Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in Hokkaido Forum 2021

Conference Theme
Gathering, Connecting, Discussing - Co-Creating Hokkaido for the Future
Day & Time
Saturday, December 4, 2021, 10:00-19:00

What is the Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference?

In 2002, Liberace came up with the concept of "hyperdisciplinarity" to bridge the gap between the exponential increase in the number of scientific publications in recent years and the ever-increasing rate of knowledge available to us. Since then, we have been working as science bridge communicators to bridge science into knowledge that society can use, bringing together scientists, engineers, businesspeople, factory workers, doctors, farmers, educators, and other specialists in a variety of different fields. We believe that this "hyper-disciplinarity" network should be the key to exponentially increasing human knowledge. The Hyperdisciplinarity Conference is a place to test this hypothesis and take a new step forward.

About the Hokkaido Forum 2021 of the Association of Hyperdifferent Fields

Hokkaido, with its rich natural environment and numerous universities and research institutes located within a single municipality, is a unique "knowledge hub" in Japan. Taking advantage of this blessed potential, initiatives to create startups, foster entrepreneurship, and promote regional development are rapidly emerging in each region.
The Forum aims to accelerate these efforts and build an innovation ecosystem of super interdisciplinary collaboration unique to Hokkaido that spans generations, regions, and attributes toward the creation of a new Hokkaido.

Date: Saturday, December 4, 2021, 10:00-19:00
organizingLeave a Nest Co., Ltd., ,Challenge Field Hokkaido

<Related Keywords.
Agriculture, forestry, fisheries, manufacturing industry, sustainable, smart, renewable energy, decarbonization, space, health, biotechnology, medicine, etc.

<To whom it may concern
Academia, ventures, large companies, SMEs, local governments, secondary and high school students, etc.

Application for auditing [Finished].

We look forward to welcoming many people from academia, venture companies, large corporations, town factories, local governments, junior high and high school students, and others to our hyperdifferent fields conference. Please note that we have set a limit to the number of visitors on the day of the conference in order to prevent new coronavirus infection. We will close the registration once the maximum number of applications has been received.

Program Information

基調講演 予測不能の時代を生きる 「オプティミズム」が人と社会を変える
「チャレンジフィールド北海道」の目指す地域創生 〜コトを始める起点には何が必要か〜
超・世代研究座談会 〜北海道をフィールドに研究する〜
循環型農業の見える化 〜地域資源の循環と有効活用を考える〜

Research support program for junior high and high school students

Aiming to nurture the next generation of researchers from Hokkaido who will be active in the world and contribute to the local community, we will offer a 3-month research support program for junior and senior high school students in Hokkaido. One research coach with research experience, mainly young researchers such as university and graduate students in Hokkaido, will be assigned to each participating team to provide support through interviews and e-mails. In addition to guidance on how to summarize and present research, discussions will be held to develop the activities.

Subject of application We are looking for a wide range of teams of junior and senior high school students in Hokkaido who are challenging research activities and manufacturing.
[Teams with the following requests are encouraged to participate]
I need advice on how to get data for my research and how to compile it into a presentation.
Research that you would like to consult with or find a partner to collaborate with for the development of your research and activities
Number of teams Maximum of 3 teams (if more than 3 teams apply, selection will be made)
Support Contents
  • Advice from research coaches via online interviews, email, etc.
  • Travel expenses for participation in the Hokkaido Forum (up to a maximum)
Application Requirements
  • Ability to participate in an online interview with a research coach
  • Must be able to participate in oral and poster presentations at the Hokkaido Forum (Sapporo) on 12/4
application deadline Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 24:00 Registration is closed.
  • December 4

Saturday, December 4, 10:00 - 19:00

  • sub-subsite
Short Pitches by Researchers and Ventures
Technology Splash."

Partner: Nihon Unisys, Ltd.

