Listing in the category of "Hyperdisciplinarity

【大阪大会】基調講演決定!神戸大学 産官学連携本部 客員教授 竹内 俊文 氏「涙で乳がん検知 ―鋳型と抗体で超高感度を実現―」
2022.05.26 Osaka Convention] Keynote Speech! Dr. Toshifumi Takeuchi, Visiting Professor, Industry-Government-Academia Collaboration Division, Kobe University "Breast Cancer Detection with Tears - Realization of Ultra High Sensitivity with Template and Antibody
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
【東京大会】パネルディスカッション:エンジニアリング オブ 複雑発酵 ー 我が家の糠床は科学技術で完コピできるのか? ー/2022年3月4-5日
2022.02.22 Tokyo Conference] Panel Discussion: Engineering of Complex Fermentation - Can Science and Technology Perfectly Copy Our Rice Bran Bed? March 4-5, 2022
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
【東京大会】研究所革命 – 突破する個、越境する組織 –/2022年3月4日
2022.02.22 Tokyo Conference] Institute Revolution - Breaking Through Individuals, Crossing Borders Organization / March 4, 2022
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
2022.02.22 Panel Discussion: Human Hands, God's Hands, and Machine Hands - To What Extent Can Life Science Experiments Be Automated / March 4-5, 2022
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
2022.02.22 Tokyo Conference] Panel Discussion: The Fundamental Power of "Monozukuri" to Realize Livestock IoT / March 4-5, 2022
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
2022.02.17 Tokyo Conference] Unraveling from "Habit," "Novelty," and "Extremes," Why People Need Tasteful Foods / March 4-5, 2022
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
2022.01.18 Tokyo Conference] Why Manufacturing Support is Essential for Boosting Real Tech Ventures / March 4-5, 2022
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
2022.01.05 Tokyo Convention】Keynote Speeches! Part 4, Mr. Yutaka Watanabe, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, will speak on "From Container Transport to Bipedal Walking. Center-of-Gravity Detection Theory Extending to Other Fields.
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
【実施報告】2021年12月4日(土)超異分野学会 北海道フォーラム2021を開催しました!
2021.12.06 The Hokkaido Forum 2021 was held on Saturday, December 4, 2021!
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
【東京大会】基調講演決定!第三弾、鹿児島大学教授 大石氏登壇「 異分野およびビックデータ解析で見た「健康長寿の扉の奥」とは」
2021.12.23 Tokyo Conference】 Keynote Speeches to be made! The third keynote speaker, Professor Oishi of Kagoshima University, will speak on "Behind the Door to Healthy Longevity as Seen through Cross-disciplinary and Big Data Analysis.
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields