Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in Toyohashi Forum 2022

Conference Theme
Linking the Cradle of Knowledge, Toyohashi, to Social Implementation -Manufacturing, Human Resource Development, and Urban Development
Day & Time
Saturday, December 17, 2022 10:00-18:00
Toyohashi Science CoreAccess

What is the Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference?

It is a place where researchers, large corporations, small factories, and venture companies, regardless of their field or industry, can fuse their knowledge and technology, identify new research themes and issues that humanity needs to face, and promote research together, through discussion. Participants from different fields and industries constructively discuss the creation of unprecedented research themes and approaches to problem solving, and continue to work together to set up cutting-edge R&D projects that transcend barriers.

About the Toyohashi Forum 2022 of the Association of Hyperdifferent Fields

Toyohashi, home to three universities, Toyohashi University of Technology, Aichi University, and Toyohashi University of Creation, is a central city in the Higashimikawa region, where a wide variety of manufacturing industries and agriculture, which boasts one of the highest outputs in Japan, are concentrated. The Toyohashi Forum of the Association of Transdisciplinary Research will promote the inflow of research seeds from the city and local companies, as well as knowledge from outside the region, to the "cradle of knowledge" Toyohashi, where a variety of actors including young people, researchers, and companies will gather and discuss. This forum will be an opportunity to verify business hypotheses in collaboration with local businesses, accelerate the launch of demonstration projects with the keywords of "manufacturing, human resource development, and urban development," and link these projects to social implementation.

Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in Toyohashi Forum 2023
Saturday, December 9, 2023

Date: Saturday, December 17, 2022, 10:00-18:00
Place: Toyohashi Science Core (333-9 Aza Hamaike, Nishiyuki-cho, Toyohashi, Aichi, Japan)
Co-sponsored by Science Create Inc. (Toyohashi City subsidized project), REVANES Corporation, Higashimikawa Startup Promotion Council

<To whom it may concern
Academia, local businesses, ventures, large companies, local factories, producers, local government, junior high school, high school, and technical college students, etc.

<Related Keywords.
Manufacturing, medical-engineering collaboration, robotics, urban development, spatial design, communication, microorganisms, plants, biomass, algae, materials, agricultural materials, energy

<Countermeasures against new coronavirus infection
The Society plans to hold this event in compliance with the policies announced by the government and local authorities, and in cooperation with the venue where the event will be held, and after taking measures to prevent new coronavirus infection.

Tickets for auditing (free of charge)

The Toyohashi Forum of the Association of Hyperdifferent Fields welcomes visitors from local businesses, academia, ventures, large corporations, town factories, producers, local government, junior high school, high school, and technical college students, and many others.

For reception management purposes, those planning to attend the event are requested to purchase an audience ticket (free of charge) in advance.
Representatives of poster presenters and booth exhibitors are not required to obtain an auditorium ticket. However, co-researchers and accompanying persons are required to purchase an auditorium ticket.

Information for Poster Presenters and Booth Exhibitors

Information for Poster Presenters and Booth Exhibitors. Please be sure to read this information if you are a presenter/exhibitor.

Online Abstracts

Abstracts of poster and booth presentations will be available online at the Toyohashi Forum 2022 of the Society of Hyperdifferent Fields.
Only poster and booth presenters and audience ticket holders will be able to view the poster and booths.

Access to the Venue

For details on access to the Toyohashi Science Core,this way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker)for more information.

For cars|There are 100 parking spaces in front of the main entrance of the Toyohashi Science Core.
*If there are not enough parking spaces available, we may guide you to a nearby parking lot.

Public Transportation30 min. by bus/taxi from JR Toyohashi Station

Bus] About 30 minutes by Toyotetsu bus from Toyohashi Station.
(1) Take the Toyotetsu Bus from platform No. 4 in front of Toyohashi Station on the Tenpaku Danchi Line.Entrance to Science CoreGet off at the "M" stop, right in front of the station, 3 minutes on foot.

  • Outward bound|9:02 "Toyohashi Station"→9:25 "Science Core Entrance"→3 min. walk from the bus stop
  • Return trip|3 min. walk from the venue→17:52 from "Science Core Entrance"→18:17 from "Toyohashi Station

(2) Take the Toyotetsu Bus Toyohashi University of Technology Line from platform No. 2 in front of Toyohashi Station and get on the bus at the "Toyohashi University of Technology Line".beach roadGet off at the "M" stop and walk east for about 10 minutes (about 1 km).

  • Outbound|9:15 "Toyohashi Station"→9:35 "Hamamichi" arrival→10 min. walk from the bus stop
  • Return|10 min. walk from the venue→18:05→18:35 "Toyohashi Station

How to register on the day of the event

At the registration desk on the day of the event, the QR code issued to each participant will be read. Please present the printed copy in advance or show it on your smart phone at the registration desk.

How to post a QR code
(1) From e-mail
Please check the email with the subject line on the right. Confirmation of [LNestID] Ticket details" or "[Attached QR code for check-in] We look forward to seeing you at the Toyohashi Forum 2022 of the Association of Transdisciplinary Research in Japan."

(2) From Liberace ID
1. RIVERNESS ID login pageAccess
After logging in, check the list of tickets you have already acquired (applied for) from "Click here for the list of past applications" on the top page.
3. select the ticket for the event you wish to attend (Toyohashi Forum of the Society of Transdisciplinary Studies) from the list of past applications.
4. present the "QR code for check-in" in the Ticket information at the reception desk.

Pamphlet on the day

The pamphlet that will be distributed at the Toyohashi Forum will also be available online.
Visitors will receive them at the reception desk on the day of the event. Please look forward to it!
(Published on Thursday, December 15, 2012)

Program Information

  • December 17

Saturday, December 17, 10:00-18:00

Main Venue: Hall Poster and Booth Venue: Atrium
10:00 Opening Ceremony long vowel mark (usually only used in katakana)
10:20 Pitches by researchers and venture companies in very different fields
Technology Splash."
long vowel mark (usually only used in katakana)
11:00 long vowel mark (usually only used in katakana) Poster & Booth
core time
12:00 Lunch breakhour
13:00 keynote speech
Social Implementation of Smart Sensors Pioneered by Fusion of Different Fields
Poster & Booth
13:30 Session 1
Transformation of the manufacturing industry triggered by business succession

14:20 Travel & Rest
14:40 Session 2
Sustainable Industries Made with Sun, Earth, and Algae

15:30 Travel & Rest
15:50 Session 3
Pursuing Comfort in Life and Housing -Space Design in Symbiosis with Microorganisms
16:40 Travel & Rest long vowel mark (usually only used in katakana)
17:00 Closing Ceremony long vowel mark (usually only used in katakana)
17:20-18:00 long vowel mark (usually only used in katakana) Networking session
  • Main Venue (Hall)
Pitches by researchers and venture companies in very different fields
Technology Splash."
Technology Splash, named after the meaning of the word "splash," which means "to splash or splash (water, etc.)," is an opportunity for researchers, businesses, and ventures to pitch what they want to do and what they are looking for from the participants in a 90-second pitch. The aim is to find passionate researchers and to use their pitches as inspiration for new ideas, while being exposed to the knowledge and enthusiasm of researchers who appear one after another. The aim is then to develop into more in-depth discussions at the poster presentations, leading to the creation of new collaborative research.

"More Information"

No. theme identity Institution Poster/BoothAnnouncement No.
01 Construction of a tomato yield prediction system Yuki Katsumata Numazu National College of Technology P-02
02 All-in-One genetic testing system for health and food safety Takayuki Shibata Toyohashi University of Technology P-03
03 Development of agrochemicals using protein structure analysis technology Yuki Nishigaya Agro Design Studio, Inc. P-04
04 Renewable Methane Fermentation System Using Microorganisms from Cattle Stomachs," which generates city gas and electricity from weeds and food waste Baba Yasunori Ishikawa Prefectural University P-05
05 Physiological analysis of Dicrateria rotunda, a unique haptophyte that synthesizes petroleum Tomoharu Tanii Toyohashi University of Technology Graduate School P-07
06 The reality of career education for technical college students and KOSEN Labo's efforts to transform it Keiichiro Maekawa Toyohashi University of Technology P-12
07 Creating Functionality in Nano-Thin Films Using Plasma Processes Tatsu Haritani Toyohashi University of Technology P-13
08 AI Solves the Imaging Challenges of Defective Product Inspection: Providing Imaging Technology Applied to Optical Technology Takuya Fujii OptTech, LLC P-18
09 Practical application of suction fire extinguishing method Yuji Nakamura Toyohashi University of Technology P-19
10 Practicing Geographical Research through Seminar Activities in the Town of Toyohashi Nobuhiko Komaki Aichi University P-21
11 Image Processing Technologies for Disaster Relief Yasushi Kanazawa Toyohashi University of Technology P-22
12 Fastest automatic cornering to prevent rollover based on the three-dimensional center-of-gravity detection theory onodera bell with a chime on either side of the ring Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology P-25
13 Human Avoidance and Object Transport Characteristics for Autonomous Mobility for Smart Cities Hideki Tamura Toyohashi University of Technology P-26
14 Creating sustainable and healthy spaces designed in symbiosis with microorganisms Kouhei Ito BIOTA inc. P-28
15 Indoor air purification with houseplants Hiroshi Matsumoto Planet Inc. P-29
16 Evaluation of medium- to long-term stress using hair 50 lives total Eve Care Co. B-02
17 How to use local biomass to make agriculture and livestock production sustainable Maki Mukai (Hana Gokoro (Flower Heart Co., Ltd.) B-03
18 Estimation of carbon dioxide absorption by forests using remote sensing data Daiki Osada Archeda Corporation B-06
19 ANSWER," a hyperspectral analysis platform for visualizing ghost colors Tomizuya Fujii Milk. B-07
20 Introduction of Surface Shape Search Service Takayama Takahashi OUTSENSE Corporation B-09


