Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in Kagoshima Forum 2022

Conference Theme
Achieving sustainable agriculture, forestry, and fisheries through science and technology
Day & Time
Saturday, February 25, 2023, 13:00-18:30
Kagoshima Bank, Head Office Annex Building, 3F Main HallAccess

What is the Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference?

In 2002, Liberace came up with the concept of "hyperdisciplinarity" to bridge the gap between the exponential increase in the number of scientific publications in recent years and the ever-increasing rate of knowledge available to us. Since then, we have been working as science bridge communicators to bridge science into knowledge that society can use, bringing together scientists, engineers, businesspeople, factory workers, doctors, farmers, educators, and other specialists in a variety of different fields. We believe that this "hyper-disciplinarity" network should be the key to exponentially increasing human knowledge. The Hyperdisciplinarity Conference is a place to test this hypothesis and take a new step forward.

About the 1st Kagoshima Forum of the Association of Hyperdifferent Fields

Kagoshima is one of Japan's leading agriculture, forestry, and fisheries prefectures. Kagoshima boasts the nation's largest number of pigs, beef cattle, and sweet potatoes, as well as a large concentration of food processing plants that process a wide variety of foods such as shochu, black vinegar, and dried bonito flakes, and has developed an industrial base while effectively utilizing its blessed natural environment. In the future, the fusion of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, which is Kagoshima Prefecture's greatest strength, with knowledge from different fields such as energy, healthcare, robotics, and IoT could create new value and a strong culture that will once again attract global attention from a region where the population has long been declining and the birthrate is aging. In this forum, researchers, venture companies, and business firms from within and outside of the prefecture will gather to discuss mechanisms that can be implemented only in Japan's leading prefecture of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, in light of the coming changes of the times.

Date: Saturday, February 25, 2023, 13:00-18:30
Place: Kagoshima Bank Head Office Annex Building, 3F Main Hall
Sponsored by Riverness Inc.

<To whom it may concern
Academia, venture companies, agricultural corporations, large corporations, town factories (fabricators), local governments, junior high and high school students, etc.

<Countermeasures against new coronavirus infection
The Society plans to hold this event in compliance with the policies announced by the government and local authorities, and in cooperation with the venue where the event will be held, and after taking measures to prevent new coronavirus infection.

Attendance Registration

We look forward to welcoming many people from academia, venture companies, large corporations, town factories, local governments, junior high and high school students, and others to our hyperdifferent fields conference. Please note that the number of seats available on the day of the conference has been capped to prevent new coronavirus infection.

  • February 25.

Saturday, February 25, 13:00-18:30

MAIN ROOM Poster and booth
13:00 Opening Ceremony
13:10 keynote speech
13:30 Distributed energy systems made possible by materials
14:30 Pitches by researchers and venture companies in very different fields
Technology Splash."
15:15 Poster Booth
core time
16:15 Create strong local products
17:15 A new strategy to unlock and communicate the potential of agricultural, livestock, and fishery products
18:05 Awards Ceremony and Closing Ceremony  
18:30 End  


keynote speech

Aiming for Well-being Businesses that Contribute to Society

Yoshitaka Nakagawa
General Manager, Agri-Farm Division, Rohto Pharmaceutical Co.
Representative Director, Yaeyama Farm Co.
President and Representative Director, Keres Okinawa Co.
Representative of Toyonaka Style LLC

Joined Rohto Pharmaceutical Co. In 2011, he was transferred to the Corporate Planning Department to consider new business opportunities; in 2013, he launched and managed Rohto's first medicinal herb restaurant "Shun Koku Shun Sa"; in 2014, he moved to Ishigaki Island (for 2 years) to work in agribusiness; in 2016, he became the General Manager of Agri Farm Business Department Manager since 2016. He is in charge of food and agri-businesses such as Hokushin Foods, Hajimariya, and Bios no Oka. Currently, he also serves as president of Yaeyama Farm, an agricultural production corporation, and Keres Okinawa Co. He is currently working hard to get Rohto's local food business back on track.

In 2021, Mr. Nakagawa will start an in-house venture company, Toyonaka Style LLC, to contribute to the local community through craft beer, In 2021, he will start Toyonaka Style LLC as an in-house venture to contribute to the local community through craft beer. He will talk about what is needed in the food industry from a pharmaceutical company's point of view, and what is necessary to create a new business.
Distributed energy systems made possible by materials

Session Partner: Kyocera Corporation

In contrast to centralized energy production consisting of large power plants, decentralized energy systems that produce and consume energy locally have long been the focus of attention. However, they have yet to become widespread in terms of stable supply and efficiency. Ceramic materials may be the solution to this efficiency problem. In this session, starting with the feasibility of power generation using biogas generated from livestock farms, we will discuss how to realize distributed energy systems that will support local communities in the future.