Technology Splash, named after the meaning of the word "splash," which means "to splash or splash (water, etc.)," is an opportunity for researchers and venture companies to pitch what they want to do and what they are looking for from the participants in a 90-second pitch. The goal is to find passionate researchers and to use their pitches as inspiration for new ideas, while being exposed to the knowledge and enthusiasm of researchers who appear one after another. The aim is then to develop into more in-depth discussions at the poster presentations, leading to the creation of new collaborative research.

"More Information"

announcer belong to Title.
Shinji Noguchi Hokkaido University Synthesis of Titanium Dioxide Using Double Network Gel and Prospects for Commercialization
Motoi Oshima National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Research and Development of Semi-Clathrate Hydrate as a Latent Heat Storage Material
Takashi Okubo OKPOU Carbon Neutral Circulating Dairy Farming -New ways to utilize biogas
Abe Naka Plant Kikou Co. Development and sales expansion of base power supplies for microgrids
Tetsuya Inokuchi Vantec Ltd. Livestock manure treatment service by centrifugal separation
Yoichiro Kawamura Kawamura Trading Co. Development and sales of feeds to achieve animal welfare using tannin, a plant magazine extract.
Yuichiro Fujii Japan A2 Milk Association Do you know what A2 milk is?
Koji Uei Muroran Institute of Technology Functional verification and development of a processing method for functional food development of Chirimen aojiso produced in Shiranukamachi.
Haruhisa Nakahira Euglena Co. Prediction of subjective taste value mapping for sake using machine learning
Takeshi Namikoshi Kitami Institute of Technology Development of agricultural technology using polymeric materials
Marie Katsurai Doshisha University Trend analysis of research fields and development of a researcher search system
Daisuke Sakai Kitami Institute of Technology Research on adding optical functions to familiar glass
Butaro Togura Hokkaido University Low Temperature Sintering Using Carboxylic Acid Coated Copper Particles in Printed Electronics
Kosei Ueno (Horonobe Geo-environmental Research Institute, Hokkaido Science and Technology Promotion Center Underground Biomethane Deposit Creation/Production Method Using Unused Lignite Coal Resources in Northern Hokkaido, Japan
Ayata Akanuma Tokai University Metabolic Control by Feed Ingredients for Land Fish Aquaculture with Special Reference to Modification of Fecal Characteristics
Yuki Sano Tokai University Effects of formulated diets on the gastrointestinal tract of fish - tissue morphology, locomotion, and intestinal metabolism
Minoru Kihara Tokai University Nutritional analysis and questionnaire survey on the use of Okhotsk hermit crabs as food ingredients, and trial production of processed products
Hideomi Ito National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Technology to Promote Abalone Growth Using Intestinal Bacteria
  • Main Venue
keynote speech
Living in unpredictable times
Optimism" changes people and society.
<Summary of Lecture
These are unpredictable times. Facing unpredictable change is not easy. Therefore, positive mental energy is necessary.
However, facing change positively is accompanied by commensurate satisfaction, growth, productivity, and creativity.
This is made possible by everyone's "optimism.
Mr. Yano studied happy and productive people and organizations using over 10 million days of data collected by cutting-edge technology, and wrote about them in his new book, "The Age of Unpredictability. In this lecture, he will discuss the state of people, organizations, and management in this new era.

"More Information"

Kazuo Yano

Fellow, Hitachi, Ltd.
CEO and Representative Director, Happiness Planet Inc.


He received his master's degree from Waseda University in 1984 and joined Hitachi, Ltd. in 1993. In 1993, he succeeded in the world's first room temperature operation of a single electronic memory, paving the way for the room temperature operation of nanodevices.
Since 2004, he has been conducting advanced research in big data analysis and wearable technology. He has been cited in over 4,500 papers and over 350 patent applications.
The multi-purpose AI "H" developed was applied in the fields of logistics, finance, distribution, and railroads, leading the use of AI in the industrial field.
He developed a technology to quantify happiness from physical exercise and established Happiness Planet, Inc. in 2020.
D. in Engineering, is a Fellow of the IEEE, and a member of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, the Japan Society of Applied Physics, the Physical Society of Japan, and the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence. He is a member of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, the Japan Society of Applied Physics, the Physical Society of Japan and the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence.
He has received numerous international awards, including the 2020 IEEE Frederik Phillips Award. Following his book "The Invisible Hand of Data", he published "The Age of Unpredictability" in 2021.

