超異分野学会2024 豊橋フォーラム
2024.12.14 [SAT].

Toyohashi Forum of the Association of Hyperdifferent Fields 2024

Creativity from Toyohashi generated by the fusion of knowledge Toyohashi Science Core
What is the Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference?
The Toyohashi Forum of the Association of Hyperdifferent Fields, which began in 2022, has been considering, practicing, and working on mechanisms to create cooperation between local companies and local universities and researchers, ventures, and business companies from outside the region. In the process, we have made various discoveries about the Toyohashi area, including its research and technological capabilities, traditions, and the thoughts of people at companies who are trying to set up new things. For example, there have been cases not seen in other areas, such as a zoo and botanical garden collaborating with a university to create a project.
Now in its third year, the program will be developed as an initiative to further manifest the potential of Toyohashi that has been discovered, and to create partnerships between universities and companies in the Toyohashi area and those outside the region.
Saturday, December 14, 2024, 10:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Toyohashi Science Core
333-9, Aza Hamaike, Nishiyuki-cho, Toyohashi-shi, Aichi, Japan
Science Create Corporation (Toyohashi City subsidized project), REVANES Corporation, Toyohashi University of Technology, Higashimikawa Startup Promotion Council
Target Participants
Academia, local businesses, ventures, large companies, local factories, producers, local government, junior high school, high school, and technical college students, etc.
Related Keywords
Manufacturing, food tech, healthcare, medical-engineering collaboration, robotics, urban development, spatial design, communication, microorganisms, plants, biomass, algae, materials, agricultural materials, energy

Abstract Registration

If you wish to present your researchthis way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker)Please apply from

Eligibility for presentation
  • Researchers and students affiliated with universities and other research institutions
  • Businesses (small, medium, and large) in Toyohashi and beyond
  • venture business
  • backstreet (small) workshop
  • Educators, middle and high school students, technical college students
  • Others of all attributes
Announcement classification

Research presentations (poster presentations)
Of those who meet the above presentation qualifications,research publicationandOur BusinessPlease select Research Presentation in both cases if you wish to

(technical) specification

Panel: 110cm x 110cm (+ 70cm height of panel legs)
*As long as it does not extend far beyond the panel, there are no size or format restrictions.
Reference: A0 size: 84.1 cm (118.9 in.)
If you apply for "with exhibits" at the time of registration, a desk with a depth of approximately 60 cm will be provided.

How to submit an abstract

(1) Click the "Abstract Registration" button above.
Please create your own ID.
(3) From the menu after logging in, click on "Toyohashi Forum 2024, Society of Transdisciplinary Research, Toyohashi, Japan Abstract RegistrationClick on "Click here.
Click the "New Application" button in the upper right corner.
(5) Please fill out the required information in the abstract submission form.

November 1, 2024 (Fri.) 23:59
Click here for abstract submission (deadline 11/1)

Participant (audience) Ticket

The Toyohashi Forum of the Association of Hyperdifferent Fields welcomes visitors from local businesses, academia, ventures, large corporations, medium-sized and small companies, small and medium-sized factories, producers, local governments, junior high school, high school, and technical college students, and many others.

  • For reception management purposes, those planning to attend the event are requested to purchase an audience ticket (free of charge) in advance.
  • Representatives of poster presenters and booth exhibitors are not required to obtain an auditorium ticket. However, co-researchers and accompanying persons are required to purchase an auditorium ticket.
Click here to register as a participant
Click here for abstract SUBMISSION
Click here to register as a participant