"More Information"

Mr. Hitoei Oshima

General Manager, Manufacturing Research Laboratory, Kyocera Corporation

Completed Master's degree in Materials Development Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kyushu University. Joined Kyocera Corporation and was assigned to the General Research Laboratory. Engaged in the development of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), mainly using ceramics, as well as the development of basic environment-related materials. Contributed to the world's first mass production and commercialization of household fuel cells. He then worked in SOFC manufacturing, technology, and development in the business sector from 2014, and is currently in charge of the Monozukuri Research Institute (formerly the General Research Institute). He is promoting development focusing on materials in the environmental energy field, which contributes to the realization of a decarbonized society, as well as in the telecommunications infrastructure and mobility fields, and aims to make Kagoshima a center for manufacturing R&D by deepening collaboration with universities, local communities, and companies.

Mr. Soichiro Samejima

Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering Program, Department of Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kagoshima University

In 1987, he graduated from the Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University with a Master's degree in Applied Chemistry. In the same year, he was engaged in research on silicate materials at Tosoh Corporation. Dispatched to Nagoya Industrial Research Institute, where he was engaged in the synthesis of clay minerals. 1995 Research Assistant, Faculty of Engineering, Kagoshima University; 2001 Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Kagoshima University. D. in engineering for research on solid oxide fuel cells using rare earth solid solution ceria, an oxide ion conductor. Currently working on the production of hydrogen using a biogas reforming process with metal-supported porous ceramics catalysts.

Mr. Yoshiyoh Takeuchi

Senior Managing Director and General Manager, Sapporo Branch Office, Biomass Research Inc.

D. in Livestock Hygiene, Biomass Research, Inc. was established in 2007 and has been commissioned by the national, prefectural, and municipal governments to conduct biogas research projects using livestock manure as raw material and to formulate decarbonization plans based on renewable energy and energy conservation. In recent years, the company has been in charge of the Kagoshima Prefecture Livestock Biomass Energy Introduction Activation Project from 2020 to 2022, as well as other research and study projects such as methane fermentation digestate concentration and processing technology, research and development of automatic spraying vehicles, and marine fertilization study of digestate.

Shuichiro Takahashi

Representative Director, President and COO, Liverness, Inc.

D. (Life Sciences), Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo. Founding member of RIVANESS. He established the RIVANES research institute and built the foundation for research support and R&D projects. He has devised unique business models such as "RIVANESS Research Fund" and "L-RAD," a platform for unused research ideas, and has led many projects involving industry, academia, and education.

Pitches by researchers and venture companies in very different fields
Technology Splash."
Technology Splash, named after the word "splash," which means "to splash or splash (water, etc.)," is an opportunity for researchers and venture companies to pitch what they want to do and what they are looking for from the participants in a two-minute pitch. The goal is to find passionate researchers and to use their pitches as inspiration to come up with new ideas, while being exposed to the knowledge and enthusiasm of researchers who appear one after another. The aim is then to develop into more in-depth discussions at the poster presentations, leading to the creation of new collaborative research.

"More Information"

List of Presenters

belong to Title/Theme
Masami Otsuka Science Farm Corporation
Development of a treatment for systemic scleroderma
Yasuo Sumida Sudix Biotech, Inc.
Platform based on glycan nanotechnology
Keiji Yamashita Cecil Research Inc.
Ultra-bright "indigo LED" lights cleanly inhibit the attachment and breeding of all kinds of fouling organisms!
Ryosuke Hashimoto Suzuka National College of Technology Magneto-optical imaging technology for crack inspection on ferromagnetic metal surfaces
Takashi Kanbayashi Eco-Pork Co.
Next-generation pig farming using ICT/IoT/AI technology
Daiki Nakaya Milk.
Possibilities for hyperspectral analysis
Takayama Takahashi OUTSENSE Corporation
Introduction of Surface Shape Search Service
Fuminori Hano AMI Corporation
Super Stethoscope ~Listening DX
Yutaka Watanabe Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Three-dimensional center-of-gravity detection technology that contributes to safety in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries
Kenji Fukamizu Limited Liability Company LST
Adding New Value to Cattle
Masahiro Koyama Wernas Corporation
Achieving well-being for all people through "AI Meal," an individualized nutrition-optimized diet.
Soichiro Samejima Kagoshima University
Hydrogen production from biogas using nickel-supported porous ceramic catalysts
Yudai Tanaka Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Research on Sustainability Assessment of Seafood Distribution
Noriko Morinaga Tama Corporation Closed-cell pearl onshore cultivation


Poster Presentation and Booth Exhibit Core Time
Let's generate many new ideas and knowledge from the poster presentations (research presentations) and booth exhibits (business introductions) to further accelerate your research and business.

Click on "Poster Session" at the top of this page to see the list of poster and booth abstracts.

Please refer to the online abstract book.
Only presenters and registered ticket holders will be able to view the information.

"More Information"

Poster List

# Name belong to Title/Theme
P-01 Toshio Kamijo Tsuruoka National College of Technology, National Institution of National Colleges of Technology Development of custom-made antiviral coating technology with repeatable and reparative functionality
P-02 Masami Otsuka Science Farm Corporation Development of a treatment for systemic scleroderma
P-03 Yasuo Sumida Sudix Biotech, Inc. Pipeline based on glycan nanotechnology
P-04 Hiroyuki Imai Yamaguchi University Development of a new culture medium for embryo transfer using a dye library - Demonstration test in mice
P-05 Keiji Yamashita Cecil Research Inc. Ultra-bright "indigo LED" lights cleanly inhibit the attachment and breeding of all kinds of fouling organisms!
P-06 Yoshimitsu Sonoyama Agri-Light Research Institute, Inc. We are a cultivation environment research organization that can meet your "I want to ________ plants" needs.
P-07 Ryosuke Hashimoto Suzuka National College of Technology Magneto-optical imaging technology for crack inspection on ferromagnetic metal surfaces
P-08 Takashi Kanbayashi Eco-Pork Co. Next-generation pig farming using ICT/IoT/AI technology
P-09 Daiki Nakaya Milk. Possibilities for hyperspectral analysis
P-10 Keisuke Shibata Department of Cardiovascular and Hypertension Medicine, Kagoshima University A clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Onsen Water 99® on blood glucose levels and the effects of intestinal environmental changes: An open randomized, placebo-controlled, two-sequence, two-phase, crossover Phase IIb study.
P-11 Yuya Hayashi Toy Medical Co. Realization of a Healthy Society through Salt Absorption Control Technology
P-12 Takayama Takahashi OUTSENSE Corporation Introduction of Surface Shape Search Service
P-13 Nao Ikeda Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University Report on the distribution of SiO maser in the Mira-type variable star IRC+20404 using VERA
P-14 Mizuki Shimooka AMI Corporation Super Stethoscope ~Listening DX
P-15 Rei Matsuzaka Kagoshima University Radio Astronomy and Molecular Gas Clouds
P-16 Hiroyuki Nakajima SDGs products Inc.
P-17 Yutaka Watanabe Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Three-dimensional center-of-gravity detection technology that contributes to safety in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries
P-18 Kenji Fukamizu Limited Liability Company LST Adding New Value to Cattle
P-19 Takushi Hanashiro Euglena Co. The Future of Low Carbon Agriculture with Kagikenori and Algae
P-20 Shigehiro Ito Tsuruoka National College of Technology Design of effective interface in anode layer for SOFC with a view to social implementation
P-21 Masahiro Koyama Wernas Corporation Achieving well-being for all people through "AI Meal," an individualized nutrition-optimized diet.
P-22 Soichiro Samejima Kagoshima University Hydrogen production from biogas using nickel-supported porous ceramic catalysts
P-23 Satoshi Kuramoto Yale Corporation Okra Beauty Project
P-24 Masahiko Furuya Kumamoto University Investigation of agricultural use of graphene oxide
P-25 Akihiro Hara Universal Standard Corporation Leveraging Instant Wins for Successful OMO Strategies
P-26 Yudai Tanaka Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Research on Sustainability Assessment of Seafood Distribution
P-27 Takashi Mizuta Crucial Cooling Performance, Inc. Development of a new heat dissipation system using FGHP technology
P-28 Noriko Morinaga Tama Corporation Closed-cell pearl onshore cultivation
Create strong local products
A variety of agricultural products are produced in the prefecture, taking advantage of regional characteristics. In some cases, these products have improved productivity and added value to the products through the collaboration of technology and businesses. In this session, Mr. Murakami of Metagen, who is conducting joint research with researchers in the prefecture using its proprietary technology "Metabologenomics®," Mr. Nakaya of Milk, who is strong in spectral analysis technology, and Mr. Kambayashi of Eco-Pork, who is working with local businesses to demonstrate IoT technology in pig farming, will discuss how to improve productivity and add value in agriculture and animal husbandry in the prefecture. Mr. Murakami will discuss productivity improvement and value-adding in agriculture and livestock production in the prefecture.

"More Information"

Mr. Shinnosuke Murakami

Director, COO and CIPO, Metagen, Inc.