  • Main Venue
Session A-1
Regional Creation Aimed for by Challenge Field Hokkaido
〜What is the starting point for starting something?

Session Partner: Hitachi, Ltd.

In 2020, "Challenge Field Hokkaido" was launched as an "industry-academia fusion center creation project" by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. The aim of the project is to create innovations that take advantage of local characteristics in Hokkaido, which has abundant natural and tourism resources, but is also an advanced region in terms of issues such as population decline, decarbonization of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, and a widely decentralized society.
In this session, we will discuss what is the key to the starting point for starting something new, based on the experiences of those who have initiated such activities, The session will discuss what is the key to the starting point of a new initiative, based on the experiences of those who have initiated such initiatives.

"More Information"

Mr. Shinji Yamada

Challenge Field Hokkaido Area Coordinator


D. (Materials Science), Graduate School of Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, USA. D. in Materials Science from the University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. He was engaged in materials-related research and development, including materials nanotechnology and next-generation batteries, at the Research and Development Group, Hitachi, Ltd. In 2016, he opened four joint research centers in Japan, including Hokkaido University, to promote industry-academia collaboration for social innovation. He also serves as a judge for the SCORE project and the NoMaps Dream Pitch. Currently, he is the general area coordinator of "Challenge Field Hokkaido," an industry-academia fusion center creation project of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).

Kazuo Yano

Fellow, Hitachi, Ltd.
CEO and Representative Director, Happiness Planet Inc.


He received his master's degree from Waseda University in 1984 and joined Hitachi, Ltd. in 1993. In 1993, he succeeded in the world's first room temperature operation of a single electronic memory, paving the way for the room temperature operation of nanodevices.
Since 2004, he has been conducting advanced research in big data analysis and wearable technology. He has been cited in over 4,500 papers and over 350 patent applications.
The multi-purpose AI "H" developed was applied in the fields of logistics, finance, distribution, and railroads, leading the use of AI in the industrial field.
He developed a technology to quantify happiness from physical exercise and established Happiness Planet, Inc. in 2020.
D. in Engineering, is a Fellow of the IEEE, and a member of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, the Japan Society of Applied Physics, the Physical Society of Japan, and the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence. He is a member of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, the Japan Society of Applied Physics, the Physical Society of Japan and the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence.
He has received numerous international awards, including the 2020 IEEE Frederik Phillips Award. Following his book "The Invisible Hand of Data", he published "The Age of Unpredictability" in 2021.

Haruki Nagata

Professor, Division of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University


D. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Tokyo. D. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Tokyo. Specialized in space propulsion engineering. Organized the "Hybrid Rocket Research Group" as a research group within the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences in August 1999. In April 2008, he received the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences Award (Technology Award) for "CAMUI-type Hybrid Rocket Technology. He has played a pioneering role in the research and development of small hybrid rockets. He is one of the founding members of the University Space Engineering Consortium, a non-profit organization that supports practical space engineering education by university laboratories, and currently serves as vice president.


Shuichiro Takahashi

Representative Director, President and COO, Liverness, Inc.


D. (Life Sciences), Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo. He has been involved in RIVANESS since its establishment. After completing his graduate studies, he continued his research activities as a faculty member at the University of Tokyo, while at the same time he established a research institute at RIVANESS and built the foundation of its research and development business. He devised a business model for the "RIVANESS Research Grant," a unique research grant, and "L-RAD," a database of unused research ideas, and has initiated many projects involving industry, academia, and education.

  • Main Venue
Session A-2
Super-Generation Research Roundtable
~Research in the field of Hokkaido

Session Partner: Shikishima Baking Co.

