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Call for Participants [Conference on Transdisciplinary Research] Creating Regional Futures with Researchers in Transdisciplinary Research / March 6, 2021, 10:00a.m.-@Ota-ku, Tokyo
2021.03.04![Recruitment of Participants [Conference on Transdisciplinary Research] Creating Regional Futures with Researchers from Transdisciplinary Fields / March 6, 2021, 10:00~ @ Ota-ku.](https://hic.lne.st/wp-content/uploads/sites/37/2021/03/348d7b3833aa9d90b3b976933b0973f3-1024x683.jpg)
A panel discussion, "Creating the Future of the Region Together with Researchers in Ultra-Different Fields" (session partner: Hitachi, Ltd.), will be held during the 10th Annual Conference of the Association of Ultra-Different Fields, March 5-6, 2021 (Friday and Saturday), hosted by LIVERNESS.
In response to global issues such as food shortages, natural disasters, and the spread of infectious diseases, various new businesses and services are being created along with technological advances in the fields of agriculture, information, and the environment. In Japan, too, there has been a structural shift from the concentration of business in Tokyo to regional decentralization, and the creation of venture companies originating from local regions has become more active. At the same time, it will become an important perspective to welcome technology from both Japan and overseas to address regional issues, not only from a platform closed to the region. We will discuss the roles of researchers, local governments, venture companies, and large corporations in creating new industries in the region, what kind of platform will be needed, and what we can do to help.
We will have a program of discussions among researchers, start-ups, and large companies from a variety of perspectives, not limited to the themes of this session.
We are now accepting applications for audience participation. Please visit the conference website (see below).
*The event will be held after taking measures against new coronavirus infection on the day of the event.For more information
Creating the Future of the Region with Researchers from Very Different Fields
Date: Saturday, March 6, 2021, 10:00-11:00
Location: Congress Square Haneda (Haneda Innovation City Zone J, 1-1-4 Haneda Airport, Ota-ku, Tokyo)
Hitachi, Ltd.
Chief Engineer, Research and Development Group
Shinji Yamada
Joined Hitachi, Ltd. in 1998. Engaged in materials-related R&D at Hitachi Research Laboratory, where he managed R&D in quantum technology, regenerative medicine, etc. as Director of Basic Research Center since 2015. 2016, he opened four joint research centers in Japan, including Hokkaido University, to promote open innovation. Currently, he is the chief engineer of Hitachi and the general area coordinator of METI's "Challenge Field Hokkaido".
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Director, Office of Industry-Academia Collaboration
Mr. Daisuke Saiga
D. in 2002 from the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Tokyo, and joined the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in the same year. After working for the Food Agency, the Production Bureau, the Environmental Policy Division of the Minister's Secretariat, and the Embassy of Japan in Italy, he has been in his current position. He is in charge of the secretariat of the "Place for Accumulation and Utilization of 'Knowledge'", a mechanism for open innovation in the agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and food sectors in which approximately 3,700 private companies and research institutes participate, and is in charge of supporting industry-academia-government collaboration research and start-ups to solve on-site issues.
Minamisoma City
Director (Corporate Support), Economic Affairs Dept.
Kenichi Sasano
He completed the Graduate School of Public Policy at Hitotsubashi University. After joining the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), he was in charge of industrial policy, energy policy, nuclear disaster response, etc. From May 2019, he was transferred to Minamisoma City, Fukushima Prefecture, where he is in charge of robotics policy and attracting companies. He has been working on policy development for the clustering of robotics-related startups and other companies to create new industries in line with the national government's Fukushima Innovation Coast Initiative.
Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
General Manager, Research and Development Division
Yoshifumi Kawana
D. in Environmental Studies from the Graduate School of Environment and Information Studies, Yokohama National University. lecturer at Yokohama National University VBL since 2008, representative of LD Factory, Inc. and director of Mylops, Inc. director of Rivanes Regional Development Division since November 2014 and of Agronome Research Institute, Inc. since 2017. and is currently the General Manager of the Research and Development Division of Rivanes, Inc. He is involved in launching new businesses related to agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, including plant factory business, food and beverage business, and agri-tech venture support.