session Partner: Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation
16:00 Travel & Rest Travel & Rest Travel & Rest
16:20 Session m3
Special Program: Knowledge Manufacturing Ignition

Session Partner: Focus Systems, Inc.
Thinking about the future of activities to expand the base of research
Session Partner: Bio Impact Inc.
Session b3
What is the strategy for "bridging" world-class research results to society!

Session Partner: Japan Autophagy Consortium
17:10 Travel & Rest Travel & Rest Travel & Rest
17:30 Closing Ceremony
18:00 Networking session


Opening Ceremony
Pitches by researchers and venture companies in very different fields
Technology Splash."
Technology Splash, named after the meaning of the word "splash," which means "to splash or splash (water, etc.)," is an opportunity for researchers and venture companies to pitch what they want to do and what they are looking for from the participants in a 90-second pitch. The goal is to find passionate researchers and to use their pitches as inspiration for new ideas, while being exposed to the knowledge and enthusiasm of researchers who appear one after another. The aim is then to develop into more in-depth discussions at the poster presentations, leading to the creation of new collaborative research.

"More Information"

order of presentation belong to identity Title/Theme
1 Humanome Research Institute, Inc. Jun Seze Let's make Euglena AI together! - Euglena Recognition AI made with Humanome Eyes
2 Shinshu University Kozo Nakamura Demonstration of effectiveness and potential of individualized nutritional optimal diet (AI diet)


High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

Masashi Otani

Innovative Imaging Technology with a Compact Muon Accelerator


Kyoto University

Yohei Nakanishi

Imaging analysis of polyolefin materials using soft and tender X-rays


Nagoya University

Taichi Iseya

Development of sampling measurement device for PM2.5 using glass fiber


Osaka University Graduate School

Narioka Mirai

Sensing of volatile organic compounds using all-organic porous materials


HiLable, Inc.

Takeshi Mizumoto

Bamiel visualizes the place of communication


Tender Hearts Inc.

Ken Yomogo

Development of candy that stimulates saliva secretion and facilitates swallowing for grandchildren and the elderly.


Fukuyama University

Masanori Koga

Further Development of Embodied Robotics


Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Yu, Kai Lun

Fastest automatic driving to prevent rollover based on the three-dimensional center-of-gravity detection theory

Fastest autonomous driving without causing rollover based on the detection of three-dimensional center of gravity


Teikyo Heisei University

Shoichi Komine

Effects of Acupuncture Current Stimulation on Muscle Pain and Novel Markers of Muscle Injury after Transient Exercise


Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR)

Matsuzuro, Takayuki

Wireless power supply to drones in flight using an air-core beam


Osaka City Miyahara Junior High School

Rei-Wan Matsuo

Research on an inexpensive underwater drone that can accurately measure water depth based on image data


Wakayama Industrial Technology Center

Tomohiro Akagi

Cultivation of aquatic worms as live bait


Jinsuke Nakayama

Revival of the Ehime conger eel brand and research and development of alternative fishmeal


Tokyo Institute of Technology

Toranosuke Horikawa

Desalination Technology and Valuable Resource Recovery Methods Using Liquid Metal Technology


Correspondence course student, Faculty of Science and Technology, Akita University

Genjiro Maeda

Theme 1: Balancing stormwater runoff control in urban areas with maintenance and renewal of park trees.

Theme 2: Meteorological Research at Mt.


Nagoya University Graduate School

Daichi Urano

Construction of islet cell temperature measurement system using nano quantum sensor


University of Hyogo

Masato Suzuki

Development of an electrode device for unlabeled cell evaluation using cell rotation speed as an indicator.


Universal Bio Sampling Co.

Koji Yoshida

Easy and convenient blood and saliva testing for early detection of diseases


University of Shizuoka

Kouhei Yamada

Prediction of Pharmacokinetics of Drugs and Drug Products in Animals and Humans Using In silico Modeling & Simulation


Tokyo Institute of Technology

Shodaro Tagawa

Integration of Different Fields in Origin of Life Research


Seijo University

Shinichi Sakai

Proposal of Brain Map: New Value Creation Based on Layman's Idea and Expert's Execution


Shinshu Daigaku

Eugenio Hernan Otal

MOF-based sensors for water quality assessment: Quantification of Fluoride in drinking water.


Kankyo Daizen Corporation

Yuta Kato

Investigation to elucidate the effect and mechanism of action of liquid organic fertilizers derived from livestock wastes.


Kanazawa University Graduate School

Mika Konuma

Expanding suitable areas for cultivation of the medicinal plant "honeysuckle".


Yuge Merchant Marine Technical College

Kotaro Mori

Educational Use of Portable Power Generation Facilities with Stirling Engine and Rocket Stove


Osaka University

Ryota Akai

Creation of innovative organic semiconductor materials for next-generation devices


Hosen Gakuen Junior High School Co-educational Science and Mathematics Inter

Shunsuke Matsumura

Microbial energy powers smart speakers to listen to music


BIOTA inc.

Kohei Ito

Creating sustainable and healthy spaces designed in symbiosis with microorganisms

  • Poster and booth
Poster Presentation and Booth Exhibit Core Time
Let's generate many new ideas and knowledge from the poster presentations (research presentations) and booth exhibits (business introductions) to further accelerate your research and business.
Keynote Speech 1
The Ultimate Energy Generated by Laser Fusion Reaction - Breaking Free from Dependence on Fossil Fuels
Laser fusion" has been in the limelight since August 2021, when a world record for energy generated was achieved at the world's largest laser fusion research facility, NIF in the U.S. The reaction, in which hydrogen is fused to helium, releases enormous amounts of energy. Fuel pellets are irradiated with a large number of powerful lasers, compressed (imploded) to an ultra-high density by the pressure of plasma generated on the surface, and ignited and burned in a nuclear fusion reaction by the high-temperature plasma formed at the center. Dr. Fujioka of Osaka University's Institute for Laser Science, who is leading this research in Japan, will talk about his own encounters with fusion research and the results of his research to date, as well as the path toward the realization of laser fusion energy.

"More Information"

Mr. Shinsuke Fujioka
Professor, Division of High Energy Density Science, Institute for Laser Science, Osaka University

He received his Ph.D. in Engineering from Osaka University in 2005 and has been a professor at the Institute of Laser Science, Osaka University since 2015. He has been a visiting professor at the National Institute for Fusion Science and a visiting scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA. He specializes in plasma science using power lasers. He received the Young Scientists' Prize of the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (2011) for his research on the development of laser-based semiconductor manufacturing technology and laboratory astronomy, and the Technological Progress Award of the Plasma and Fusion Society (2017) for his success in generating the strongest magnetic field on earth using a laser, and for demonstrating a highly efficient laser fusion method using a strong magnetic field. He was awarded the Edouard Fabre Prize (2019) and the PPCF Dendy Europe-Asia Pacific Award (2021) for the demonstration of a highly efficient laser fusion system based on high magnetic fields. His hobbies are cooking and eating.

Keynote Speech 2
Breast Cancer Detection with Tears -Ultra high sensitivity with template and antibody
The first step in detecting cancer is to know whether cancer cells exist anywhere in the body. Dr. Takeuchi focused on the fact that small particles called "exosomes" are released from breast cancer cells and circulate throughout the body. Using "molecular imprinting," he developed TearExo®, a technology to detect exosomes by creating small fluorescently labeled holes and attaching antibodies specific to breast cancer cells inside them. Compared to existing detection technologies, TearExo® has achieved detection that is approximately several hundred times more sensitive. To implement the results of this research in society, Mr. Takeuchi launched a venture company on April 21, 2022. In this lecture, he will talk about the practical application for breast cancer detection and the future that this technology will open up.

"More Information"

Mr. Toshifumi Takeuchi
Visiting Professor, Industry-Government-Academia Collaboration Division, Kobe University

Born in Hiroshima Prefecture. Completed the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University (Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences). After working as an assistant at Nihon University, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Delaware and the University of Hawaii at Manoa, a visiting associate professor at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo, and a professor at Hiroshima City University, he was appointed to Kobe University in 2001. During this period, he was also a JST PRESTO researcher. He received the Society Award of Chromatography Science Society, the President's Award of Kobe University, the Grand Prize of the 2nd MedTech Grand Prix Kobe, the Nihon Unisys Award, and the Roth Award. Specialties: Creation of functional materials by molecular imprinting, biosensing

Talking with up-and-coming young people, chemistry in 1, 2, and 3 dimensions

Session Partner: Toyobo Co.

The themes selected for the "Toyobo Polymer Science Award, funded by the REVANES Research Fund," which was launched by Toyobo last year, were all fundamental and intriguing: next-generation polymers (1D), clarification of physical properties of two-dimensional molecular structures (2D), and mechanical properties of three-dimensional particulate structures (3D). The company has developed these three dimensions to a higher dimension, from spinning of natural origin to synthetic fiber and film business. The company's unique corporate culture, which skillfully weaves together "fundamental knowledge born from curiosity" and "passion for solving social issues," has supported this development. In this session, Mr. Tokai, who has been a researcher at the company for many years, and three young researchers will discuss and imagine future technologies.

"More Information"

Mr. Masaya Tokai
Industry-Academia Collaboration, Innovation Strategy Department, TOYOBO CO.

