超異分野学会2024 大阪・関西大会
2024.08.31 [SAT].

Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference 2024 OSAKA

Rebuilding the Research Ecosystem Knowledge Capital Conference Room Tower C
What is the Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference?
It is a place where researchers, large corporations, small factories, and venture companies, regardless of their field or industry, can fuse their knowledge and technology through discussion, identify new research themes and issues that humanity needs to face, and promote research together.

Research that creates something new from nothing is, to begin with, "fun. However, all we hear from the research community in Japan today are gloomy stories. Perhaps the current way of conducting research, including budgets, postings, priority themes, evaluation systems, and researcher training, is no longer functioning well in the changing times. On the other hand, Southeast Asian countries have developed, and local researchers have become equal research partners, both academic and civilian. The field of research is expanding not only to Japan, Europe, the U.S., and China, but also to Southeast Asia. Now that the global situation has changed, let us return to our roots as researchers and start a discussion on the reconstruction of the research ecosystem, including academia, corporate research institutes, and even bridging the research results to society.
Saturday, August 31, 2024 09:30-18:30
Knowledge Capital Conference Room Tower C
8F Grand Front Osaka Tower C, 3-1 Ohfuka-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka City, Osaka
Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
Entrance fee
Corporations and government agencies 50,000 yen/person (tax and handling fee not included)
Researchers, students, educators, junior high and high school students, and researchers affiliated with universities and other research institutions Free
Target Participants
Academia, venture companies, agricultural corporations, large corporations, town factories (fabricators), local governments, junior high and high school students, etc.


TIME Main hall Session Room A Session Room B Poster and booth
09:30 Opening Ceremony
10:00 Short Pitches by Researchers and Venture Companies "Super Heterodox Splash
11:00 Poster & Booth Core Time
12:30 Lunch break 12:45-13:15 Knowledge Manufacturing Ignition Workshop
13:30 Keynote Speech "Start a new research - Let's continue to do interesting research with amateur ideas and professional execution.
13:50 Movement
14:00 First Social Implementation - How do researchers face the barriers of the start-up period? How do researchers face the obstacles in the start-up phase? Session a1 Session b1
14:50 Travel & Rest
15:10 Session m2 Session a2 Session b2
16:00 Travel & Rest
16:20 Can Gut Design® be achieved outside of food! Session a3 Session b3
17:10 Travel & Rest
17:20 Knowledge Manufacturing Ignition Co-Creation Pitch
17:50 Break and social time
18:10 Awards Ceremony and Closing Ceremony (~18:30)

Participant (audience) Ticket

We look forward to welcoming many people from academia, venture companies, large corporations, town factories, local governments, junior high and high school students, and others to the Hyperdifferent Fields Conference.

Researchers affiliated with universities and other research institutions,
Students, educators, middle and high school students

*Representatives of poster presenters and booth exhibitors are not required to obtain an auditorium ticket. Co-researchers and accompanying persons must obtain an auditing ticket.

Businesses and government agencies

(Credit card payment) 56,980 yen/person (including tax and system usage fee)
(Bill payment) 55,000 yen/person (tax included)

Ticket cancellation policy and billing information for paid attendance
Cancellations will not be accepted after the application has been made for the customer's convenience. Please note that your request will not be cancelled even if you fail to show up on the day of the event.
In principle, payment is due on Friday, August 23, 2024. (If you are unable to make payment by the deadline due to the timing of your application, please contact the secretariat by e-mail. [Contact: [email protected]])
In the event that the Osaka-Kansai Congress 2024 is cancelled due to the organizer's decision, the request will be cancelled.

