News in 2022

2022.07.22 Kochi Forum 2022] Key note speeches are scheduled! Extreme environmental microorganisms open up the possibility of greening the manufacturing industry -Guardian area for a circular economy
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2022.07.08 Osaka Convention] Focus Systems, Inc. joins as a partner
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【2022年9月3日開催決定】超異分野学会 益田フォーラム2022を実施いたします
2022.06.08 The Masuda Forum 2022 will be held on September 3, 2022.
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
2022.06.08 Osaka Convention】TOYOBO CO., LTD. and BIO IMPACT CO.
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【2022年8月20日開催決定】超異分野学会 山形フォーラム2022を実施いたします
2022.06.06 The Japan Society for Transdisciplinary Research Yamagata Forum 2022 will be held on August 20, 2022.
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
【大阪大会】基調講演決定!神戸大学 産官学連携本部 客員教授 竹内 俊文 氏「涙で乳がん検知 ―鋳型と抗体で超高感度を実現―」
2022.05.26 Osaka Convention] Keynote Speech! Dr. Toshifumi Takeuchi, Visiting Professor, Industry-Government-Academia Collaboration Division, Kobe University "Breast Cancer Detection with Tears - Realization of Ultra High Sensitivity with Template and Antibody
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
【大阪大会】基調講演決定!大阪大学レーザー科学研究所 教授 藤岡 慎介 氏「レーザー核融合反応で生み出す究極のエネルギー ―化石燃料依存からの脱却―」
2022.05.26 Osaka Convention】Keynote Speech! Prof. Shinsuke Fujioka, Institute of Laser Science, Osaka University "Ultimate Energy Generated by Laser Fusion Reaction - Breaking away from dependence on fossil fuels
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【東京大会】研究所革命 – 突破する個、越境する組織 –/2022年3月4日
2022.02.22 Tokyo Conference] Institute Revolution - Breaking Through Individuals, Crossing Borders Organization / March 4, 2022
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
2022.02.22 Panel Discussion: Human Hands, God's Hands, and Machine Hands - To What Extent Can Life Science Experiments Be Automated / March 4-5, 2022
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
2022.02.22 Tokyo Conference] Panel Discussion: The Fundamental Power of "Monozukuri" to Realize Livestock IoT / March 4-5, 2022
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields