Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in Osaka 2021

Conference Theme
Update the foundation of your life
Day & Time
Saturday, April 24, 2021 10:00-19:00
Maruzen Intec Arena OsakaAccess

Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in Osaka 2021

Archived Videos
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[Limited time only.]

Tuesday, June 1, 12:00 - Saturday, July 31, 18:00

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At the Hyperdisciplinarity Conference,Publicize the value of your research,Provides an opportunity to collect research funding

Forum Overview

In Kansai, there are many companies that lead the industries that create the foundation of our lives, such as manufacturing companies with high technological capabilities, the medical healthcare industry, and the energy industry, etc. In anticipation of the Osaka-Kansai Expo in 2025, there is growing momentum, especially among local governments and private companies, to start new things in Kansai and to send them out to the world. In the midst of this growing momentum, the Osaka Forum 2021 will take on the challenge of combining the knowledge and ideas of people from all walks of life. Local governments, private companies, researchers from universities and research institutes, venture companies, engineers from town factories, junior high and high school students, and people from all walks of life will gather to discuss how to update the industries that support the foundation of our lives and cultural formations such as food and laughter, and how to transmit them to the world, using the Kansai region as a field for demonstration.

Academia, venture companies, large companies, town factories, local governments, junior high and high school students

Project Keywords.
Medical, Health, Environment, Living Environment, Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Education, With/After Corona etc.

Register your poster abstract
Target: Researchers, junior high and high school students, school teachers, etc.

Booth Registration
Target: Venture businesses and small factories

Participation fee

  • April 24.

Saturday, April 24, 10:00-19:00

  • Session Room A
Technology Splash," a short pitch by researchers and venture companies in very different fields

Session Partner: Focus Systems, Inc.

Researchers will condense the most passionate points of their own research into short presentations and transmit them to the participants, transcending the boundaries of their fields and affiliations. Participants (audience) will be exposed to the knowledge and enthusiasm of researchers one after another in a series of short presentations in very different fields. This is a place where the heat of the presenters and the heat of the participants collide and splash to generate new research ideas and friends. That is what "Technology Splash" is all about.

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order of presentation belong to announcer Title of presentation
1 Scrier Corporation Takahiro Okamoto
2 Eve Care Co. 50 lives total
3 Flora Co.
Anna Kreshchenko
4 Kagawa National College of Technology Yukinori Misaki
5 With The World Inc. Shunta Igarashi
6 Fukui Seiki Industry Co. Kazuzo Shimizu
7 Futpar Corporation Atlantic Ocean
8 Nariko Seimitsu Co. Hayaya Kobayashi
9 Universal BioSampling, Inc. Fumiaki Hirata Low-cost, high-throughput biosampling method using room temperature solidification of saliva samples
10 Poirot System Co. Tatsuo Ito RNA drug target discovery platform development research
11 Kobe University Graduate School Akari Inagaki Research on Microwave Mammography Imaging
12 Harajiri Komei Konnyaku Chemistry
13 Kansai University Masato Ueda Coral propagation using regenerative medicine technology
14 Kori Nouvelle Gakuin High School Naoki Sonoda Surplus Power Savings Method with Hydrogen Conversion
15 Osaka University Takashi Okubo Methanol synthesis from biogas
16 College of Science and Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ritsumeikan University Tsuyoshi Ankou Using AI and IC chip variation to create inborn individuality in robots.
17 College of Science and Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ritsumeikan University Yuki Hirota Stegopanel, an information display device invisible to the naked eye
18 College of Science and Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ritsumeikan University Fu Hamano Development of associative arithmetic circuits capable of processing more than 1000 data at a time
19 Kihata Keiki Seisakusho Co. Iwao Kibata
  • Session Room A
Evolving Communication - Sharing Food and Laughter
In 2020, the impact of the new coronavirus has led to a reduction in human contact and a decrease in the frequency of meetings, face-to-face meals, and chats that we have taken for granted, leading to a greater appreciation of their importance. How will the nature of human communication change in the future? Mr. Hiroshi Ishiguro, who pursues "human" through android research, will give a keynote lecture on people and communication, focusing on "food" and "laughter," which can be said to be the hallmarks of Osaka's culture. He will talk about the extent to which "human" and "communication" have been revealed through technology, and what kind of updates will be made to communication and people's lives through technological intervention, including the content of his research.

