Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference - Toyohashi Forum 2024
Creativity from Toyohashi generated by the fusion of knowledgeToyohashi Science Core
Outline of the event
What is the Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference?
The Toyohashi Forum of the Association of Hyperdifferent Fields, which began in 2022, has been considering, practicing, and working on mechanisms to create cooperation between local companies and local universities and researchers, ventures, and business companies from outside the region. In the process, we have made various discoveries about the Toyohashi area, including its research and technological capabilities, traditions, and the thoughts of people at companies who are trying to set up new things. For example, there have been cases not seen in other areas, such as a zoo and botanical garden collaborating with a university to create a project.
Now in its third year, the program will be developed as an initiative to further manifest the potential of Toyohashi that has been discovered, and to create partnerships between universities and companies in the Toyohashi area and those outside the region.
[About the temporary shuttle bus service] [About the temporary shuttle bus service
A temporary shuttle bus (free of charge) will be available between JR Toyohashi Station and Toyohashi Science Core.
For more information, please refer to the Information to Participants (Information for All Participants).
(1) On the morning of the day of the event (before the opening of the event)
09:15 Departure from Toyohashi Station → Arrival at Toyohashi Science Core around 09:45
10:10 Departure from Toyohashi Station → Arrival at Toyohashi Science Core around 10:40
(2) On the evening of the day (after the closing of the meeting)
17:40 Depart from Toyohashi Science Core → Arrive in front of Toyohashi Station around 18:10
Saturday, December 14, 2024, 10:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Science Create Corporation (Toyohashi City subsidized project), REVANES Corporation, Toyohashi University of Technology, Higashimikawa Startup Promotion Council
Target Participants
Academia, local businesses, ventures, large companies, local factories, producers, local government, junior high school, high school, and technical college students, etc.
Born in Toyokawa City, Aichi Prefecture.
Joined Waltz Corporation in 1999. He was engaged in expanding the nationwide distribution of the company's coffee products and tea products imported by the company.
From 2021, he has been working in the Growth Strategy Department (currently Sales Planning G) to promote new business development that contributes to the community and society while seeking regional cooperation and partnerships with startup companies.
Koji Kawakami
Kyoto University of Advanced SciencesProfessor, Faculty of Engineering
D. in Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan. D. in Engineering. After working as an assistant professor at Okayama University, he became an associate professor (later associate professor) at the Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University in 1998, and started research on system design theory using inconvenience (utility of inconvenience) as a guideline. After working as a specific professor at the Design Studies Unit of Kyoto University (later the Graduate School of Informatics), he became a professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University of Advanced Science and Technology, where he currently works. His publications include "The Idea of Inconvenience Benefit" (2017) and "Recommendation of Inconvenience Benefit" (2019). He has received paper and publication awards from the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (1991, 2003, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2018, 2020).
Akito Kobayashi
Nippon Kogakuin Hachioji CollegeDepartment of AI Systems, IT College
After graduating from Muroran Institute of Technology with a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Systems Engineering, he went on to earn a doctorate in engineering from the University of Tsukuba. Utilizing Kansei engineering and machine learning, he has been engaged in research on food quality evaluation using electrical characteristics. Through his practical experience in food factory design and restaurants, he realized the need for sensors that are easy to use, inexpensive, and robust in the field.
He is currently working on research and development of personal taste sensors while working as a faculty member in the AI Systems Department of Nihon Kogakuin Hachioji Vocational College.
Winner of the Food Tech Grand Prix 2024 Grand Prize and UnlocX Award. He will soon start DigiTaste, a company that aims to digitize and share tastes.
Toshihiro Ishizawa
Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.General Manager, Strategic Development Division
D. (Life Sciences) from the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo. After an internship period of about 3 years while studying for his doctorate, he joined LIVERNESS Corporation in 2008. After serving as the Director of the Osaka Office and the General Manager of the Strategic Development Division, he became the General Manager of the Regional Development Division in 2017. He is building a regional ecosystem to create R&D-oriented ventures that will spread their wings to the world from research institutes in various regions by introducing the concept of "Tech Planter".
Shiki Takeuchi
INOCA CorporationDirector and COO
Born in 1994. Born in Kagoshima Prefecture. Graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Economics. As a student, he studied case studies of advanced companies employing people with disabilities, and aspired to become a social entrepreneur. After working in sales at a human resources mega-venture, he joined INOCA as COO in February 2020 and is in charge of overall business development and public relations. He is a member of the Domestic Deliberative Committee for ISO/TC331 (Biodiversity) of the Ministry of the Environment. His future dream is to contribute to the construction of the next generation's socio-economic system / "Father of the Blue Economy". Favorite movie is "Ocean's 11.