  • Poster and booth area (Atrium)
Poster Presentation and Booth Exhibit Core Time
Let's generate many new ideas and knowledge from the poster presentations (research presentations) and booth exhibits (business introductions) to further accelerate your research and business.

Click on "Poster Session" at the top of this page to see the list of poster and booth abstracts.

Please refer to the abstract book distributed at the venue on the day of the meeting or the online abstract book.
Only presenters and registered ticket holders will be able to view the information.
1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
  • Main Venue (Hall)
Keynote Speech: "Fusion of Different Fields to Pioneer the Shape of Social Implementation of Smart Sensors
Outline of the lecture
Sensors that detect information around us have become an indispensable technology in the Society 5.0 society. Furthermore, we believe that the fusion of bio, medical, and agricultural sensor technologies with semiconductor integrated circuit technology will create a new market. In this lecture, I will introduce our current efforts for social implementation, from the origin of the world's first bio image sensor developed by the fusion of biosensor technology and CMOS image sensor technology, to the difficulties of collaboration with researchers in different fields who have actually collaborated on the application development. We will also talk about our current efforts for social implementation.

"More Information"

Kazuaki Sawada
Professor, Department of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology

D. in 1991 from Toyohashi University of Technology, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Systems and Information Engineering.
After working as a research assistant at the Institute of Electronic Engineering, Shizuoka University, an assistant professor at Toyohashi University of Technology, and a visiting professor at the Technical University of Munich, he has been a professor at Toyohashi University of Technology since 2007.
Director of the Venture Business Laboratory and Incubation Facility at Toyohashi University of Technology in 2008, Assistant to the President of Toyohashi University of Technology in 2014, Director of the Office of Technical College Collaboration at Toyohashi University of Technology, and Director of the Institute for Advanced Integration of Electronics at Toyohashi University of Technology since 2016.
He specializes in semiconductor materials, devices, sensors, and integrated circuits, and is engaged in research on integrated biosensors that integrate LSI and sensor technologies.
April 2013 The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Prize for Science and Technology (Research Category)
May 2020-Present Head of Division E, IEEJ

  • Main Venue (Hall)
Transformation of the manufacturing industry triggered by business succession

Session Partner: Nishijima Corporation

It deals with the essential transformation needed in the manufacturing industry, not just DX, as major changes are emerging in the manufacturing industry, such as the shift to electric vehicles. It tells how manufacturing companies that are taking on new challenges that are not subcontracted manufacturing, such as supporting venture manufacturing and developing and manufacturing proposals from the perspective of 20 years into the future, have come to be what they are today, following the succession of their business.

"More Information"

Yutaka Nishijima
Nishijima Corporation / Nishijima Medical Corporation / President and Representative Director, TannePartner Co.

Born in Karlsruhe, former West Germany, he joined Nishijima Corporation in 2005. After serving as Director and General Manager of the Reform Promotion Division, he was appointed Representative Director of Nishijima Co. Since its establishment in 1924, Nishijima has been committed to "human resource development" as a manufacturing company where all employees, including veterans, young workers, women, and people with disabilities, can play an active role, based on the management philosophy of "first-class products start from first-class personalities: lifelong vitality, lifelong active service. Nishijima Corporation has been working on "human resource development" thoroughly as a manufacturing company where all people can play an active role. Nishijima won the Jury's Special Award at the 11th "Nihon no ichiban ichiban ichiban desiderai kaisha" grand prix.

