News in 2022

2022.08.22 Osaka Conference] Talking with Up-and-Coming Young Scientists, Chemistry in 1, 2, and 3 Dimensions / August 27, 2022
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
2022.08.22 [Osaka Conference] Engineering Cell Manufacturing - Listening to and Programming Cells / August 27, 2022
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
2022.08.22 Osaka Conference] Thinking about the Future of Activities to Expand the Base of Research / August 27, 2022
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
【大阪大会】テクノロジーで自然を興す ーブルーカーボン生態系の維持・再生に向けた実証プランの検討ー/2022年8月27日
2022.08.19 Osaka Conference] Revitalizing Nature through Technology -Examination of a Demonstration Plan for the Maintenance and Restoration of the Blue Carbon Ecosystem/ August 27, 2022
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
2022.08.19 Osaka Convention] Beauty, Health and Science - How far can cosmetic materials evolve through biomonitoring / August 27, 2022
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
2022.08.19 Osaka Conference] Strategies for "Bridging" World-Class Research Results to Society! /August 27, 2022
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
2022.08.19 Yamagata Forum] Sin Food Value Chain around the Region
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
2022.08.19 Mashida Forum 2022] Practice of Agricultural Technology Application from Mashida, Japan / September 3, 2022
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【山形フォーラム】特別企画:ベンチャー・研究者と紡ぐ地域製造進化論 〜日本、世界を変える製造がここから始まる〜
2022.08.19 Yamagata Forum] Special Program: Regional Manufacturing Evolution Spun Out with Ventures and Researchers - Manufacturing that Changes Japan and the World Starts Here
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields
【山形フォーラム】明日の「元気」はどうつくる? - 運動・食行動・データから読み解く、健康づくりの処方箋 -
2022.08.18 Yamagata Forum] How to Create Tomorrow's "Energy"? - Prescription for Health Promotion based on Exercise, Dietary Behavior and Data
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  • Society for the Study of Super-Different Fields