Yasutake Okuma
Marushime CorporationPresident and Representative Director
Born in Toyohashi City in 1969.
He grew up mostly in Tokyo until he graduated from college, worked for a general contractor, experienced "living in a kitchen" at a mountain tunnel site, and then entered the world of freelance work.
While conducting demonstration activities of "CM + separate ordering" to realize "construction work without the need for a general contractor" using NPOs, he was influenced by the Genoa Summit, the "starting point of sustainability," and became absorbed in the essence of local currencies and, ultimately, sustainability.
After that, he became involved in "business sustainability" through "business succession" as a business turnaround consultant. As a result, he has been a party to the business succession of his relative's family business since July 2022, up to now.
Momoe Osuna
Otaru University of CommerceSophomore, Faculty of Commerce / CEO, e-Combu Inc.
Born in Hokkaido, Japan in 2003, he will study abroad in Los Angeles, USA in 2019. In 2022, he will attend Otaru University of Commerce, where he will study marketing and other subjects, and form e-Combu, a human resource development program within Ezofrogs. Together with Kazuo Miyashita of Hokkaido Bunkyo University and others, he is working on the development and commercialization of a feed additive that can reduce methane emissions from cattle using kelp washed up on Hokkaido's beaches.
Yukihiro Maru
Leave a Nest Co., Ltd. Representative Director, Group CEO
Dr. Maru acquired his PhD in Agriculture from the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo. In 2002, while still a graduate student, he founded Leave a Nest with only undergraduate and graduate students of science and engineering. He has developed Japan's first "Science Delivery Experimental Workshop" into a business. He runs a "knowledge manufacturing business" that creates new businesses by combining technologies and knowledge from different fields. As the instigator of one of Asia's largest deep-tech venture ecosystems, he works to solve global issues by discovering deep issues from around the world. He has also been involved in the launch of numerous ventures, including Euglena.
Main Venue: Hall
Opening Ceremony
Main Venue: Hall
Pitches by Researchers, Ventures, and Local Businesses in Ultra-Different Fields
The "Super Heterodox Splash"
The super interdisciplinary splash, named after the meaning of the word "splash," which means "to jump, splash, or zap (water, etc.)," was created by researchers, venture companies, and local businesses,Pitch for 70 secondsThis is a place where you can pitch what you want to do and what you are looking for from the participants at the event. The aim is to find a passionate partner while being exposed to the knowledge and enthusiasm of researchers, venture companies, and local businesses that appear one after another, and to use their pitches as hints to come up with new ideas. The aim is then to develop into more in-depth discussions at poster and booth presentations, leading to the creation of new collaborative research.See the list of presenters
Poster and Booth Venue: Atrium
Poster Booth Core Time (70 minutes)
This year, a record number of 72 poster and booth presentations (research presentations and business introductions) were gathered from both inside and outside the region. Let's generate a lot of new ideas and knowledge from these presentations to further accelerate our research and businesses.
[Claire] Core time.
The following times will be core times. Presenters are requested to be available in front of their posters/booths.
11:45-12:20 Odd number (35 minutes)
12:20-12:55 Even number (35 minutes)View the list of poster and booth abstracts
Lunch break
Main Venue: Hall
Session 1] Sustainable Local Industry from the Perspective of Creating an Abundant Sea
Session Partners:
INOCA Corporation
Mikawa Bay, which stretches across southern Aichi Prefecture, has long nurtured coastal industries such as fishing and food processing, and has supported the local economy as a hub for maritime trade. Now, a new challenge is about to begin in this sea. In recent years, seaweed beds have been disappearing around the world due to environmental degradation caused by global warming and industrial development. Can we restore these "sea forests" while effectively utilizing resources such as seaweed and seagrass produced there and creating new local industries? In this session, a venture company that is trying to reproduce the ecosystem of seaweed beds on land, a venture company that is developing feed based on seaweed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and a Toyohashi company with deep roots in the region will gather to discuss the potential for new industries to be created from the sea.session release
Shiki Takeuchi(INOCA Corporation)
Yasutake Okuma(Marushime Corporation)
Momoe Osuna(Otaru University of Commerce)
Yukihiro Maru(Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.)
Main Venue: Hall
Session 2] Reviewing Existing Businesses through Collaboration in Different Fields - Why do people "brew" coffee?