This session will consist of two parts: presentations by junior and senior high school students and a roundtable discussion with senior researchers. In the roundtable discussion, three senior researchers who are conducting research in Hokkaido from various perspectives will talk about the attractiveness of Hokkaido as a research field and research themes they would like to study with junior and senior high school students, including questions from the junior and senior high school students. In addition to the junior high and high school students participating in the activity presentations, all junior high and high school students in attendance are encouraged to attend.

"More Information"

Mr. Dai Otsuka

Basic Research Group, R&D Department, Development Division, Shikishima Baking Co.


Born in 1987 (age 34), he graduated from Kyoto Prefectural University in 2010 and joined Shikishima Baking Co., Ltd. and was assigned to the Osaka Toyonaka Factory, where he was engaged in the production of the super-ripe roll and snack bread series.
In 2015, he enrolled in the Department of Food Science, Graduate School of Animal Science and Technology, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine through the in-house study abroad program. After completing his master's degree in 2017, he returned to Shikishima Baking Company and was assigned to the Research and Development Department (currently Basic Research Group). He then engaged in research on fermented seeds using Yumechikara lactic acid bacteria (patented), which he obtained through joint research with Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine. Currently, he is conducting research to elucidate the processing suitability and taste of Yumechikara and other domestic wheat products.

Mr. Taijiro Kitagawa

Professor, Otaru University of Commerce Glocal Strategy Promotion Center, Deputy Director, Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration Promotion Division


After working at Hitachi, Ltd., he completed his MBA at Otaru University of Commerce, Graduate School of Commerce, majoring in Entrepreneurship. He then joined Oracle Corporation Japan, where he was appointed as an associate professor at Otaru University of Commerce in 2012, and became a professor there in 2006. He has been conducting research on regional revitalization through the utilization of Hokkaido's regional resources based on industry-academia-government collaboration, and on management strategies through supporting the overseas expansion of Hokkaido companies. He also teaches classes at business schools in recurrent education and develops management human resource development programs in the tourism and medical fields. Currently, he is also involved in the "Challenge Field Hokkaido," an industry-academia fusion base creation project of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the "Startup Cultivation Platform for Universities in Hokkaido," a social contribution acceleration program (SCORE) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

Takumi Yoshida

Farm Manager, Research Supervisor, Saikou Farm


D. in Agricultural Science from the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Tokyo, where he studied stress tolerance genes in plants. 2011, he joined LIVERNESS Co. He has been involved in educational projects such as Space Education Project, Self-sufficiency 2001 TP3T Project, Science Castle, as well as consulting and community development projects, serving as the general manager of the educational project for 5 years. He moved to Bihoro Town in the Okhotsk region in 2019 with a desire to become a farmer. He is currently undergoing training to become a new farmer, and plans to start farming as "Saikou Farm" in April 2022. He is planning projects related to education, research, and community revitalization centered on agriculture. He is also active as a writer, writing columns for newspapers. He is willing to try many things while he is still alive.


Aki Seno

Research and Development Division, LIVERNESS Co.


He holds a Master of Science degree from the Graduate School of Functional Biosciences, Osaka University. Since joining RIVERNESS in 2012, he has focused on educational development. He has extensive experience in developing programs for research projects involving collaboration between corporate people and junior and senior high school students in engineering, food production, and other fields, as well as developing research support programs for junior and senior high school students. He is involved in activities involving companies, schools, and local governments to pass on his own vision of work, which adults tend to lose sight of, to the children who will become the next generation of peers.

  • sub-subsite
Session B-1
Visualization of recycling-oriented agriculture
~Considering the circulation and effective use of local resources~.

Session Partner: SCSK Hokkaido Corporation

Hokkaido is known for its dairy farming and beef cattle production, which generate manure. The large amount of manure generated every day causes odor damage to neighboring residents, pollutes rivers and groundwater, and other problems. In this session, we will discuss how to approach and treat manure as a local resource and how it can be effectively utilized and recycled, as well as how it can be further utilized by those who are involved in the field.

