Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in Toyohashi Forum 2023
Evolution to Toyohashi, a City of Future VerificationToyohashi Science Core
Outline of the event
What is the Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference?
It is a place where researchers, large corporations, small factories, and venture companies, regardless of their field or industry, can fuse their knowledge and technology through discussion, identify new research themes and issues that humanity needs to face, and promote research together.
We will continue to hold the "Super Interdisciplinary Conference" in Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture, in FY2022. Last year, 135 people from Toyohashi city and beyond, including companies, venture companies, and researchers, gathered at the site, and more than 40 collaborative project proposals were generated, transcending positions. This year, in addition to Toyohashi University of Technology, Aichi University, and Toyohashi University of Creation, universities and research institutes in the surrounding area that focus on medical-engineering collaboration, manufacturing companies in the Higashimikawa area, and companies in the agricultural and food fields where the region is strong will gather to set up more collaboration than last year. Let us examine together how the future should be from here in Toyohashi.
Science Create Corporation (Toyohashi City subsidized project), Liverness Corporation, Higashimikawa Startup Promotion Council
Target Participants
Academia, local businesses, ventures, large companies, local factories, producers, local government, junior high school, high school, and technical college students, etc.
Toyohashi University of TechnologyProfessor, Department of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering
D. in 1991 from Toyohashi University of Technology, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Systems and Information Engineering.
After working as a research assistant at the Institute of Electronic Engineering, Shizuoka University, an assistant professor at Toyohashi University of Technology, and a visiting professor at the Technical University of Munich, he has been a professor at Toyohashi University of Technology since 2007.
In 2008, he became Director of the Venture Business Laboratory and Incubation Facility at Toyohashi University of Technology; in 2014, he became Assistant to the President of Toyohashi University of Technology, and in 2016, he became Director of the Advanced Electronics Integration Laboratory at Toyohashi University of Technology. Director of the Institute for Advanced Electronics Research, Toyohashi University of Technology from April 2023.
He specializes in semiconductor materials, devices, sensors, and integrated circuits, and is engaged in research on integrated biosensors that integrate LSI and sensor technologies.
April 2013 The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Prize for Science and Technology (Research Category)
May 2020 - April 2022 Head of Division E, IEEJ
Tetsuya Suzuki
Medical Corporation Sumishinkai Toyohashi Heart Center Executive DirectorPresident and Representative Director, sotoet Inc.
Born in Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture. Studied abroad in New Zealand during high school. After graduating from university, he worked for a PR company in Tokyo, and joined Sumishinkai Medical Corporation in 2010, becoming the office manager in 2022. In 2021, he established sotoet Co., Ltd. as a new approach to hospital management with a focus on prevention and pre-symptomatic diseases. Ltd. in 2021 as a new initiative centered on prevention and pre-symptomatic diseases. It operates a daycare service for preventative care that combines medical care and agriculture, and a rental farm for natural cultivation.
Sayuri Goryoda
Laboratory of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata UniversityAssistant Professor (PI)
D. from Tokyo Medical and Dental University. Engaged in research at Harvard School of Public Health, National Institute of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition, and Tsuji Culinary Education Institute, Inc. He developed a system to change eating behavior from the shopping stage using behavioral economics methods, and won the 47th LIBANES Research Fund Hyperdifferential Society Award in 2020. He established SABE, an organization that provides information on how to protect oneself from disease by eating a diet that takes individual differences into account and supports new farmers, and was awarded the NIPPON FOOD SHIFT by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan He arrived at Yamagata University in November 2021. He is a specialist in preventive medicine and behavioral science, but he also has a unique background as a chef and a farmer, and has been tackling various social issues with food as the starting point.
Masahiro Koyama
Wernas CorporationCEO
In 2008, he participated in functional food research at the Faculty of Agriculture, Shinshu University, and after working as a postdoctoral researcher at the same university, he established a Shinshu University venture, Wellnas, Inc. in 2017, which delivers effective health through food. In 2019, he will launch an "AI diet" business that optimizes the function of food on an individual basis. In 2019, the company will launch "AI diet," a service that identifies the nutrients necessary to achieve self-actualization goals by analyzing body data related to goals set by individuals (health, beauty, athletic function, academic performance, etc.) and nutrient data contained in the food they consume, and proposes an optimized individualized nutritionally optimal diet, "AI diet," on January 14, 2023. NEWTRISH" service, which identifies the nutrients needed to achieve self-actualization goals and proposes an optimized individualized nutritional "AI diet. NEWTRISH aims to promote wellbeing through food.
Hiroyuki Takahashi
Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.Director, Knowledge Foundation Research Center
D. from Yokohama City University in 2009. D. in Science, focusing on creating new research projects between industry and young researchers, including the launch of the "Liberace Research Fund" for young researchers under the age of 40. He has also been involved in the creation of "super interdisciplinary academic societies," a place where individuals can combine their knowledge, skills, and passion for problem solving to create new knowledge without being bound by the framework of academia, and the establishment of real laboratories for knowledge manufacturing, among other activities to create seeds for research and development.
Kensuke Hiramatsu
Hiramatsu Foods Co.CEO
Born in Aichi Prefecture in 1961, he graduated from Kitasato University's Department of Fisheries Science in 1984 and joined Iwata Foods Corporation, a manufacturer of prepared foods, in the same year. In 1987, he joined his parents' company, Yamayasu Hiramatsu Shokuhin, and in 1988, he established Hiramatsu Shokuhin Co., Ltd. and became the managing director. He also serves as Chairman of the Aichi Prefecture Food Export Research Association, Managing Director of the National Cooked Food Industry Cooperative Association (Chairman of the Tokai-Hokuriku Block Association), Director of the Aichi Prefecture Cooked Food Industry Cooperative Association, Director of the Chubu Delicacy Food Association, Executive Director of the Toyokawa Branch of Aichi Food Sanitation Association, Vice Chairman of Toyokawa City Tourism Association, Vice Chairman of the Food Industry Committee of Toyohashi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Director of Toyohashi Cultural Promotion Foundation. He is also a board member of the Toyohashi Culture Promotion Foundation.
Yoichi Atsuta
Toyohashi Biomass Solutions Co.President and Representative Director
Maki Mukai
Hana Gokoro Co.Manager, Research & Development Dept.
After studying biophysics at Kansai Medical University, he started his research on microbiology at Ritsumeikan University in 2013. He conducted research on energy and water purification with a focus on soil purification and agricultural soil improvement by regulating soil microbial environment. 2017 joined Hanagokoro Co. He is in charge of research and development and new business. Based on microorganisms and humus technology, he is currently developing solutions to primary industry problems in Japan and abroad, including livestock manure treatment, environmental improvement of livestock barns, conversion of unused biomass into resources, and support for recycling agriculture.
Toshihiro Ishizawa
Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.General Manager, Strategic Development Division
D. (Life Sciences) from the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo. After an internship period of about 3 years while studying for his doctorate, he joined LIVERNESS Corporation in 2008. After serving as the Director of the Osaka Office and the General Manager of the Strategic Development Division, he became the General Manager of the Regional Development Division in 2017. He is building a regional ecosystem to create R&D-oriented ventures that will spread their wings to the world from research institutes in various regions by introducing the concept of "Tech Planter".
Main Venue: Hall
Opening Ceremony
Main Venue: Hall
Pitches by Researchers, Ventures, and Local Businesses in Ultra-Different Fields
The "Super Heterodox Splash"
The "Super Cross-disciplinary Splash," named after the meaning of the word "splash," which means "a splash of water," is an opportunity for researchers, venture companies, and local businesses to pitch what they want to do and what they are looking for from the participants in a 90-second pitch. The aim of the event is to find passionate opponents while being exposed to the knowledge and enthusiasm of the researchers, venture companies, and local businesses that appear one after another, and to use their pitches as hints for new ideas. The aim is then to develop into more in-depth discussions at poster and booth presentations, leading to the creation of new collaborative research.List of Presenters for Super Interdisciplinary Splash
Keynote Speech] Smart Sensor Development and Social Implementation through Taiki Style Open Innovation
Generative AI will dramatically change our society. While the development of semiconductor technology for generative AI has recently become a central development issue, new innovations for generative AI are also underway in sensor technology. We believe that the fusion of sensor technology and semiconductor integrated circuit technology will create a market for generative AI. In this presentation, I will introduce the background of the world's first bio-image sensor developed by the fusion of biosensor technology and CMOS technology, as well as the development and social implementation of smart sensors that are currently being promoted through "Taiki" type open innovation.Keynote Speech Release
Kazuaki Sawada(Toyohashi University of Technology)
Main Venue: Hall
Session 1] New Combination of Agriculture, Food, and Health to be Created in Toyohashi - A New Health Region to be Considered Together with Local Medical Institutions
Session Partners:
Medical Corporation Sumishinkai Toyohashi Heart Center
Can medical institutions play a new role in maintaining health and preventing disease?
The Toyohashi Heart Center, a medical institution located in Toyohashi, a production center for a variety of agricultural and other food products and home to the Toyohashi University of Technology, which is capable of analyzing ingredients, is engaged in non-medical health-related initiatives such as farm management.
We will invite health-related ventures from outside the region and university researchers who study food and health to the Toyohashi Heart Center to discuss projects that create new connections between food, agriculture, and health, and the possibility of creating projects in collaboration with researchers from academia and local companies in Toyohashi City. We will consider the possibility of creating projects in collaboration with researchers from academia and local businesses in Toyohashi.session release
Tetsuya Suzuki(Executive Director, Toyohashi Heart Center, Medical Corporation Sumishinkai)
Sayuri Goryoda(Laboratory of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University)
Knowledge Manufacturing Ignition (Ignition: ignition, ignition) is a project prototyping program that brings together researchers, ventures, business companies, and producers from different fields who gather on site.
The project initiators will be asked to present a one-slide proposal for a collaborative project that emerged from the day's dialogue at the day's pitch session, and Liberace will accompany and support the project selected by the partner companies as it takes shape.
Ltd. and Waltz Corporation, both based in Toyohashi, will participate in this forum as Knowledge Manufacturing Ignition Partners and receive proposals from participants. LIVERNESS will also join the forum as a partner company to receive proposals and discuss them with you.
Please check the details below on how to participate in the Knowledge Manufacturing Ignition and join us, and please take advantage of the pre-entry by 12/3 to help us move more smoothly to involve the RIVANES staff for the forum. We hope to discuss with many people and create new value from this forum.
Theme: "Call for Entries 1) Musashi Precision Industry Award: "Call for Collaboration in the Agri-Bio-Healthcare Field"
Implementing company:Musashi Seimitsu Kogyo Co.
Musashi Seimitsu Kogyo Co., Ltd. plans to develop new businesses based on microbial control technology. The business areas are the agricultural field applying biostimulant materials and the healthcare field applying fermentation technology. We also plan to develop business by applying DNA metabarcoding technology. We would like to hear from venture companies and researchers who have related cutting-edge technologies and are engaged in research and development. Let's "cross" our various research results and assets, including our own, to create great synergy, and together, let's create new high value-added solutions to realize a sustainable global society and surprise the world.
(2) Waltz Prize: "Technology that contributes to regional contribution and regional revitalization through food" (2) Waltz Prize: "Technology that contributes to regional contribution and regional revitalization through food
Implementing company: Waltz Corporation
Since its establishment in 1952, Waltz Corporation has been committed to creating a rich café culture. Throughout our history, we have aimed to be a company that can steadily grow together with the local community. We have the function of manufacturing regular coffee, developing retail outlets, and delivering various commercial products to restaurants, hotels, and other customers as a general trading company of food products. Let's create new value by using our assets such as stores and commercial distribution as a field for upcycling and joint development that leads to regional revitalization through food.
(iii) LIBERNESS AWARD: "Plans to be realized with researchers, companies, and producers in Toyohashi"
Implementing company: LIVERNESS Co.
The RIVANES Award accepts a wide range of technology development, product development, and demonstration tests in collaboration with players in Toyohashi City. We are waiting for you at the booth on the day of the Forum as a partner to expand your collaboration ideas with players in Toyohashi City who are participating in the Forum. Let's work together with players in Toyohashi City to create initiatives that will realize the development of science and technology and contribute to the earth.See how to participate in Knowledge Manufacturing Ignition
Main Venue: Hall
Session 2] Food Residues Can Be Turned into Resources by Recycling! 〜The first step toward a sustainable future starting from food production sites
Session Partners:
Hiramatsu Foods Co.
The annual food loss in Japan is approximately 6.12 million tons. This is the equivalent of throwing away one bowl of food per person (according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Ministry of the Environment). Food residues and waste oil from the food production process will never be eliminated no matter how much we try. Should they be disposed of as waste or utilized as a source of biomass? By creating a regional recycling model involving researchers, businesses, and producers in and outside of Toyohashi, we will discuss a unique regional methodology for a sustainable society.session release
Kensuke Hiramatsu(Hiramatsu Foods Co., Ltd.)
Yoichi Atsuta(Toyohashi Biomass Solutions Co.)
Maki Mukai(Hana Gokoro Co., Ltd.)
Toshihiro Ishizawa(Leave a Nest Co.,Ltd.)
Main Venue: Hall
Closing Ceremony
Poster and Booth Venue: Atrium
Networking session
Information for Participants
Online Abstracts
Abstracts of poster and booth presentations will be available online at the Toyohashi Forum 2023 of the Society of Hyperdifferent Fields. Only poster and booth presenters and audience ticket holders will be able to view the poster and booths.