In April 1983, he joined Toyobo Co. After returning to Japan in 1997, he was involved in planning and management, optical functional materials business, and new business planning, He has been in his current position since April 2022.

Yuya Oyama he
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Keio University, 1st year of doctoral program

Yuya Dohi he
Assistant Professor, Rheology and Physics Research Group, Department of Materials Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University

Yoshii, Keisuke he
Osaka University, Graduate School of Engineering Science, 3rd Year, Doctoral Course

Mr. Satoshi Ijichi
Ltd. Manufacturing and Development Division / Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Center, Rivanes, Japan

Engaged in synthesis of artificial sweeteners and structure determination of taste receptors at Osaka City University (now Osaka Public University). Master (Engineering). At LIVERNESS, he has been in charge of many food and chemical related projects ranging from educational planning and development connecting researchers and the next generation to regional and international taste analysis surveys. Currently, in the Manufacturing and Development Division, he is promoting collaboration between manufacturing companies and start-ups. He also belongs to the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Center, where he conducts research and development of tastes, flavors and aromas.

  • Room A
Creation of material value through fermentation remodeling - updating fermentation

Session Partner: Euglena Co.

Fermentation technology has brought tremendous benefits to mankind since BC as a technology for producing foodstuffs such as bread and beer. In the modern era, various fermentation technologies have been created, and their applications have expanded beyond food processing to include the production of pharmaceuticals. Now, with the advent of metabolomics, which enables comprehensive and highly accurate analysis of metabolites produced by microorganisms, it has become possible to understand what is produced and under what conditions, and fermentation is about to enter the next phase. In this session, researchers involved in fermentation and analytical technologies, as well as companies involved in production equipment, will be invited to discuss the future of fermentation from various perspectives, including fermentation by algae and fungi, production equipment, and analytical technologies.

"More Information"

Mr. Kengo Suzuki
Executive Officer CTO, Euglena Co.

D. (Agriculture)/Ph.D. (Medicine), was involved in the establishment of Euglena Co., Ltd. in 2005 while a student at the University of Tokyo, where he was one of the co-founders and responsible for research and development up to the present. He is mainly involved in the development of technologies related to the mass cultivation of Euglena, a type of microalgae, and received his PhD (Agriculture) from the University of Tokyo in 2016 and his PhD (Medicine) from Kitasato University in 2019. He is currently a team leader of the Microalgae Production Control Technology Research Team at RIKEN, a Visiting Professor at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology, and a Specially Appointed Professor (Visiting) at Tohoku University Graduate Program for Excellence in Future Medical Care Creation.

Mr. Masahiro Kariyama
Senior Managing Director, Fujiwara Techno-Art Co.

Graduated from the Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University, and joined Honda Motor Co. in 1978, and was engaged in the development of brewing machines and other equipment at Fujiwara Techno-Art from 1985. Engaged in research and development related to the enlargement, automation, and production process of manufacturing equipment and plants for soy sauce, miso, sake, and shochu, which are traditional Japanese foods. He was also engaged in the development of new powder sterilization equipment and solid-state culture systems using filamentous fungi, etc. He was appointed as Director (Development and Technology Division) in 2006, and assumed his current position in 2020.

Mr. Hiroshi Kanzaki 
Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University

D. in Agricultural Chemistry, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University in 1986, Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science in 1986, Research Assistant at Okayama University in 1987, Assistant Professor in 1994, Professor in 2004, and Professor in 2022. He also serves as a professor of the "Microbiology and Industry Chair," an endowed chair established by a donation from Fujiwara Techno-Art Co. He specializes in applied microbiology and natural product organic chemistry, and his main research theme is "research on conversion of low-functional substances to highly functional substances using cells and enzymes. Recently, he established the "Consortium for Research on Solid-State Culture of Aspergillus oryzae" and is promoting industry-academia-government collaboration activities.

Mr. Eiichiro Fukuzaki
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Director, Industrial Biotechnology Initiative Research Division, Organization for Leading Interdisciplinary Research, Osaka University

Graduated from the Department of Fermentation Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University (1983), and completed the graduate course at the same university (1985). After working for Nitto Denko Corporation for 10 years, he became an associate professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University in 1995, and assumed his current position in 2007. His research interests include the development and application of metabolome analysis technology. Especially, he focuses on food products and microorganisms. He is promoting the "Innovative Center for Co-creation of Low Food Loss" as a project leader under the JST Co-creation Support Program. He believes that "Engineering is a service science that responds to social needs with technology. His academic affiliations include the Japanese Society for Biotechnology, the Japanese Society for Bioscience and Biotechnology, the Japanese Society for Agricultural Chemistry, and the International Society for Metabolomics. He is currently working on the 100th anniversary project of the Japan Society for Biological Engineering (2022) as the president of the society.