Toshiyuki Shibahara
Representative Director, Shibahara Kogyo Co.

Born in 1975. Born in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture. After graduating from university, he joined a major cabinet maker, where he was engaged in shop floor improvement in the IE team. He then worked in the production innovation project secretariat of a major factory. 1992 joined Shibahara Kogyo Corporation, where he implemented on-site improvement through IE and IT by building a core system, and experienced production control and management planning, becoming familiar with factory operations. 2017 entered the Graduate University for the Creation of New Optical Industries, where he began research on laser welding and small and medium-sized enterprise management. In 2019, he became the third president of the company, and is working to make the most of his expertise to become a DX for sheet metal processing manufacturers.

Yoshihiro Doba
Representative Director, Sankei Engineering Co.

After retiring from a major manufacturer, he started a venture company with "heating technology" at its core. Backed by the power of a small factory in Ota-ku, Tokyo, the company performs a full range of services, from atari-testing for universities and major companies, to prototyping of equipment and manufacturing of industrial manufacturing equipment. The company has a wide range of customers in the food, automobile, medical, and semiconductor industries. The company aims to become a "prototype laboratory" for its customers, functioning as a place for experimentation, measurement, and prototype assembly, while leaving the manufacture of parts to nearby factories with optimal equipment and technology.

Kazuhiro Hasegawa
Executive Officer and CMO, Liverness, Inc.

He holds a Master's degree in Engineering from Tokyo Metropolitan University. Joined RIVERNESS from the first year of his master's degree, then became the first new employee of RIVERNESS, and was appointed as Executive Officer in 2012. He is also responsible for launching Techplanter, an incubation business in the manufacturing field, managing Garage Sumida in collaboration with Hamano Seisakusho, and promoting the Super Factory Group. He also established Japan's largest incubation facility for manufacturing start-ups, "Center of Garage," and is responsible for the revitalization of manufacturing companies from a wide range of perspectives.

  • Main Venue (Hall)
Sustainable Industries Made with Sun, Earth, and Algae

Session Partner: Euglena Co.

Stable cultivation of microalgae, which is attracting attention as a raw material for energy, feed, fertilizer, and functional materials, requires land with stable sunlight exposure and a large area to cultivate it. The panelists will discuss the first steps necessary to create a new sustainable industry by combining Toyohashi's favorable location and strengths in the agro-industrial materials industry.

"More Information"

Kohei Atsuji
Euglena Co.
R&D Company R&D Planning Office, Senior Manager

He joined Euglena Co. in 2016. Since then, he has been engaged in research on the utilization of algal biomass (raw materials for resins, fertilizers, and animal feed), with the main research theme of searching for novel and useful species and strains of the microalgae Euglena. In 2020, he will launch the "Pararesin Japan Consortium," a joint research entity for the social implementation of polysaccharide-based high-performance bioplastics. He is also the representative director of the consortium.

Kenji Umemura
inotio holdings inc.
General Manager, Research Institute, Central Agricultural Research Laboratory (and General Manager, Research and Development Division)

In 1989, he graduated from Nagoya University with a Master's degree in Chemistry and Chemical Control. In his current position from 2021, he is working on the development of environmentally friendly agricultural materials and related technologies under the vision of the INOCHIO Group as a "comprehensive agricultural support company". He specializes in the analysis of disease resistance mechanisms in plants. He has served as a councilor of a project of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and as a councilor and editorial board member of the Pesticide Science Society of Japan. D. (Agronomy).

Yuu Hirose
Associate Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology

D. in Biological Sciences from the Graduate School of Science at the University of Tokyo in 2011. He has worked on a wide range of research topics including structural analysis of photoreceptor proteins, genome analysis of cyanobacteria, analysis of the bacterial flora of Antarctic algal mats, and analysis of oil-synthesizing haptophytes. He is accustomed to the warm and sunny climate of the Higashimikawa region throughout the year. In recent years, he has been engaged in applied research, such as the search for algae with novel traits and their mass cultivation.

Hiroyuki Takahashi
Executive Officer, LIVERNESS Co.