Born in Tokyo, Japan in 1988, Tsuruoka has been a citizen of Tsuruoka since 2011. 2016, he completed his doctoral studies at the Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University. D. (Policy and Media). He then joined Metagen Inc., a joint venture between the Institute for Advanced Biosciences at Keio University in Tsuruoka and the Tokyo Institute of Technology, as the first employee. As a principal researcher, he has been engaged in research on intestinal bacteria, developing technologies for stool preservation and practical application of technologies to control the intestinal environment, and from 2018, as COO of Executive Officer, and from 2022, as COO and CIPO of Director, he will oversee R&D support business and the utilization of intellectual property. He is engaged in research and business to realize Metagen's vision of a "zero disease" society.

Mr. Daiki Nakaya

Representative Director and CEO, Milk.

Born in Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan. 28 years old. After graduating from high school, he went to SierraCollege in California. While majoring in astrophysics, he developed his own AI. He started his research 7 years ago with the theme of "Investigating the cause of cancer using light. More than 40 academic achievements. Obtained 2 patents. One of them has been transferred overseas. Established Milk. Inc. in December 2019 to accelerate development.

Mr. Takashi Kanbayashi

Representative Director, Eco-Pork Co.

He holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Michigan, where he graduated cum laude. Worked at a foreign consulting firm, mainly in management strategy and new business model planning in the telecom area. Later, he led the development of new solutions utilizing statistical analysis and artificial intelligence. He founded Eco0-Pork on November 29, 2017 (Niku Iiniku no Hi) to build a sustainable, recycling-oriented meat culture starting from pig farming by utilizing technology.

Yosuke Miyauchi

Director, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Center, Riverness, Inc.

Ph.D. (Agronomy), Graduate School of Horticulture, Chiba University. In graduate school, he established high-yield cultivation technology of soybean in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. In 2019, he established the Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Research Center to actively promote cross-sectional research in the field of agriculture.

A new strategy to unlock and communicate the potential of agricultural products
What is needed to increase the commercial value of Kagoshima's agricultural, forestry, and fishery products? This requires understanding the needs of the consumers to whom the products are delivered, and then drawing out and communicating the functions of the agricultural products, but this is not something that can be done overnight. In this session, we will discuss new strategies for communicating food from Kagoshima with health food marketing professionals, venture companies aiming to realize individual optimization of food, and companies in Kagoshima Prefecture aiming to utilize local resources.

"More Information"

Mr. Akihiro Hara

President and CEO, Universal Standard Corporation

As a "mail order planning and trading company" that has been in business for over 40 years with a strong focus on beauty and health foods, we create and develop new businesses not only in Japan but also in Asia. We plan and sell hand gel "Omamori Tetote" and beauty vinegar in collaboration with the oldest natural vinegar fermentation black vinegar brewery in Japan.

Mr. Masahiro Koyama

Representative Director, WELNAS Corporation

Since 2008, he has been involved in research at the Nakamura Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Shinshu University. He has experienced the improvement of his long-standing problems with high blood pressure and sleep disorders through the use of choline esters, and feels it is his mission to bring the benefits of choline esters to as many people as possible. After working as a researcher at the same laboratory, he established Wernus, Inc. in 2017.

Mr. Satoshi Kuramoto

Representative Director, Yale Inc.

Born in Nagasaki Prefecture. After graduating from the Faculty of Education at Saga University, he joined Yale Corporation (headquartered in Ibusuki City) and became its representative director in 2004. While his main business of manufacturing electronic components accounted for 90% of his sales, he focused on okra, of which Ibusuki City is the largest producer in Japan, as a new business theme. He has been working on the conversion of out-of-spec okra into powder, which is used as an ingredient in processed foods and health foods. Development of Local Resources as an Individual
He also works as a planner "Yusahana Planning (Yusahana Kikaku)" and plans, develops and sells "Ibusuki Onsen Cider".

Masahiro Ikegami

Director and CFO, Liverness, Inc.

Representative Director, Liberace Capital Co.

Born in Kagoshima, Japan. Graduated from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Faculty of Bioscience and Biotechnology, and founded LIVERNESS Corporation in June 2002, where he was appointed as Director and CFO. Since December 2014, he has served as the managing director of the Real Tech Fund, an investment fund specializing in university-launched R&D ventures, and since January 2020, he has served as the representative director of Riverness Capital Co.

  • Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.

  • Kyocera Corporation

  • Kagoshima prefecture (Kyushu)

  • The Kagoshima Bank, Ltd.


Super Interdisciplinary Poster Session

Saturday, February 25, 13:00-18:00 (core time 15:15-16:15)