  • Room B
Beauty, Health and Science - How far can cosmetic materials advance through biomonitoring?

Session Partner: Daicel Corporation

The standard of beauty shifts with the transition of values considered important at the time, such as wealth, power, and vitality. As values become more diverse, the sense of beauty and the values demanded of the cosmetics that support it are also becoming more diverse. In addition to the conventional pursuit of "beauty of form" such as whitening and smoothness of skin, health benefits and environmental compatibility of materials have also become important factors. In this context, what should the development of cosmetic materials aim for? In this session, we will consider how people perceive beauty and how the surrounding objects and environment affect the body from the viewpoints of brain science, medical methods, and psychology. From there, we will discuss how cosmetic materials that support human beauty and health should be developed in the future.

"More Information"

Mr. Tomohiro Ishizu
Professor of Psychology, Faculty of Letters, Kansai University

He was a researcher at the Department of Psychology, University of Vienna, a senior researcher at University College London, and a specially-appointed associate professor at the Open Innovation Organization of Kyoto University before assuming his current position. He specializes in neuroaesthetics, which uses cognitive neuroscience to study the relationship between artistic activities and cognitive processes, and between aesthetic sensitivity and brain functions. He is also involved in activities to apply basic research in sensitivity science to solving real-world problems (e.g., improving the wellbeing of elderly care facilities through art and sensitivity).

Ms. Masako Ohira
Professor, Faculty of Education, Shiga University / Director, eveCare Co.

Completed the doctoral course at Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine in 2011. In the same year, he became a researcher at Nagaoka University of Technology's Center for the Development of Top Runners in the Fusion of Industry, Academia, and Government. In 2015, he became an associate professor at the Faculty of Education, Shiga University, and in 2021, he will become a professor at the Faculty of Education, Shiga University. Since his graduate school days, he has been engaged in research on stress evaluation using hormones in saliva. In recent years, he has been engaged in research and development of methodologies for stress assessment without using saliva, such as psychological stress assessment using biochemicals derived from body tissue fluid, nails, and hair. D. in Medicine.

Mr. Tomohiko Sato
Business Strategy Group, Business Promotion Office, Healthcare SBU, Daicel Corporation

Graduated from Nagoya Institute of Technology in 2009 with a degree in Materials Science and Engineering. After working as an engineer at a cosmetics manufacturer, he was engaged in overall cosmetics planning for a healthcare SBU at Daicel Corporation. While working for a cosmetics manufacturer, he was mainly in charge of product design of powder formulations, and also developed raw materials contained in the formulations. Based on this experience, he is currently involved in the planning and development of raw material products for cosmetics by combining the perspective of cosmetic formulation with Daicel's chemical technology.

Joe Inoue
CKO, President and Representative Director, Liverness, Inc.

D., Pharmacist, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, founded REVANES in 2002 with only undergraduate and graduate students of science and technology while in graduate school. After completing the doctoral process, he worked as Assistant Professor and Lecturer at the Faculty of Science, Kitasato University, Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, and Specially Appointed Associate Professor at Keio University, before assuming and concurrently serving as Professor of Advanced Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University and Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Keio University from 2018. While conducting research and development, he has been involved in launching joint research projects with universities and research institutions and supporting the establishment of research institutes. He has also been involved in the launch of many venture companies and serves as an advisor.

Considering the health of the earth from useful substances produced by algae

Session Partner: DIC Corporation

Algae is a general term for organisms that perform photosynthesis, excluding angiosperms, gymnosperms, ferns, and mosses. Currently, there are approximately 40,000 known species alone, and if undescribed species are included, there are said to be between 300,000 and 10 million species. In recent years, the useful substances contained in microalgae such as spirulina, chlorella, and euglena have been attracting attention, and their potential has been widely explored in medical and biotechnological applications including functional materials, agricultural and environmental technologies such as feed and environmental purification, biomass resources, and biofuels. In this session, we will invite leading experts in microalgae research to discuss the production of useful substances by algae and their potential applications.

"More Information"

Mr. Masahisa Hasunuma
Professor, Director, Center for Advanced Biotechnology Research, Kobe University

He is a leading young researcher in the field of metabolic engineering. He has been a research leader of national projects such as JST PRESTO, NEDO Biomass Energy Technology Development Project, and JST Future Society Creation Project, and has been a research leader of the NEDO Smart Cell Project since 2016. Since 2016, he has been leading the bio-monozukuri field as the R&D leader of the NEDO Smart Cell Project, and has also conducted numerous joint research projects with companies. He developed the first biofoundry in Japan and was involved in the founding of Bacchus BioInnovation Inc.