D. from Yokohama City University in 2009. D. in Science, focusing on creating new research projects between industry and young researchers, including the launch of the "Liberace Research Fund" for young researchers under the age of 40. He has been leading the "Association of Hyperdifferent Fields" for many years since its inception, and has also been involved in the creation of places to generate research, such as the establishment of life science laboratories.

  • Main Venue (Hall)
Pursuing Comfort in Life and Housing
-Space design in symbiosis with microorganisms

Session Partner: Saara Group

The environment that surrounds us is made up of the interaction of various factors such as color, aroma, sound, and temperature. While there is a growing trend toward sterilization and sterile conditions, we will discuss the necessity of maintaining microbial diversity and how it can affect our lives and performance, as well as the design of comfortable spaces and possibilities for the future, with "indoor greening" and "symbiosis with microorganisms" as keywords. The discussion will include the following topics.

"More Information"

Taku Ishikawa
Saara Corporation
emCAMPUS Management Office, Innovation Promotion Department, Corporate Strategy Division

Graduated from the Graduate School of Education and Developmental Sciences, Nagoya University. He was involved in the operation of emCAMPUS STUDIO, a start-up support facility that opened in front of Toyohashi Station in 2021, from the pre-opening planning stage. emCAMPUS STUDIO is engaged in efforts to create value co-creation between universities, start-ups, ventures and local companies. He continues to take on the challenge of creating new value for people's lives and homes at the Saara Group.

Kohei Ito
Representative Director, BIOTA Corporation

Representative Director of BIOTA Co. He has been studying the microbiome (a collection of microorganisms) since his high school days, and engaged in research using bioinformatics (information life science) for urban and built environments at the Institute for Advanced Biosciences at Keio University. After graduation, he established BIOTA Inc. and has been engaged in the business of "urban design to enhance microbial diversity.

Taeko Kasuya
General Manager, New Business Division, Planet Inc.

Joined Planet Group in 2000, and has been in charge of many clients by proposing green services such as web production and CAD production, etc. He is also involved in the management of a green business association. As of 2022, he is in charge of Planet's new business. Currently, he is in charge of Pla-Net's new business, and is engaged in educational activities focusing on business support and new business development for newcomers to green business.

Toshihiro Ishizawa
General Manager, Strategic Development Division, Riverness, Inc.

D. (Life Sciences) from the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo. After an internship period of about 3 years while studying for his doctorate, he joined LIVERNESS Corporation in 2008. After serving as the Director of the Osaka Office and the General Manager of the Strategic Development Division, he became the General Manager of the Regional Development Division in 2017. He is building a regional ecosystem to create R&D-oriented ventures that will spread their wings to the world from research institutes in various regions by introducing the concept of "Tech Planter".

Poster and booth

Super Interdisciplinary Poster Session

Saturday, December 17, 10:00-18:00 (core time 11:00-12:00)