"More Information"

Mr. Jun Yasunaga

Advisor, SCSK Hokkaido Corporation


Born in Fukuoka in 1962. After graduating from university, he joined a local bank in the prefecture, and at the age of 28, he changed jobs to work for a beef cattle brokerage company, and from 1995 to 2004, he ran an IT company. During that time, he volunteered as the secretary general of the Munakata City Tourism Association. He then became the head of the Kanesaki Fishery Cooperative Association (now Munakata Fishery Cooperative Association). After retiring, he joined Top Farm Co. in November 2006 as General Manager of the General Affairs Department, retiring in March 2020, and assumed his current position in May 2020. (He also serves as an advisor to Top Farm Co. and Iwabuchi Livestock Breeding Co. in Chiba Prefecture.

Mr. Makoto Kubonouchi

President and Representative Director, Kankyo Daizen Co.


Born in Kitami City. After graduating from university, he worked for 18 years in ICT equipment sales and as a sales manager before joining the company in 2016. After serving as Representative Director and Senior Managing Director, he assumed his current position in February 2019. He has built an upcycling circulation system that uses microorganisms to decompose cow urine, which is a problem in Hokkaido, and uses the resulting liquid as a deodorant and soil improvement material.

Mr. Takashi Okubo

Professor, School of Advanced Co-creative Studies, Osaka University


The company was the first in the world to successfully develop a technology to convert methane and air into methanol and formic acid at room temperature and pressure. In July 2020, the company succeeded in producing methanol and formic acid from biogas, and is now further developing the technology for its social implementation. In July 2020, he succeeded in producing methanol and formic acid from biogas, and is now further developing the technology for social implementation. His areas of expertise are photochemistry, catalytic chemistry, and electron transfer chemistry.


Yosuke Miyauchi

Director, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Center, Riverness, Inc.
Representative Director, Agronome Research Institute, Inc.


D. (Agronomy), Graduate School of Horticulture, Chiba University. In graduate school, he established high-yield cultivation technology of soybean in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. In 2019, he established the Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Research Center to actively promote cross-sectional research in the field of agriculture.

Session A-3
What is a symbiotic livestock industry that supports people and the earth?

Session Partner: Focus Systems, Inc.

The impact of the livestock industry on global issues such as climate change and population explosion is significant. While there are concerns about the impact of methane gas emissions on global warming, there is also a need to improve productivity in order to provide a protein source for the growing population. In Japan, in addition to labor issues such as the aging of workers, labor shortages, and workload, there are serious operational issues such as health management of livestock, stable supply of quality products, and business pressure due to rising feed prices. The discussion will be from the viewpoints of business companies, researchers, and venture companies involved in the livestock industry.

"More Information"

Mr. Shuichi Tanaka

President and Representative Director, North Sun Farms, Inc.


Born in Nakasatsunai Village, Hokkaido, he completed his graduate studies at Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine in 1985 and joined Nippon Nosan Industry Co. He was in charge of sales and R&D, focusing on cattle feed. Later, he was involved in ISO and GMP establishment for feed manufacturing plants in the Quality Assurance Department, and from April 2021, he has been in his current position at Nosan Farm Corporation, which was established to develop feed for dairy cattle and foster human resources related to feed and dairy farming. He introduced milking robots and researches dairy farming management from various perspectives.

Mr. Yoichiro Kawamura

Director, Kawamura Trading Co.


He is the fifth-generation successor to a small- to medium-sized company in Tokyo that has been in business for more than 100 years. He holds a master's degree from Waseda University Graduate School (MBA) and is a practitioner who promotes the creation of a society that is good for livestock, people, and the earth, with a focus on animal resources under the slogan of "Animal Respect. As a sustainable way to utilize leather, he established a leather sharing workshop called KAWAMURA LEATHER, and its sales exceeded 200 million yen in its fourth year of operation. He is currently conducting joint research with the University of Tokyo to develop and market tannin feed that is gentle to both animals and people. In addition to tannin feed, he has launched various projects such as research on compost and research and development of cured ham, aiming for Animal Respect.