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<Online Speaker
Hiroshi Ishiguro (Robotologist / Professor, Osaka University) was born in 1963. D. in Engineering Science from Osaka University. D. in Engineering. After serving as an associate professor at the Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, and a professor at the Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, he has been a professor at the Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University (Emeritus Professor at Osaka University) since 2009, and a visiting director of ATR Hiroshi Ishiguro Special Research Institute (ATR Fellow). He has been engaged in basic and applied research on intelligent systems with the aim of realizing robots that are active in society. He has developed many robots, including humanoid and android robots that interact with humans, and Geminoids that are copies of themselves, etc. He received the Osaka Culture Prize in 2011, the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Sheikh Muhammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Prize in 2015. He received the Tateishi Prize in 2020. His major publications include "What is a Robot" (Kodansha Gendai Shinsho), "How Can We Create 'Human'" (Shinchosha), and "Can an Android Become Human?

  • Session Room A
If we can understand autophagy, can we understand health indicators?
A story about the trump card of personal health care from Japan

Session Partner: Nihon Unisys, Ltd.

There is one area of research in which Japan clearly leads the world. It is autophagy, a topic for which Professor Yoshinori Osumi was awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. This mechanism by which cells break down and recycle proteins is thought to prevent our cells from aging. It is hoped that a deeper understanding of autophagy will lead to the creation of new indicators, supplements, and drugs to extend healthy lifespan in a way that suits each individual. In this session, we will welcome Mr. Ishido, President of AutoPhagyGo (APGO), a biotech venture company that promotes autophagy research from all aspects, Mr. Matsukawa, Executive Officer of UHA Ajikakugasugar, who developed products with APGO, and Mr. Haneda, Fellow of Nihon Unisys, who has been working on utilizing healthcare data in recent years. Fellow of Nihon Unisys, which has been working on the use of healthcare data in recent years, will join the panel to discuss what kind of health indicators we can construct in the future by utilizing autophagy-related data. The moderator will be Inoue, CTO of Liverness.

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Nihon Unisys, Ltd.
Akihiro Hada

Joined Nippon Univac (now Nihon Unisys) in 1984. He worked in the R&D department, researching new technologies in areas such as simulation and demand forecasting, and the practical application of systems. He then worked as an IT consultant for corporate systems, mainly in the manufacturing and financial industries, and has been in charge of research and development since 2007. His main publications include ENIAC Frontiers of Modern Computational Technology (2016, co-translation, Kyoritsu Publishing).

AutoPhagyGO, Inc.
President and Representative Director
Miwako Ishido

Graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science, and Kyoto University. Doctor of Science. After working as a post-doctoral fellow at The Scripps Research Institute and as a senior researcher at R & R Corporation, he worked in marketing and medical affairs at foreign pharmaceutical companies Janssen Pharma K.K. and AbbVie LLC From 2019, he will also serve as a director of AutoPhagyGO Inc. Since June 2020, he has been dedicated to the position of President and Representative Director of AutoPhagyGO, Inc.

Deputy Leader, Bio Development Division
Executive Officer
Taiji Matsukawa

He received his Master's degree from the Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University. After working at the research institute of Meiji Dairies Corporation and the Food Development Laboratory, he joined UHA AJIKAKU Sugar Co. After engaging in product development of confectioneries, he launched a new health care business. In 2016, he was appointed as Executive Officer, and from March 2020, he will also serve as Deputy Leader of the Bio Development Division.

Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
Representative Director, Vice President CTO
Joe Inoue

D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences. He is a founding member of LIVERNESS. After completing the doctoral program, he worked as an assistant professor and lecturer at the Faculty of Science, Kitasato University, and as an assistant professor at the Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University before becoming a specially-appointed associate professor at the Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio University in 2015 and a professor at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University in 2018. While conducting research and development, he is a researcher involved in launching joint research projects with universities and research institutions and supporting the establishment of research institutes.

  • Session Room A
Future Dementia Strategies - New Insights from Advances in Detection Methods

Session Partner: Sysmex Corporation

Dementia, when severe, causes neuronal degeneration and cell death and is difficult to regenerate; in 2018, the FDA suggested the importance of preventive interventions. On the other hand, it is difficult to detect the disease in its early stages, and methods to detect signs in the early stages of the disease based on changes in brain anatomy and components in the blood have been continuously searched for, and some indicators are finally emerging. In this session, Mr. Aoyama of Splink Corporation, which aims for early detection of dementia with its unique MRI brain image analysis technology, Dr. Tomiyama of Osaka City University, which promotes prevention research through biomarker search and development of drugs and foods with anti-dementia effects, and Dr. Ltd., which is seeking approval for a blood test to measure amyloid-β in plasma, which has been reported to be associated with Alzheimer's disease, to discuss how the combination of technologies can change strategies for early detection, prevention and treatment of dementia.