Mr. Takashi Osanai
Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Meiji University

D. in Agricultural Sciences from the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Tokyo in 2007, a JSPS Research Fellowship in the same year, a RIKEN Basic Science Fellowship in 2010, and a JST PRESTO Full-time Researcher in 2011, before becoming a full-time lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture, Meiji University in 2015. 2018-present: JST-ALCA research project. Representative; founded Cyanology, Inc. in June 2022, and President; 2018 United Sunda Kai Academic Encouragement Award; adopted by Kawasaki Deep Tech Accelerator in 2021; 2021 Agri-Tech Grand Prix Real Tech Fund Award, among others.

Mr. Yota Takakura
Representative Director and CEO, Inoka Co.

Born in 1994. Graduated from the University of Tokyo's Faculty of Engineering, and conducted research in the Junichi Rekimoto Laboratory of the Graduate School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo, where he conducted research on supporting practice of musical instruments using machine learning. While in school, he founded a hardware development company and established Inoka Inc. in April 2019, and became a director of the Roth Foundation for Children's Mirai in October 2021. In the same year, he was selected for Forbes JAPAN "30 UNDER 30".

Mr. Daisuke Tagawa
Group Manager, Healthcare Planning and Development Group, DIC Corporation

After working for a major chemical manufacturer and a healthcare manufacturer, he is currently struggling to launch a new business within a major company at DIC Corporation. His background is in polymer science. After conducting structural control research on hydrophilic resins and urethane resins at a major chemical manufacturer, he developed a number of functional chemical products. He was the youngest person at the time to receive the Best Invention of the Year Award. At a healthcare manufacturer, he planned a wide range of new businesses for pharmaceutical, food, and industrial applications using the food-use capsule technology that was his base technology. In particular, he created solutions by combining technologies from different fields, such as polymer materials x microorganisms and food materials x pheromones. Involved in business management of existing businesses while launching new businesses.

Yukihiro Maru
Group CEO and Representative Director, Liverness, Inc.

In 2002, while a graduate student at the University of Tokyo, he founded LIVERNESS with only undergraduate and graduate students in science and engineering. He developed Japan's first "delivery laboratory class" into a business. He operates a "knowledge manufacturing business" that creates new knowledge by combining assets that lie dormant in universities and local communities, and as the instigator of one of Asia's largest venture ecosystems, he works to solve global-scale social issues by discovering deep tech from around the world. He is also an innovator who has been involved in the launch of numerous deep tech ventures, and from February 2020 will serve as Representative Director of Real Tech Holdings Corporation, which invests in R&D-based innovative technologies that contribute to solving global and human issues, and from January 2022 will serve as CRO of Euglena Co. Ltd. from January 2022.

  • Room A
Engineering Cell Manufacturing - Listening to and Programming Cells

Session Partner: Omron Corporation
powered by Knowledge Foundation Research Center

Cell culture control is unavoidable in situations where cells are increased and used, such as in the manufacture of cellular pharmaceuticals or when cells are used in screening of drug candidates. In order to culture a heterogeneous cell population so that it fits within a fixed standard, it is important to know the state of the cell population and reflect this in the culture conditions. What kind of collaboration among different fields will be important in order to program the culture conditions based on the sensing of cell messages such as cell morphology and metabolites produced by the cells, and to build an optimal system as a whole, rather than each of the cells in isolation? In this session, venture companies and researchers will be invited to discuss the future of cell measurement and culture automation.

"More Information"

Mr. Yosuke Ozawa
Co-Founder and CEO, Epistra Corporation

He studied bioinformatics at Keio University and worked as a researcher at IBM Research. He then went to England and single-handedly wrote the core system and 9 fundamental patents for the start-up company Ecrebo, which rapidly grew to a market capitalization of over 10 billion yen. After returning to Japan, he led the development of an information system for the experimental robot "Mahoro" at RBI Corporation, an AIST technology transfer venture, and then founded Epistra. In collaboration with RIKEN, he built an AI for trial-and-error of cell recipes for regenerative medicine (published in eLife magazine). He has published original papers in the fields of mathematical optimization, databases, and computational biology.

Mr. Satoshi Kanie
Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Kinki University

D. in engineering from Nagoya University in 2006, and completed his graduate studies at the Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University in 2011. D. (Engineering) from the Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University in 2011. He was a specially-appointed researcher at the Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University (2011-2012) and an assistant professor at the Graduate School of Drug Discovery Science, Nagoya University (2012-2022) before assuming his current position from April 2022. His academic affiliations include the Japanese Society for Biotechnology, the Japanese Society for Chemical Engineering, the Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine, the Japanese Society for Biomaterials, the Japanese Society for Animal Cell Technology, and the Laboratory Automation Research Society. He has been conducting research on cell culture measurement for automation of animal cell culture and biomaterials development using peptides. Currently, he is running his laboratory independently and struggling daily! He realizes the need for manpower (robotics and automation).