Click here to register as a participant


  • 石尾 淳一郎
    Junichiro Ishio
    • Leave a Nest Co., Ltd. Research and Development Division
  • 伊藤 崇志
    Takashi Ito
    • Fukui Prefectural University professor
    D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences. D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University. Currently, he is engaged in education and research on the health functions of agricultural and marine products from Fukui Prefecture at the Faculty of Bioresources, Fukui Prefectural University. He established the International Taurine Research Association in 2014 and promotes taurine research in collaboration with domestic researchers.
  • 井上 浄
    Inoue, Jyo
    • Leave a Nest Co., Ltd. President and Representative Director CCO
    D., Pharmacist, founded LIVERNESS in 2002 while still in graduate school. After completing his PhD process, he worked as an Assistant Professor and Lecturer at the Faculty of Science, Kitasato University, Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, and Specially Appointed Associate Professor at Keio University before assuming and concurrently serving as Professor of Advanced Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University and Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Keio University from 2018. He is a researcher and manager involved in launching joint research projects with universities and research institutions and supporting the establishment of research institutes while conducting research and development. He has also been involved in the establishment of many venture companies and serves as an advisor.
  • 海老澤 観
    Kan Ebisawa
    • Mobile Internet Capital, Inc. chairman of board of directors
    After working as a device/system/software engineer in the optical disc field at Sony Corporation, he experienced technology planning in the R&D area, group-wide technology strategy, new business creation such as the launch of PlayStation network business, JV establishment, business transfer, etc.
    He joined the Company as an advisor in March 2018 and was appointed President and Representative Director in April 2018 and Chairman of the Board in 2024.
    He has given many classes, seminars, and workshops related to venture business and open innovation at universities, graduate schools, and companies, and has trained future generations of venture business professionals.
    Graduated from the School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University. He is a visiting professor at Chuo University Business School and an outside director (independent director) of Synspective Inc.
  • 大坂 吉伸
    Yoshinobu Osaka
    • Leave a Nest Co., Ltd. Director, Center for National Policy Research
    He holds a Master's degree in Business Administration from Keio University, Graduate School of Business Administration. After working at Mitsubishi UFJ Bank and Japan Bank for International Cooperation, he worked at the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo (Specially Appointed Researcher) and Japan Science and Technology Agency (ACCEL Program Manager). Since joining RIVANES, he has been responsible for supporting the commercialization of research results by researchers and the investment and development of venture companies. He also serves as Representative Director of GLOKA LINK Corporation, Representative Director of KOBATA HOLDINGS Corporation, and Outside Director of Chalenagy Corporation.
  • 小幡 洋輔
    Yosuke Obata
    • Este Corporation General Manager, R&D Division
    After obtaining a doctorate (engineering), he joined a consumer goods manufacturer as a new graduate and worked in the R&D and business divisions. In 2022, he was transferred to his current position, and from 2024, he has been the General Manager of the R&D Division. He has gained experience in product design and development of general merchandise and medical devices, as well as in human efficacy testing and physiological psychological research in collaboration with external research institutions. Currently, he is engaged in activities to explore the seeds of wellness values and technologies utilizing fragrance and heat.
  • 金出 武雄
    Takeo Kanade
    • Carnegie Mellon University Founder's Memorial All Professors
    • Kyoto University Invited Distinguished Professor, School of Advanced Studies
    D. in Engineering from Kyoto University in 1973. After working as an assistant and associate professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, he moved to Carnegie Mellon University in 1980. He has served as Director of the Robotics Institute.