P: Research Presentation Poster
No Title/Theme Name belong to
P-01 Development of an instrument and training device focusing on voluntary oral motor variability during feeding and swallowing Isamu Shibamoto St. Christopher's University
P-02 Construction of a tomato yield prediction system Yuki Katsumata Numazu National College of Technology
P-03 All-in-One genetic testing system for health and food safety Takayuki Shibata Toyohashi University of Technology
P-04 Development of agrochemicals using protein structure analysis technology Yuki Nishigaya Agro Design Studio, Inc.
P-05 Renewable Methane Fermentation System Using Microorganisms from Cattle Stomachs," which generates city gas and electricity from weeds and food waste Yasunori Baba Ishikawa Prefectural University
P-06 Next-generation small-scale methane fermentation system Yoichi Atsuta Toyohashi Biomass Solutions Co.
P-07 Physiological analysis of Dicrateria rotunda, a unique haptophyte that synthesizes petroleum Tomoharu Tanii Toyohashi University of Technology Graduate School
P-08 Rare disease Japanese monkey families and their iPS cells as models of human aging phenotype/associated diseases Kiminori Imamura Kyoto University
P-09 Comparative iPS cell research to elucidate the basis for primate evolution and diversity creation Yusuke Hamasaki Kyoto University Graduate School
P-10 Research and development of high performance and high durability SOFC with anode reaction activation Shigehiro Ito Tsuruoka National College of Technology
P-11 Development of a Desktop CNC Milling Machine Capable of MQL Cutting for Robot Fabrication in Robot Contest of National College of Technology Tatsuya Matsuura Toyota Technological College
P-12 The reality of career education for technical college students and KOSEN Labo's efforts to transform it Keiichiro Maekawa Toyohashi University of Technology
P-13 Creating Functionality in Nano-Thin Films Using Plasma Processes Tatsu Haritani Toyohashi University of Technology
P-14 Research and development of antiviral functional materials with regenerative and reparative functions Toshio Kamijo Tsuruoka National College of Technology, National Institution of National Colleges of Technology
P-15 Advanced Heat Transport Technology by Porous Media and Electro-Hydrodynamics Rihito Nishigawara Toyohashi University of Technology
P-16 Input Forming with Vibration Control and High-Speed Vibration Damping Transfer with an Additional Device in a Flexible-Pillar Gantry Yuichiro Yamamoto YMG Corporation
P-17 Direct measurement of pipe wall thickness using an X-ray image sensor Akifumi Koike ANSeeN Corporation
P-18 AI Solves the Imaging Challenges of Defective Product Inspection: Providing Imaging Technology Applied to Optical Technology Takuya Fujii OptTech, LLC
P-19 Practical application of suction fire extinguishing method Yuji Nakamura Toyohashi University of Technology
P-20 Solafune" satellite data analysis platform esoteric Buddhist ritual where incantations are chanted in a Shinto shrine Solafune, Inc.
P-21 Practicing Geographical Research through Seminar Activities in the Town of Toyohashi Nobuhiko Komaki Aichi University
P-22 Image Processing Technologies for Disaster Relief Yasushi Kanazawa Toyohashi University of Technology
P-23 Local Autonomy Design in the New Normal Era: Through the DX Social Experiment of the Local Autonomy Association Yuu Ono Toyohashi University of Technology
P-24 Accuracy verification for tracking outdoor staying behavior using RTK-GNSS Yuka Mizuno Toyohashi University of Technology Graduate School
P-25 Fastest automatic cornering to prevent rollover based on the three-dimensional center-of-gravity detection theory onodera bell with a chime on either side of the ring Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
P-26 Human Avoidance and Object Transport Characteristics for Autonomous Mobility for Smart Cities Hideki Tamura Toyohashi University of Technology
P-27 Design/build chairs using sketch interface and digital fabrication Akihiro Mizutani Toyohashi University of Technology Graduate School
P-28 Creating sustainable and healthy spaces designed in symbiosis with microorganisms Kouhei Ito BIOTA inc.
P-29 Indoor air purification with houseplants Hiroshi Matsumoto Planet Inc.
P-30 Algorithm for visualizing activity in an office using camera images Lee Temple Temple (in China) Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
P-31 Action recognition technology using wearable sensors and its applications Ren Omura Toyohashi University of Technology
  B: Business introduction booth
No Title/Theme Name belong to
B-01 Introduction to the Businesses of the Saara Group Yasuhiro Kurodai Saara Corporation
B-02 Evaluation of medium- to long-term stress using hair 50 lives total Eve Care Co.
B-03 How to use local biomass to make agriculture and livestock production sustainable Maki Mukai (Hana Gokoro (Flower Heart Co., Ltd.)
B-04 Regular food culture delivery "Sono tochi gifuto" to encounter new local attractions. Katsuhiko Matsuura picks design Inc.
B-05 Enriching Society with GIS Takayuki Sawada MapQuest Corporation
B-06 Estimation of carbon dioxide absorption by forests using remote sensing data Daiki Osada Archeda Corporation
B-07 ANSWER," a hyperspectral analysis platform for visualizing ghost colors Tomizuya Fujii Milk.
B-08 The Challenge of New Business in a Different Industry - Product Development for Tomato Yield Prediction Hideki Ogishima Yazaki Corporation
B-09 Introduction of Surface Shape Search Service Takayama Takahashi OUTSENSE Corporation
B-10 Garage Ota" super-accelerates research and development Yoshihiro Dooba Sankei Engineering Co.
B-11 New gateway to success for technical college students, "Liberace Technical College Challenge," begins. Solving corporate issues together with technical college students Hirofumi Uchiyama Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
B-12 Visualizing Communication in Real Places Bamiel Takeshi Mizumoto HiLable, Inc.
B-13 A-STEP Implementation Support (Repayment Type) - Development cost support for venture companies, etc. on the premise of repayment. Kazuya Oshitauchi Japan Science and Technology Agency