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Call for Participation [Conference on Super-Different Fields] Co-evolution of Form and Function - What We Can Learn from Form / March 6, 2021, 17:00~ @ Ota-ku, Tokyo
2021.03.04![Recruitment of Participants [Conference on Transdisciplinary Research] Co-evolution of Form and Function - What we can learn from Form / March 6, 2021, 17:00-@Ota-ku.](https://hic.lne.st/wp-content/uploads/sites/37/2021/03/19887e5a2618eeae1cd94f79c592b86d-1024x683.jpg)
RIVANES will host a panel discussion, "The Co-Evolution of Form and Function: What Can We Learn from Form?
Animals have acquired bodies capable of complex movements during the process of evolution. The fusion of a skeleton made of sturdy bone parts and soft tissues such as muscles and skin has produced a variety of functions such as grasping, walking, running, and flying. Understanding the relationship between form and function, which has been constantly updated over the long history of evolution, will promote the evolution of robots and other machines that move in our daily lives. In this session, we will bring together researchers in soft materials, robotics, and anatomy to discuss the relationship between the skeleton and bodily functions, and to consider how we can incorporate the functionality of form.
We will have a program of discussions among researchers, start-ups, and large companies from a variety of perspectives, not limited to the themes of this session.
We are now accepting applications for audience participation. Please visit the conference website (see below).
*The event will be held after taking measures against new coronavirus infection on the day of the event.For more information
Co-evolution of form and function - What can we learn from form?
Date: Saturday, March 6, 2021, 17:00-18:00
Location: Congress Square Haneda (Haneda Innovation City Zone J, 1-1-4 Haneda Airport, Ota-ku, Tokyo)
Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University
Professor, Graduate School of Agricultural Science
Hidemitsu Furukawa
He is the head of the Soft and Wet Matter Engineering Laboratory (SWEL) at Yamagata University. after moving to Yamagata University in 2009, he started developing a 3D gel printer, which became the focus of attention when the 3D printer boom came. in April 2018, he established the Yawaraka 3D Co-Creation Consortium, and became its chairman, He also focuses on social implementation of the technology. His research on enhancing 3D digital fabrication of polymer gel, utilizing 3D printers in education, and social implementation of cutting-edge technology has taken the creation of new value from local to global.
Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Professor, Graduate School of Agricultural Science
Koh Hosoda
While teaching control theory, robotics and systematic thinking, I am also researching physicality and soft robotics, i.e., what relationship exists between an organism's soft body and its ability to behave in an intelligent manner.
We believe that in order to understand the intelligent behavior of living organisms, it is important not only to process their information, but also to mimic their physical form, bio-mimicry and bio-norms, and our goal is to realize bio-intelligence in robots.
System Information Systems, University of Tsukuba
Megu Gunji
In March 2017, he received his PhD (Agricultural Science) from the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Tokyo. After working at the National Museum of Nature and Science as a JSPS Research Fellow PD from April of the same year, he has been in his current position since April 2020. He specializes in anatomy and morphology. He received the 7th JSPS Ikushi Prize. He is the author of "Giraffe Anatomy" (Natsumesha).
Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
Executive Officer
Hiroyuki Takahashi
D. from Yokohama City University in 2009. D. in Science, focusing on creating new research projects between industry and young researchers, including the launch of the "Liberace Research Fund" for young researchers under the age of 40. In addition, he continues to organize the "Super Interdisciplinary Society," a place to generate new knowledge and seeds for research and development by combining individual knowledge, technology, and passion for problem solving without being bound by the framework of academia.