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Sysmex Corporation 
General Manager, Technology Strategy Div.
Kenji TsujimotoKenji Tsuchimoto(Mr.)

D. from the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University. After working for pharmaceutical companies and venture capital firms, he joined Sysmex Corporation in 2011. After being involved in business strategy formulation and M&A at the Business Strategy Division, he has served as the General Manager of the Technology Strategy Division from 2017 to the present. In addition to formulating technology strategies and promoting technology strategies utilizing open innovation, he also focuses on bridging from technology to business. (BRIH-K, BRIH-K), which supports the utilization of bioresources such as blood from patients.The following is a list of the most common problems with the

Splink Corporation 
Yuki AoyamaAoayama(Mr.)

After graduating from Keio University Faculty of Law, joined Keyence Corporation. He was engaged in business development in Keyence's North American business, establishment of a Brazilian subsidiary, and management of a Mexican subsidiary. After that, he worked as an EiR (Entrepreneur in Residence) at a Silicon Valley VC firm, and established Sprink Corporation in January 2017, where he was appointed as Representative Director. Graduated from Dartmouth College's Graduate School of Business Administration (MBA), and will be a visiting researcher at the RIKEN Center for Bioscience and Biotechnology in 2019.The following is a list of the most common problems with the

Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine
research professor
Takami ToyamaTaka Tomiyama(Mr.)

Completed a master's degree at Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1986. After engaging in research and development of pharmaceuticals at Teijin Limited, he has been a faculty member at Osaka City University since 1998, currently a research professor at the Graduate School of Medicine. After discovering a new genetic mutation for Alzheimer's disease (Osaka mutation), developing model mice, and developing therapeutic tau antibodies, he is currently working on the development of prophylactic drugs and foods for dementia. Based on the results of his research, he established Cerebro Pharma, Inc. in 2017 and Medilab RFP, Inc. in 2018, aiming for commercialization within a few years.The following is a list of the most common problems with the


Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
Executive Officer
Hiroyuki Takahashi

D. from Yokohama City University in 2009. D. in Science, focusing on creating new research projects between industry and young researchers, including the launch of the "Liberace Research Fund" for young researchers under the age of 40. In addition, he continues to organize the "Super Interdisciplinary Society," a place to generate new knowledge and seeds for research and development by combining individual knowledge, technology, and passion for problem solving without being bound by the framework of academia.

  • Session Room A
Academia, industry is calling!

Session Partner: Kobe Medical Industry Development Organization

 In these uncertain times, academia's research capabilities should be utilized in industry. In Japan, however, there is still a large gap between academia and industry, and the influx of human resources from academia to industry has been a failure.
 In this session, therefore, a large company with strengths in R&D, a startup, and a startup supporter will discuss specifically what can be done when doctoral personnel join their company or the community they are supporting, in order to envision the world view after human resource mobility occurs. The three people who will take on this topic are Dr. Nakao, President and Representative Director of Takara Bio, which is active globally in the life science field, from research support to industrial application of research results and clinical-related business, and Dr. Yanagisawa, President and Representative Director of CellFiber, a startup that focuses on cell engineering as its core technology, after obtaining his doctoral degree, D., who joined Cell Fiber, a startup with cell engineering as its core technology; and LuidaBio's CEO, Mr. Kono, who exited a biomedical venture based on technology from his graduate laboratory and is now providing hands-on support to other ventures in the same field. D. in the U.S. and joined LIVERNESS, and is a regular observer of trends in academia around the world.

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Takara Bio Inc.
President and Representative Director
Koichi Nakao

Graduated from Kyoto University's Faculty of Agriculture in 1985 and joined Hozo Shuzo Co., Ltd. in 2002, and became a director of Takara Bio Co., Ltd. when Hozo Shuzo's biotechnology business was spun off. He has also been a director of the Kinki Bioindustry Promotion Conference since 2004, a director of the Bioindustry Association of Japan since 2009, a director of the Advanced Technology Research Institute of Kyoto since 2009, and a director of the Shiga Bio Industry Promotion Organization since 2013.The following is a list of the most common problems with the

LuidaBio LLC
senior partner
Yusuke Kono

Co-founded JITSUBO in 2005 and grew it into a drug development company while changing the business model several times, leading the sale to Sosei Group Inc. in 2014. LuidaBio LLC in 2018. In 2018, he co-founded Phimex, Inc. from Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and saw it through to completion of its Series A financing, retiring from the company. Currently, he is working with university researchers, bio-venture companies, and investors to create a mechanism to gather information, people, goods, and money according to the business stage. He also serves as a producer for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's Regional Ecosystem Formation Program in Kobe.