Mr. Atsuhiko Negishi
Chief, Industry Marketing Department, Planning Office, Industrial Automation Business Company, OMRON Corporation

Joined OMRON in 2010. As an engineer, he was engaged in the development of temperature control controllers for industrial use and the development of design technology that can withstand adverse environments. After that, he was in charge of planning manufacturing solutions for industries such as image sensors, the automotive industry, the electronics industry, and the food manufacturing industry, and is currently taking on the challenge of launching a new business for the medical field from April 2021!

Hiroyuki Takahashi
Executive Officer, LIVERNESS Co.

D. from Yokohama City University in 2009. D. in Science, focusing on creating new research projects between industry and young researchers, including the launch of the "Liberace Research Fund" for young researchers under the age of 40. He has been leading the "Association of Hyperdifferent Fields" for many years since its inception, and has also been involved in the creation of places to generate research, such as the establishment of life science laboratories.

  • Room B
Revitalizing Nature through Technology - A Study of a Demonstration Plan for the Maintenance and Restoration of the Blue Carbon Ecosystem.

Session Partner: NTT West

In order to prevent irreversible climate change caused by human activities, we must achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Among the measures to achieve this goal, carbon fixation through the activities of aquatic organisms, or "blue carbon," is considered to have particularly high potential. In order to sustainably absorb carbon through the use of marine resources, it is necessary to develop effective methods for maintaining and restoring marine ecosystems, and to make the promotion of such methods a viable business. On the other hand, the interactions between the environment and organisms within an ecosystem are complex, and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions is not easy. Our session partner, NTT West, is working with researchers and venture companies that are tackling these issues to develop and commercialize new solutions by leveraging the power of ICT. Based on the knowledge shared in this session, we will work together with the audience to develop ideas for demonstrating solutions.

"More Information"

Mr. Masataka Kusunobu
Associate Professor, Department of Bio-Applied Chemistry, Wakayama National College of Technology

Since childhood, I have been drawn to the fascination of the deep sea. My direct exposure to the deep sea came with the discovery of a new species of Colwellia marinimaniae MTCD1 strain isolated from deep-sea leafhoppers in the Mariana Trench. This bacterium is still registered as an absolute pressure-loving bacterium with the highest optimum pressure. Recently, we have been developing biosement for use in eelgrass bed conservation to protect the marine environment. Bio-cement is an extremely environmentally friendly material that solidifies sea sand with marine microorganisms, and has the feature that even if eelgrass is wiped out in the future, no artificial materials will remain on the seafloor. Japan is a country surrounded by the sea, and we are working daily to maintain an environment where people can enjoy a rich life by making the most effective use of this environment.

Mr. Takashi Nakanishi
Visiting Professor, Research Center for Environment and Disaster Prevention, The University of Tokushima

Born in Osaka in 1958. D. in Engineering from Kagoshima University, Doctor of Engineering from the Graduate School of Tokushima University, Professional Engineer (Construction) and Diving Specialist, specializing in "Environmental Restoration of Coastal Areas". After working for a construction company and as an environmental consultant, he is currently a visiting professor at the Environmental Disaster Prevention Center, University of Tokushima, a lecturer (part-time) at the Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki University, and an environmental advisor for JF Hyogo Fisheries Federation. He was involved in the development and practical application of amino acid concrete in an industry-academia joint project by the University of Tokushima, Ajinomoto Corporation, and Nikken Kogaku Co. He is also supporting the development of several other marine environmental restoration technologies for practical application and commercialization.

Mr. Hiroshi Kajiyama
President and Representative Director, Agriblue Corporation

After working at Hitachi, Ltd., the Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo, and the Graduate School of Hiroshima University, he joined the Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokushima Bunri University in 2012. Doctor of Science. Specializes in surface physics and photophysics. Realizing that weak light, about one-millionth of sunlight, greatly promotes plant growth and secondary metabolism, he started research on next-generation cultivation technology for leafy greens, fruit trees, seaweed, and microalgae. Aiming for social implementation of this technology, he established Agri Blue Inc. in 2020, and is promoting its application to horticulture facilities, plant factories, agricultural power generation, and marine resource recovery.

Mr. Sho Nakaeima
Educational Development Division, LIVERNESS Co. 