    As a computer vision and intelligent robotics researcher, he is particularly proud of his achievements, including the development of the world's first computerized human face image recognition and face detection technology, the invention of the Lucas-Kanade algorithm used in most video processing today, and the development of multi-camera imaging technology used today, such as the "eye vision" technology used in the 35th Super Bowl, in which more than 30 robot cameras captured a 360-degree view of the field of vision. He is also known for the invention of an algorithm called the Lucas-Kanade method, which is used in most video processing today, and for the development of many technologies used in everyday life today, including the multi-camera imaging technology represented by "Eye Vision," which used more than 30 robot cameras to capture a 360-degree field of view at the 35th Super Bowl.
    He has received the Kyoto Prize, the Franklin Foundation Medal Bauer Award, the IEEE Founder's Medal, the Allen Newell Award from the American Society for Intelligence, the Armenian National Award Global IT Award, and the Tateishi Special Award.
    He is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Academy of Engineering, a Person of Cultural Merit, and a member of the Japan Academy.
  • 木下 太郎
    Taro Kinoshita
    • UntroD Capital Japan, Inc. Growth Manager
    He joined Sumitomo Chemical in 2009, where he was involved in R&D and new business planning related to high-functional materials, etc. In 2017, he joined Realtech Holdings (now UntroD Capital Japan), where he was involved in investment operations and management support as a growth manager. In 2022, he founded Tokyo Nucleic Acid Synthesis Co. He established Tokyo Nucleic Acid Synthesis Co. with Prof. Okamoto of Tokyo University as the first real-tech company creation in 2022, and assumed the position of Representative Director (currently Director). Program Manager, SBIR Program, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (current position)
  • 重永 美由希
    Miyuki Shigenaga
    • Leave a Nest Co., Ltd. Human Development division
    D. in Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University. D. in Chemistry. D. in Chemistry from Tohoku University, Japan. In 2019, he joined the editorial board of incu-be, a research career support magazine for young researchers, and has proposed the path of "commercialization" as a career option for young researchers. 2022, He was in charge of matching researchers and companies in the NEDO Public-Private Young Researcher Discovery Support Project. Currently, he belongs to the Human Resources Development Division, where he is engaged in various training programs and commercialization support under the theme of diversifying the way researchers live and work.
  • 篠澤 裕介
    Yusuke Shinozawa
    • Leave a Nest Co., Ltd. Executive Officer
    Graduated from the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Tokyo (Master of Agricultural Science). 2008 Worked for a PR company before joining RIVERNESS in 2009. In the same year, he launched the Silicon Valley training program for graduate students, the first overseas business for Riverness. 2012, he launched the media development business. 2013, he launched the seed acceleration business "TECH PLANTER". 2018, he became the head of the foundation development business. Started working on the theme of "founding a business" instead of starting a business. started Project Ikkaku in 2019. executive officer since 2021.
  • 島﨑 航平
    Kohei Shimasaki
    • Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University Assistant Professor (Tenure track)
    Born in Kochi Prefecture, Japan, he was appointed to the position of Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University in December 2022, after launching the Digital Manufacturing Education and Research Center at Hiroshima University as a specially appointed Assistant Professor in February 2019, and is engaged in research and social implementation of high-speed camera technology to visualize vibration.
    On February 18, 2023, the company won the Grand Prize and the Company Prize at the 3rd Hiroshima Tech Plan Grand Prix organized by Liverness Corporation, and the Company Prize at the Deep Tech Grand Prix. Subsequently, the company received the "Judges' Special Award" in NEDO's NEP "Pioneering Course" entrepreneurship support program, and is well prepared for its establishment in 2025.
  • 髙橋 修一郎
    Shuichiro Takahashi
    • Leave a Nest Co., Ltd. Representative Director, President and COO
    D. (Life Sciences), Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo. Founding member of RIVANESS. He established the RIVANES research institute and built the foundation for research support and R&D projects. He has devised unique business models such as "RIVANESS Research Fund" and "L-RAD," a platform for unused research ideas, and has led many projects involving industry, academia, and education.
  • 立花 智子
    Tomoko Tachibana
    • Leave a Nest Co., Ltd. General Manager, Human Resource Development Division / Project Leader, Liverness Resilience Project
  • 仲木 竜
    Ryo Nakaki
    • Rhelixa Corporation Representative Director, CEO / CTO