Cell Fiber Corporation
Representative Director and President
Yu Yanagisawa

D. (Engineering). received his degree in Hydrogel and Functional Polymer Research from the University of Tokyo in December 2017. joined Cell Fiber in February 2018 and was appointed as Director. in 2019, he was appointed as Representative Director and President to oversee business development and research and development. He is working on creating a new bioprocess business.


Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
Director, Global Bridge Institute
Ryuta Takeda(Ryuta Takeda)

D. in 2011 after studying the structure of plant pathogens at Ohio State University. D. in 2011. After joining RIVANES, he served as the General Manager of the Human Resources Development Division and the General Manager of the International Development Division before assuming his current position as the Director of the Global Bridge Institute and Director. He has contributed to the overseas strategies of each of RIVANES' businesses, especially the development of TECH PLANTER, which discovers and nurtures university-originated deep technologies, in 10 countries. He has a wide network of key players in the overseas venture ecosystem and is currently involved in creating a place where deep issues in Southeast Asia can be solved with Japanese science and technology.

  • Session Room B
What is the meaning of "visualization" in the manufacturing industry - What and for what purpose should a small factory show to whom?
In the Kansai region, the manufacturing industry is becoming more active in opening up to the community and society (open factories), and horizontal collaboration is emerging. Such collaboration is expected to break away from the conventional subcontracting structure and even create economic value through collaboration and sharing. In order to create economic value, what kind of data should manufacturers acquire internally and how should they present it to whom so that it can be utilized? In this session, we will discuss a society in which the manufacturing industry works together under the theme of two types of "visualization": open and smart. The speakers will include a telecommunications carrier promoting smart factories, a private company working on urban development that includes the manufacturing industry as a stakeholder, and the mayor of Osaka City's Minato Ward, who is promoting industrial development in the Bay Area, a manufacturing-intensive area in Osaka City, to discuss the growth potential of manufacturing collaboration.

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Ward Mayor, Minato Ward, Osaka City
Akihiro Sujihara

Born in Wakayama Prefecture. Graduated from Osaka City University, Faculty of Commerce, and was appointed to Osaka City in 1985. After working at the ward office, he has been involved in port administration for more than 20 years, first as mayor of Taisho Ward in 2010 and then as mayor of Minato Ward in 2017. He has been called the "singing mayor" for creating PR songs for the ward and performing live on the streets, and appears frequently in the media. In 2019, he won the Mizubeling Innovator Award.

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation
Manager, Smart Design Department, Business Design Division
Yuki Nakade, Yuuki Nakade
In 2009, he joined Panasonic Corporation and worked in global procurement at Motor Company for 5 years. 2013, he voluntarily joined a new business project in Motor Company. 2014, he became a full-time project leader of the new business project and explored more than 20 new businesses, launched 2 projects, and succeeded in mass production of 2 products. In 2014, he became dedicated to new business projects as a project leader, exploring over 20 new business opportunities and successfully launched two projects for mass production of two products.
He joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation in 2021 and is challenging to launch a new business/service related to smart factory.

Keihan Holdings Co.
Manager, Corporate Planning Dept.
Masayuki Namba

In 1997, he joined Keihan Electric Railway Co.
Since joining the company, he has been consistently engaged in the real estate department, and while working in the corporate planning department since the company became a holding company in 2016, he also went out into the field as the person in charge of Moriguchi City and Kadoma City under the long-term management strategy, "Re-cultivation of Railway Lines".
With the keywords of "Monozukuri x Machizukuri" (manufacturing x community development), the company is taking on the challenge of community development that incorporates ideas not found in conventional railroad companies.

Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
Director and Executive Officer CRO
Kazuhiro Yoshida
He received his Master's degree in Technology Management from the Graduate School of Technology Management, Ritsumeikan University, and joined RIVANES as an intern in 2004; he established the Kansai office in 2006 and became a director in 2009. Since the opening of the Osaka headquarters in 2018, he has also served as an outside director of two companies of the Super Factory Group (Kibata Keiki Seisakusho Co., Ltd. and Nariko Seimitsu Co. He is involved in the management of the town factories from the perspective of sales planning and organizational development, which he cultivated at RIVANES, and is challenging to update small and medium-sized manufacturing companies.