D., University of the Ryukyus, 2016. D. in Science. While in school, he engaged in research on light stress response focusing on fluorescent proteins in reef-building corals. After receiving his degree, he launched a nature tour business for tourists with his friends, and joined RIVANES Corporation in 2017. In addition to planning and managing "Science Castle," a conference for junior high and high school students, he is involved in supporting research by young researchers and junior high and high school students in the Marine Challenge Program, a next-generation development project specializing in the marine field, with the aim of realizing a society in which people and nature coexist in harmony, together with companies, universities, and the next generation, who will play a central role in society in the future.

Special Program: Knowledge Manufacturing Ignition

Session Partner: Focus Systems, Inc.

Focus Systems has been creating projects in collaboration with researchers and start-ups, mainly in the fields of agriculture and education, by leveraging its strength cultivated in the IT business that supports social infrastructure. In this project, we hope to work together with the participants to create a place where we can cross-fertilize each other's expertise and create completely new research themes.

In this project, teams consisting of two or more researchers, venture companies, etc., who collided their knowledge and generated collaborative hypotheses within the convention on the day of the event are invited to make a short presentation on the research theme proposal that was generated after a simple entry on the day of the event. The "Focus Systems Award for the Osaka Congress of the Association for Transdisciplinary Research in Science and Technology" will be selected from among the presenters. The winning team will also receive a supplementary prize of 100,000 yen as a reserve fund for deepening collaborative hypotheses.

Let us create "collision points" of knowledge, as stated in the conference theme, and deepen our discussions to create the future together. I look forward to seeing you all.

"More Information"


Mr. Yuji Matsuzaka
IT Innovation Business Division and Business Creation Office, Focus Systems, Inc.

Shuichiro Takahashi
Representative Director, President and COO, Liverness, Inc.

Flow of the day

*The flow is in preparation. Changes may be made on the day of the event.

10:00-11:00 Technology Splash Listen to pitches from participating researchers and ventures and find a partner with whom you would like to have a discussion.
11:00-11:50 Poster Session The collaboration hypothesis will be examined through discussion.
12:00-12:50 Lunch break
14:00 Application Deadline Entries will be made by the deadline with the collaboration hypotheses considered.
14:50 Presenters and
Announcement of order of presentation
We will announce who will present in the project and the order in which they will present. Those selected will be asked to prepare a presentation (in principle, without slides).
16:20-17:10 Special Program:Knowledge Manufacturing Ignition Short presentations will be made within the project, and the adopted applicants will be announced.


Focus Systems Award, Society of Hyperdifferential Studies, Osaka 2022

Number of adopted cases: approx. 3
Extra prize: 100,000 yen

  • Room A
Thinking about the future of activities to expand the base of research

Session Partner: Bio Impact Inc.

The development of science and technology has fueled the technological and cultural progress of humankind, much of which originated from personal intellectual curiosity. The knowledge generated through personal activities has been enriched by being shared through conversations, manuscripts, and academic conferences, and has become the foundation of today's civilization by being recognized as an achievement that could change the world. Since the advent of the Internet, the amount of such academic information distributed has increased dramatically. In recent years, in particular, there has been a growing movement to promote open science, in which research data, related materials, and papers of results are immediately shared around the world to promote the composition of the next phase of research. With such an environment in place that facilitates access to research-related information, how is the scope of this environment expanding and what possibilities are emerging? We welcome as speakers those who are exploring the possibilities of activities in relation to citizens and the next generation, and together with the audience, we will think about the future of this field.

"More Information"

Mr. Junichi Sugihara
Representative Director, Bio Impact Inc.

The company operates one of Japan's largest databases of research topics and researchers, "Japan-Research.com," which combines information on funding for scientific research from various ministries and research institutions with information on researchers and press releases. The company also provides sales support services for research reagent and equipment companies, as well as industry-academia collaboration matching and KOL search services for pharmaceutical companies, etc., utilizing its proprietary analysis algorithms for research fields, etc., built using machine learning and natural language processing.

Mr. Eri Ono
Assistant Professor, IT Planning Office, Information Environment Organization, Kyoto University

In 2010, he joined the University of Tokyo's Graduate School of Science, where he worked on the design of websites, logos, etc. while conducting primate research. In 2018, she joined Kyoto University's Information Environment Organization, where she has been involved in the renewal of the university's website and the establishment of a system to ensure its continued operation. He is interested in open science, and conducts research and activities on Citizen Science, especially involving the general public in research. Doctor of Science.

Daigo Fujita
Representative Director, Manufacturing and Development Division, Liverness Corporation / NEST EdLAB, Inc.