    Computational Biologist (Ph.D. in Engineering). D. from the Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo. He specializes in the development and application of computational algorithms for the analysis of whole genome and epigenome data obtained from next-generation sequencers. In February 2015, he founded Rhelixa Inc. and was elected as a councilor of the Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine at the 16th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine in recognition of his achievements in the field of anti-aging medicine. He was elected as a councilor of the Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine.
  • 長谷川 和宏
    Kazuhiro Hasegawa
    • Leave a Nest Co., Ltd. Executive Officer CHO
    He holds a master's degree in engineering from Tokyo Metropolitan University. He joined RIVERNESS in his first year of master's degree and later became the first new employee of RIVERNESS. He launched the Human Resource Development Division and became an executive officer in 2012, leading the launch of the TECHPLANTER business and real-tech fund, building case studies of collaboration between startups and local factories, opening the "Center of Garage" incubation facility, and supporting new business creation for small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • 林田 英樹
    Hideki Hayashida
    • Graduate School of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Specially Appointed Professor, Department of Industrial Technology, Graduate School of Engineering
    D. in Materials Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, and a Master of Business Administration in Contemporary Business Administration, Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe University. Currently teaching and conducting research in technology management at the Department of Industrial Technology, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. He has been active in the chemical industry for a total of 32 years, including 19 years at a Japanese chemical company and 13 years at a major foreign chemical company. He has experience in R&D, new business development, and management of existing businesses of functional chemicals on a global scale, as well as venture investment business. Through open innovation activities in a wide range of fields such as chemicals, semiconductor materials, biotechnology, medical devices, and IoT for nursing care, he has created new business projects by combining the resources of large companies with the technologies owned by other companies, universities, and ventures.
  • 福田 真嗣
    Masatsugu Fukuda
    • Metagen Inc. Representative Director, President and CEO
    D. in 2006 from the Graduate School of Agriculture, Meiji University. D. in Agricultural Science. After working as a special researcher at RIKEN, he became an associate professor at Keio University's Institute for Advanced Biosciences in 2012, a professor at Keio University in 2019, a representative director of the Society for Intestinal Design from 2021, and a professor at Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine from 2022. In 2015, he won the top prize at the Bioscience Grand Prix for his business plan "Healthy Society Created from Stool" and founded Metagen Inc. He was appointed as President and CEO. He specializes in intestinal design studies.
  • 丸 幸弘
    Yukihiro Maru
    • Leave a Nest Co., Ltd. Representative Director, Group CEO
    Dr. Maru acquired his PhD in Agriculture from the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo. In 2002, while still a graduate student, he founded Leave a Nest with only undergraduate and graduate students of science and engineering. He has developed Japan's first "Science Delivery Experimental Workshop" into a business. He runs a "knowledge manufacturing business" that creates new businesses by combining technologies and knowledge from different fields. As the instigator of one of Asia's largest deep-tech venture ecosystems, he works to solve global issues by discovering deep issues from around the world. He has also been involved in the launch of numerous ventures, including Euglena.
  • 宮下 和士
    宮下 和士
    • Hokkaido University 北方生物圏フィールド科学センター センター長/教授
  • 森 英一朗
    Eiichiro Mori
    • molmir, Inc. CEO
    Spent his childhood in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. with co-founder Masataka Yamamoto (Director and COO). While a student at Nara Medical University, he engaged in basic research in cell biology. After completing a clinical internship at Nara Medical University Hospital, he went to the University of Texas, U.S.A., for further study. Through research into the pathophysiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a neurological intractable disease, he established MORMIL in June 2022 with scientific advisors Shunsuke Tomita (AIST) and Tomohide Saio (University of Tokushima), and Masataka Yamamoto and Kota Togami (CFO). The company received the KRP Award at HVC KYOTO 2023, the Grand Prize at Biotech Grand Prix 2023, and the Metagen Award, among others.


