
Mr. Satoshi Washiya
Autonomous Control Systems Laboratories, Inc. (ACSL) , Director, Chief Executive Officer/COO
Joined ACSL in July 2016. In the past, the Japanese and Swedish branches of the McKinsey & Company and he was engaged in management reform projects for Japanese and European companies. He completed his master's course in Waseda University.

Tomohiro Fukuzawa
SkyDrive Corporation, Representative Director, and Voluntary Organization CARTIVATOR, Community Representative,
After graduation from the University of Tokyo and joined Toyota, he was engaged in global procurement of automotive components. At the same time, he has worked to improve production system of car manufacturing and was awarded by the company for his achievement.
Joint president of CARTIVATOR, a program to develop airborne vehicles, a project that began when he was at Toyota. Established SkyDrive Corporation in July 2018 with the aim of accelerating R&D and commercialization.

Kamarul A Muhamed
Aerodyne Group, Founder and CEO
He has 25 years of experience as a pioneer of enterprise software and security, interactive multimedia applications and software development, and drone applications. After graduating from the University of Nottingham Trent, he started his career as an auditor in London. He then became Computer Associates director and Country Manager. Established Aerodyne Group in 2014, an AI-led, drone-based enterprise management solution provider. Now grown to the seventh-largest drone provider in the world, and in 2018 it won the UAV company of the year 2018 in the Malaysia Excellence Awards of Frost & Sullivan.

Soki Ohmae
Drone Fund, Collaborative Founder/Representative Partners
Founded Creative Hope Co., Ltd.in 2002, a web consulting company focusing on strategic side. In 2017 he was appointed as Drone Fund Advisory Board of Drone fund.
President of Creative Hope Corporation, and Professor of Business Breakthrough University (specialized in digital marketing).

Ryuta Takeda
Leave a Nest Co., Ltd., Global Platform Development Division, General Manager
He studied the structure of the RNA pathogen viroid at Ohio State University, USA, and obtained Ph.D. As the general manager of the Global Platform Development Division, he is tackling the development of overseas strategies, in particular the seed acceleration program “TEC PLANTER” to discover and nurture startups in the Deep Tech field. In addition to this, private-sector led research grant project “LNest Grant” for young researchers. Since 2011, he is acting president of Leave a Nest America Inc..