M.S., Tokyo Institute of Technology, Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology. Specialized in protein engineering. He has loved science and nature since he was a child, and has tried his hand at Boy Scouts, amateur radio, and electronic construction. Upon entering university, he was involved in setting up volunteer activities at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan) and founded the Tokyo Tech Science Techno, a science event circle. After joining RIVANES, he has been involved in the development of educational programs for nearly 100 companies, including the "Space Education Project" utilizing the International Space Station and the "Robotics Lab," a robotics class for elementary school students. He also founded NEST EdLAB, Inc. to accelerate this business.

Junichiro Ishio
General Manager, Kansai Development Business Division, Liverness Co.

D. in International Development Engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology. D. in Engineering. From engineering to physiological psychology, he does not hesitate to dive into any field that interests him. As a student, he conducted manufacturing projects both inside and outside of Japan. During his doctoral years, he conducted research on measuring human emotions using wearable terminals. In his hometown of Kagawa Prefecture, he established the Kagawa Tech Planter and the Society of Transdisciplinary Studies, and is currently struggling to create a project that will change the world from the local community.

  • Room B
What is the strategy for "bridging" world-class research results to society!

Session Partner: Japan Autophagy Consortium

The more impactful a research result is, the more likely it is that only its keywords and convenient aspects will be taken up and carried by itself. While it is good to be known to the general public, a wrong understanding can lead to the destruction of new markets that were supposed to be opened up by the newly gained scientific knowledge. Furthermore, it may even damage the original social value of the research results. What can we do to ensure that the benefits of valuable research results are properly disseminated to society and returned to industry? I would like to discuss the social return of research results in Nobel Prize-winning Japan, including two examples and the formation of a culture for social acceptance. In this issue, we will focus on two research topics, autophagy and immune checkpoint inhibition, in the context of the health industry and pharmaceutical applications.

"More Information"

Ms. Miwako Ishido
President and Representative Director, AutoPhagyGO, Inc.

Graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science, and Kyoto University. Doctor of Science. After working as a post-doctoral fellow at The Scripps Research Institute and as a senior researcher at R & R Corporation, he worked in marketing and medical affairs at foreign pharmaceutical companies Janssen Pharma K.K. and AbbVie LLC From 2019, he will also serve as a director of AutoPhagyGO Inc. Since June 2020, he has been dedicated to the position of President and Representative Director of AutoPhagyGO, Inc.

Mr. Kenji Chamoto
Department of Immunogenomic Medicine, Cancer Center for Immunology and Immunology (CCII), Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Japan.

D. in Medicine from Hokkaido University. D. in Medicine from Hokkaido University, Assistant Professor at the Institute for Gene Disease Control, Postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Medical School and the Ontario Cancer Institute, Assistant Professor and Lecturer at the Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, and Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University. He received the 100th American Cancer Society Highly Rated Paper Award, the 13th Japanese Association for Cancer Immunology Young Investigator Award, the 36th Molecular Biology Society of Japan Travel Award, the American Immunological Association AAI Trainee Abstract Award, the 43rd Japanese Association for Immunology UHN ORT Conference Travel Award, the 76th Japanese Cancer Association Encouragement Award, the 9th Kiyoko Goto and Paul Burdari Science Award, and the Special Award. His research interests include tumor immunity, immunometabolism, and autoimmunity.

Mr. Masaru Kado
Representative Director and CEO, Filament Co.

Born in 1972, Mr. Kuroda has been working as a new business creation specialist since 2015, mainly at large companies, providing comprehensive support from finding the right people for business development and generating business ideas to commercializing them. He has established a unique method to improve the success rate of business by injecting necessary information and introducing key personnel at the right time, increasing the value of the business idea and the motivation of the person in charge, using the wide range of knowledge and personal connections across various industries that he has cultivated since his previous job (as a public servant). He has established a unique method to increase the value of business proposals and the motivation of the people in charge, thereby improving the success rate of business projects.

Joe Inoue
CKO, President and Representative Director, Liverness, Inc.

D., Pharmacist, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, founded REVANES in 2002 with only undergraduate and graduate students of science and technology while in graduate school. After completing the doctoral process, he worked as Assistant Professor and Lecturer at the Faculty of Science, Kitasato University, Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, and Specially Appointed Associate Professor at Keio University, before assuming and concurrently serving as Professor of Advanced Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University and Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Keio University from 2018. While conducting research and development, he has been involved in launching joint research projects with universities and research institutions and supporting the establishment of research institutes. He has also been involved in the launch of many venture companies and serves as an advisor.

  • Omron Corporation

  • Daicel Corporation

  • DIC Corporation

  • Toyobo Co.

  • Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation

  • Autophagy Consortium of Japan, Inc.

  • Bio Impact Inc.

  • Focus Systems Co.

  • Euglena Co.