09:30 Main hall

Opening Ceremony

10:00 研究者・ベンチャー等によるショートピッチ 「超異分野スプラッシュ」 Main hall

Short Pitches by Researchers and Venture Companies "Super Heterodox Splash

Splash, named after the word "splash," which means "to splash or splash (water, etc.)," is an opportunity for researchers and venture capitalists to pitch what they want to do and what they are looking for from the participants in a 90-second pitch. The aim is to find passionate presenters while being exposed to the knowledge and enthusiasm of researchers who appear one after another, and to use their pitches as hints for new ideas. The poster presentations will be followed by more in-depth discussions that will lead to the creation of new collaborative research. List of Speakers
11:00 Poster and booth

Poster & Booth Core Time

List of Poster and Booth Abstracts
12:30 Main hall

Lunch break

Session Room B

12:45-13:15 Knowledge Manufacturing Ignition Workshop

13:30 基調講演「新しい研究を起こすー素人発想、玄人実行でおもろい研究をやりつづけよう」 Main hall

Keynote Speech "Start a new research - Let's continue to do interesting research with amateur ideas and professional execution.

Mr. Kanade is a leading expert in computer vision and intelligent robotics, and has created a number of innovative technologies that are now part of everyday life, such as face recognition technology and automatic driving. In this lecture, Mr. Kanade will talk about his research, which has produced surprising results while solving problems, as well as the concept of "amateur idea, expert execution" and research entrepreneurship, which he has developed through his own experience. Release page
  • Takeo Kanade (Carnegie Mellon University/Kyoto University)


14:00 はじめての社会実装ー研究者は創業期の壁にどう向き合う?ー Main hall

First Social Implementation - How do researchers face the barriers of the start-up period? How do researchers face the obstacles in the start-up phase?

Session Partners:
UntroD Capital Japan, Inc.
Innovative technology is coming soon! But how do we deliver that technology to society? Perhaps the most effective way is for the researchers themselves to "start a business. Although there are mechanisms to support entrepreneurship, it is not uncommon for those actually involved to be in the situation of groping their way through the process. In this session, we will welcome university faculty members who are working on social implementation of their research results, and discuss the challenges they face and how they should face them, while sharing their real experiences in the field. session release
  • Taro Kinoshita (UntroD Capital Japan, Inc.)
  • Daisuke Yamane (Ritsumeikan University)
  • Eiichiro Mori (molmir, Inc.)
  • Kohei Shimasaki (Hiroshima University)


  • Miyuki Shigenaga (Leave a Nest Co.,Ltd.)
Session Room A

Session a1

Session Partners:
tide pool foundation
A session on coastal ecosystem restoration will be held.
  • Susumu Kawaguchi (Tidamari Foundation)
  • 宮下 和士 (北海道大学)


  • Yusuke Shinozawa (Leave a Nest Co.,Ltd.)
Session Room B

Session b1

The session will be on quantitative evaluation in the management of R&D projects.
  • Hideki Hayashida (Graduate School of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
  • Takeshi Matsumoto (Japan Innovation Network)


  • Shuichiro Takahashi (Leave a Nest Co.,Ltd.)

Travel & Rest

15:10 Main hall

Session m2

Sessions on aging and biological age will be held.
  • Ryo Nakaki (Rhelixa Corporation)
  • Akihisa Morito (Taisho Pharmaceutical Co.)
  • Takashi Ito (Fukui Prefectural University)


  • Yukihiro Maru (Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.)
Session Room A

Session a2

A session on creating a flexible and tolerant social infrastructure will be held.
  • 林 俊伍 (株式会社ゲンダイシュウラク)
  • 佐藤 晋太郎 (石川県)
  • 井手 脩治 (自然電力株式会社)


  • Tomoko Tachibana (Leave a Nest Co.,Ltd.)
Session Room B

Session b2

Sessions on space development will be held.

Travel & Rest

16:20 Main hall

Can Gut Design® be achieved outside of food!

Session Partners:
Metagen Inc.
A good intestinal environment not only relieves constipation, but also suppresses appetite, improves endurance, stress, and is related to all points of health maintenance and business performance. Currently, the mainstream approach is to regulate the intestinal environment through "food intake" such as lactic acid bacteria, fermented foods, and dietary fiber, but are there any other methods? In this session, we will discuss the possibility of realizing Gut Design® through physical interventions other than food such as temperature and VR contents.
  • Masatsugu Fukuda (Metagen, Inc.)
  • Yosuke Obata (Est. Co., Ltd.)


  • Inoue, Jyo (Leave a Nest Co.,Ltd.)
Session Room A

Session a3

A session on community development using parklets will be held.
  • Tatsuo Kadota (Shikoku Kasei Holdings Co.)


  • Junichiro Ishio (Leave a Nest Co.,Ltd.)
Session Room B

Session b3

A session on the use of drones in community infrastructure projects will be held.

Travel & Rest

17:20 Main hall

Knowledge Manufacturing Ignition Co-Creation Pitch

17:50 Main hall

Break and social time

18:10 Main hall

Awards Ceremony and Closing Ceremony (~18:30)


Poster PresentersList of Booth Exhibitors


Online Abstracts

To access the online abstracts, you need to log in with your LIBANES ID and register your abstract or attend the 2024 Osaka-Kansai Congress.


Information for all participants

Click here to register as a participant