Mr. Kazuo Miyashita

Specially Appointed Professor, Center for Industry-Academia Collaboration, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine


He has been conducting research on fats and oils as functional nutrients, fish eggs, and seaweeds at the Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University, and has been a specially appointed professor at the Faculty of Animal Science and Technology, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine since 2021.


Yoshifumi Kawana

General Manager, Research and Development Division, Liverness Inc.
Director, Agronome Research Institute, Inc.


D. in Environmental Studies from the Graduate School of Environment and Information Studies, Yokohama National University. lecturer at Yokohama National University VBL since 2008, representative of LD Factory, Inc. and director of Mylops, Inc. director of Rivanes Regional Development Division since November 2014 and of Agronome Research Institute, Inc. since 2017. and is currently the General Manager of the Research and Development Division of Rivanes, Inc. He is involved in launching new businesses related to agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, including plant factory business, food and beverage business, and agri-tech venture support.

  • sub-subsite
Session B-2
Taking on the challenge of digital innovation in harmony with the environment

Session Partner: Diamond Head Inc.

In contrast to the conventional economy based on mass production, mass consumption, and mass disposal, the concept of a "circular economy," in which all resources are used in a recycling manner, is gaining ground. Many companies are beginning to give priority to renewable raw materials in their production, maximize product use by improving product life cycles and recycling end-of-life products, and reuse by-products and waste.
In this session, we will introduce resources, technologies, and examples of initiatives that could contribute to these trends, discuss the role that DX can play in encouraging people to use environmentally conscious products and services, and envision an environmentally conscious, recycling society that takes on the challenge of co-creation.

"More Information"

Mr. Masaki Takao

President and Representative Director, Nihon Kankyo Sekkei Co.


Born in 1980, he entered the Faculty of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) at Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2000. After graduating from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2000, he entered the graduate school of the University of Tokyo in April 2004, where he majored in technology management. After leaving the graduate school, he established Nippon Kankyo Sekkei Inc. in January 2007 and became its Senior Managing Director. In 2014, he began developing technology for polyester recycling, and the following year, in 2015, he was involved in the construction of the Kitakyushu Hibikinada Plant, which introduced polyester technology. Since then, he has led the acquisition of Pet Refine Technology companies as well as capital alliances with partners.

Mr. Takashi Tanaka

Director and CTO, Sagri Corporation


In 2017, he was appointed as an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences, Gifu University. Joined Sagri as CTO to accelerate social implementation of research results from academia. He is responsible for the commercialization of soil and crop sensing technology in the agricultural field. Demonstrated soil analysis based on data obtained from satellites in Shinshinotsu Village.

Mr. Shinya Araiso

President and Representative Director, Lattera Inc.


Born in Sapporo, Hokkaido. Graduated from Hokkaido Institute of Technology (now Hokkaido University of Science). In 2013, he returned to Sapporo to conduct research and development of aseptic artificial soil based on the results of his research at Hokkaido University. In 2016, he won the No Maps NEDO Dream Pitch Judges' Special Award, X-Tech Innovation 2016 Special Award, and in 2017, the EY Japan HUB National Venture Business Meet Up in 2017 Audience Award.


Miho Tanaka

Incubation Manager, Open Innovation Promotion Office, Group Marketing Department, Nihon Unisys, Ltd.


Born in Sapporo. Joined Nihon Unisys as a financial systems engineer. He has been in charge of company-wide marketing after working in sales, consulting, and corporate planning. Currently, he is working on new business creation in the industry-government-academia ecosystem created with client companies, partners including venture companies and start-ups, and local governments.

  • SCSK Hokkaido Corporation

  • Shikishima Baking Co.

  • Diamond Head Inc.

  • Nihon Unisys, Ltd.

  • Hitachi, Ltd.

  • Focus Systems Co.