Session Partners:
Waltz Corporation
At last year's Toyohashi Forum 2023, a super interdisciplinary conference, in the Knowledge Manufacturing Ignition corner, the development of a new functional filter began by bringing OUTSENSE Inc.'s origami engineering concept to a coffee filter that had not changed for many years.
Creating new business by bringing new perspectives to established services and products. We will explore the key points for creating innovation by unraveling the case of Waltz, which was able to take a new step forward from a stage where it was difficult to visualize results, through discussions with the new speakers.session release
Shigehito Kobayashi(Waltz Corporation)
Koji Kawakami(Kyoto University of Advanced Sciences)
Akito Kobayashi(Nippon Kogakuin Hachioji College)
Toshihiro Ishizawa(Leave a Nest Co.,Ltd.)
Main Venue: Hall
Special Project] Knowledge Manufacturing Ignition
Session Partners:
Inochio Holdings Corporation, Chubu Electric Power Company, Musashi Seimitsu Kogyo (Ignition Partner)
Knowledge Manufacturing Ignition (Ignition: ignition, ignition) is a project prototyping program that brings together researchers, ventures, business companies, and producers from different fields who gather on site.
The project initiators will be asked to present a one-slide proposal for a collaborative project that emerged from the day's dialogue at the day's pitch session, and Liberace will accompany and support the project selected by the partner companies as it takes shape.
In this forum, INOCHIO HOLDINGS CORPORATION, Chubu Electric Power Company, Inc. and Musashi Seimitsu Kogyo Co. will participate as ignition partner companies to receive proposals from participants.
Please check the details below on how to participate in the Knowledge Manufacturing Ignition and join us, and please take advantage of the pre-entry by 12/8 to help us move smoothly to involve the RIVANES staff for the forum. We hope to discuss with many people and create new value from this forum.
Theme: "Call for Entries (1) Inotio Award: "Call for Collaboration in the Field of Diagnostic Analysis Business in Agriculture"
Implementing company: Inotio Holdings Corporation
As a comprehensive agricultural support company, Inotio Central Agricultural Research Institute is engaged in research and development of technologies and products related to agriculture. This time, we are considering business acceleration and new business development in three business fields in the areas of pest diagnosis and soil diagnosis and analysis that we are currently conducting.
(1) Soil physicality diagnosis technology
Genetic diagnosis of pests and plants (including development of kits)
(3) B-to-B agricultural online diagnosis and prescription provision system linked with inspection equipment
If you are a venture company or researcher with relevant cutting-edge technology and research and development in the above areas, please feel free to make various proposals to us. Let's create a new future for agriculture together!
(2) Chubu Electric Power Company Award: "Ideas that will lead to agricultural industry with reduced environmental impact and resource recycling".
Implementing company: Chubu Electric Power Co.
The Business Creation Division of Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. considers agriculture as a food infrastructure business and aims to create businesses that connect to the next generation. We believe that it is essential to join forces with those who have the knowledge, technology, and systems that will lead to "low environmental impact and resource conservation in response to climate change risks" and "a recycling-oriented society for water and resources," based on our interactions with local agricultural workers. Let us take on the challenge of making agriculture a model case for the world by combining Chubu Electric Power's business base rooted in the region with your technologies, systems, places, equipment, and ideas.
3) Musashi Seimitsu Kogyo Award: "Ideas that lead to the development of products using microorganisms"
Implementing company:Musashi Seimitsu Kogyo Co.
Musashi Seimitsu Kogyo's Plant Biotechnology Division is a small, elite team established in September 2022 as a new business division of Musashi Seimitsu Kogyo. Our mission is "to create a healthy and nature-rich global society for 100 years of life with the power of Higashimikawa's plants and biotechnology. With this mission, we are actively engaged in joint research with universities and collaboration with venture companies to develop new products that contribute to society.
We have been conducting research focusing on microorganisms. In order to further materialize this, we are now calling for product ideas focusing on "microorganisms.
We are open to research that you are already working on, or ideas for the use of technology that you already own. We also welcome those who can work with us on a series of initiatives up to product development.
We look forward to your unique suggestions. We look forward to working with you on new challenges!See how to participate in Knowledge Manufacturing Ignition
Main Venue: Hall
Closing Ceremony
Poster and Booth Venue: Atrium
Networking session
Information for Participants
Online Abstracts
Abstracts of poster and booth presentations will be available online for the Toyohashi Forum of the Association for Hyperdifferent Fields 2024. Only poster and booth presenters and audience ticket holders will be able to view the poster and booths.