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Call for Participants [Osaka Conference of the Association of Hyperdifferent Fields] Discussions in Hyperdifferent Fields: What We Should Create in 2025 / April 24, 2021, 15:30~@Osaka City

Call for Participants [Osaka Conference of the Association of Hyperdifferent Fields] Discussing in Hyperdifferent Fields, What We Should Create in 2025 / April 24, 2021, from 15:30 @ Osaka City.
panel discussion
Discuss in a very different field.
What we should create in 2025

A panel discussion titled "Discussing in the super-different fields, what we should create in 2025" (session partner: Daikin Industries, Ltd.) will be held within the Osaka Conference 2021 (Saturday, April 24, 2021), organized by RIVERNESS.

It is becoming increasingly important for various entities, including large corporations, small and medium-sized enterprises, venture companies, researchers, and junior and senior high school students, to collaborate and work together to solve common human challenges. Since the establishment of the Technology Innovation Center in 2015, Daikin Industries, Ltd. has been focusing on "co-creation innovation" to create new value by incorporating external technologies and knowledge. In this session, we will discuss what kind of future can be created by Daikin and what each of us can do now, focusing on the environment, energy, and healthcare fields.

We will have a program of discussions among researchers, start-ups, and large companies from a variety of perspectives, not limited to the themes of this session.
We are now accepting applications for auditing, so please join us.
The information is available on the convention website (see below).

Discussions in the hyper-disciplinarity field: What we should create in the year 2025

Date: Saturday, April 24, 2021, 15:30-16:30
Location:Maruzen Intec Arena Osaka (3-1-40 Tanaka, Minato-ku, Osaka, 552-0005, Japan (in Hachimanya Park)



Deputy Director, Technology Innovation Center and General Manager, CVC Office
Taro Mitani

Graduated from Kyoto University, Faculty of Agriculture in 2011, and joined Daikin Industries, Ltd. After joining the company, he was involved in management accounting operations and PMI of Goodman, a major U.S. residential air conditioning company acquired in 2012, etc. In 2015, he stayed outside the company and experienced investment banking operations. After returning to Japan, he was appointed Deputy Director of the Technology Innovation Center, a global center for open innovation, in 2017, responsible for promoting corporate venturing, including M&A and investments, etc. From 2019, he will also serve as General Manager of the CVC Office.


Kihata Keiki Seisakusho Co.
Iwao Kobata
Born in Osaka in 1968. After graduating from university, he worked as a sales representative for SMC Corporation, a pneumatic equipment manufacturer, before joining the family business, Kibata Keiki Seisakusho, in 1992. In addition to manufacturing mechanical pressure gauges, which has been his main product for more than 100 years, he established Garage Taisho in 2018 as a base for taking on the challenge of new development through industry-academia collaboration, including the development of medical equipment and IoT for existing gauges, and is actively involved in projects to revitalize local manufacturing companies. The company is also actively involved in projects to revitalize local manufacturing companies.


College of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
associate professor
Shima Okada
D. in Health Science, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine. He has been conducting research on the application of robotics technology to the medical and welfare fields, including research on technology to monitor the health and safety of various people, from babies to the elderly, and not only healthy people but also people with disabilities and illnesses, using non-contact, non-constraining sensing methods.


Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
Representative Director, President and COO
Shuichiro Takahashi
D. (Life Sciences), Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo. Specialized in plant pathology. He has participated in RIVANESS since its establishment, and while continuing his research activities at the university after obtaining his doctorate, he established the RIVANESS research institute and built the foundation of the R&D business. He devised the business model of "Liberace Research Grant," a unique research grant, and "L-RAD," a database of unutilized research ideas, and has initiated many projects involving industry, academia, and education. Member of the Graduate School Subcommittee of the University Sectional Committee of the Central Council for Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, etc.


Mr. Naoki Sonoda, Kori Nouvelle Gakuin High School
Presentation Topic: Surplus Power Savings Method with Hydrogen Conversion

Mr. Yoshinaga Kawamura, Wakayama National College of Technology
Presentation Topic: Degradation of Marine Plastics and Drift Duration of Plastic Trash

Professor Masato Ueda, Kansai University
Presentation Theme: Coral propagation using regenerative medicine technology