Poster and booth

Super Interdisciplinary Poster Session

Saturday, December 4, 10:00-16:30 (core time 11:00-12:00)


Poster Presentation

announcer belong to Title.
Takeshi Namikoshi Kitami Institute of Technology Development of agricultural technology using polymeric materials
Keigo Tawata Hokkaido Obihiro Agricultural High School Challenge to 6th industrialization through stable production of high quality, super-strength wheat flour "Yumechikara" and blended flour
Koji Uei Muroran Institute of Technology Functional verification and development of a processing method for functional food development of Chirimen aojiso produced in Shiranukamachi.
Minoru Kihara Tokai University Nutritional analysis and questionnaire survey on the use of Okhotsk hermit crabs as food ingredients, and trial production of processed products
Ayata Akanuma Tokai University Metabolic Control by Feed Ingredients for Land Fish Aquaculture with Special Reference to Modification of Fecal Characteristics
Yuki Sano Tokai University Effects of formulated diets on the gastrointestinal tract of fish - tissue morphology, locomotion, and intestinal metabolism
Hideomi Ito National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Technology to Promote Abalone Growth Using Intestinal Bacteria
Takashi Okubo OKPOU Carbon Neutral Circulating Dairy Farming -New ways to utilize biogas
Motoi Oshima National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Research and Development of Semi-Clathrate Hydrate as a Latent Heat Storage Material
Sosho Kobayashi Asahikawa Higashi High School, Hokkaido Gas generation at the anode in binchotan batteries
Shinji Noguchi Hokkaido University Synthesis of Titanium Dioxide Using Double Network Gel and Prospects for Commercialization
Shuichiro Seno (Industrial Research Institute, Hokkaido National Research Organization Nanofibers made from wood, epiphytes, potatoes, and crabs
Butaro Togura Hokkaido University Low Temperature Sintering Using Carboxylic Acid Coated Copper Particles in Printed Electronics
Daisuke Sakai Kitami Institute of Technology Research on adding optical functions to familiar glass
Kosei Ueno (Horonobe Geo-environmental Research Institute, Hokkaido Science and Technology Promotion Center Underground Biomethane Deposit Creation/Production Method Using Unused Lignite Coal Resources in Northern Hokkaido, Japan
Shuntaro Ariga Hokkaido Monbetsu High School To create a 2D wave machine and simulator
Sumio Dingo Hokkaido University of Science Industry-University-Government Collaboration Project 2021 at Hokkaido University of Science -CRILS Research Institute
Yoichiro Sato Hokkaido University of Science Toe training application for fall prevention
Yoshihiro Usuki Hokkaido University Construction of an ultra-compact machine learning device using biomolecular motors as reservoirs.
Marie Katsurai Doshisha University Trend analysis of research fields and development of a researcher search system
Toshiki Aisaka Kushiro National College of Technology Development of an ambiguous literature search mechanism for the "Japanese-research.com" database
Yuya Sato Kushiro National College of Technology Improving the efficiency of "Japanese-research.com" database search by document clustering
Yoko Nakajima Kushiro National College of Technology Development of a caregiver communication support system using text data

Booth Exhibition

announcer belong to Title.
Abe Naka Plant Kikou Co. Development and sales expansion of base power supplies for microgrids
Yoichiro Kawamura Kawamura Trading Co. Development and sales of feeds to achieve animal welfare using tannin, a plant magazine extract.
Tetsuya Inokuchi Vantec Ltd. Livestock manure treatment service by centrifugal separation
Yuichiro Fujii Japan A2 Milk Association Do you know what A2 milk is?
Yuta Kato Kankyo Daizen Corporation Efforts to Solve the Livestock Waste Problem through Upcycling Circulation Systems
Kotaro Tetsumura SEC CIPREX Corporation Waterproofing - A Marine Engineer's Perspective on Core Technologies for Next-Generation Manufacturing
Shinya Araiso Latera Corporation Aseptic Artificial Soil "ArtGreenSoil" Creates the Future
Haruhisa Nakahira Euglena Co. Prediction of subjective taste value mapping for sake using machine learning