  • Session Room B
Discussions in the hyper-disciplinarity field: What we should create in the year 2025

Session Partner: Daikin Industries, Ltd.

It is becoming increasingly important for various entities, including large corporations, small and medium-sized enterprises, venture companies, researchers, and junior and senior high school students, to collaborate and work together to solve common human challenges. Since the establishment of the Technology Innovation Center in 2015, Daikin Industries, Ltd. has been focusing on "co-creation innovation" to create new value by incorporating external technologies and knowledge. In this session, we will discuss what kind of future can be created by Daikin and what each of us can do now, focusing on the environment, energy, and healthcare fields.

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Deputy Director, Technology Innovation Center and General Manager, CVC Office
Taro Mitani

Graduated from Kyoto University, Faculty of Agriculture in 2011, and joined Daikin Industries, Ltd. After joining the company, he was involved in management accounting operations and PMI of Goodman, a major U.S. residential air conditioning company acquired in 2012, etc. In 2015, he stayed outside the company and experienced investment banking operations. After returning to Japan, he was appointed Deputy Director of the Technology Innovation Center, a global center for open innovation, in 2017, responsible for promoting corporate venturing, including M&A and investments, etc. From 2019, he will also serve as General Manager of the CVC Office.

Kihata Keiki Seisakusho Co.
Iwao Kobata
Born in Osaka in 1968. After graduating from university, he worked as a sales representative for SMC Corporation, a pneumatic equipment manufacturer, before joining the family business, Kibata Keiki Seisakusho, in 1992. In addition to manufacturing mechanical pressure gauges, which has been his main product for more than 100 years, he established Garage Taisho in 2018 as a base for taking on the challenge of new development through industry-academia collaboration, including the development of medical equipment and IoT for existing gauges, and is actively involved in projects to revitalize local manufacturing companies. The company is also actively involved in projects to revitalize local manufacturing companies.

College of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
associate professor
Shima Okada
D. in Health Science, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine. He has been conducting research on the application of robotics technology to the medical and welfare fields, including research on technology to monitor the health and safety of various people, from babies to the elderly, and not only healthy people but also people with disabilities and illnesses, using non-contact, non-constraining sensing methods.

Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
Representative Director, President and COO
Shuichiro Takahashi
D. (Life Sciences), Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo. Specialized in plant pathology. He has participated in RIVANESS since its establishment, and while continuing his research activities at the university after obtaining his doctorate, he established the RIVANESS research institute and built the foundation of the R&D business. He devised the business model of "Liberace Research Grant," a unique research grant, and "L-RAD," a database of unutilized research ideas, and has initiated many projects involving industry, academia, and education. Member of the Graduate School Subcommittee of the University Sectional Committee of the Central Council for Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, etc.

  • Session Room B
Changing the world with research results, Tech Planter finalists take on the challenge

Session Partner: Yanmar Holdings Co.

Through "Tech Planter," an initiative to discover and nurture business seeds in the real tech field, RIVERNESS has been supporting second-stage startups of researchers, venture companies, and small and medium-sized enterprises with a vision to change and improve the world through science and technology and passion, together with a wide variety of partners. In this session, finalists of the Tech Plan Grand Prix held in Osaka, Shiga, Kobe (MedTech), Okayama, and Kagawa will give presentations on the issues they want to solve, their core technologies, and their progress and future prospects after participating in the Tech Plan Grand Prix. Please come and receive the enthusiasm of these researchers who are trying to change the world.

"More Information"

2020 The 2nd Osaka Tech Plan Grand Prix Finalist
Representative, Methane Oxidation Project Team, Osaka University
Kei Okubo

D. in 2001 from the Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, and since 2017 he has been a professor at the School of Advanced Co-creative Studies, Osaka University. He discovered that chemical species obtained by photo irradiation of chlorine dioxide can be converted to methanol and formic acid in almost 100% yield by the action of methane gas and air in a fluorous solvent. With this core technology, the company aims to establish a technology to convert methane gas obtained from biogas into methanol and formic acid, and to build a carbon-neutral chemical synthesis and dairy business that does not use fossil fuels at all.

2020 The 3rd Okayama Tech Plan Grand Prix Finalist
Representative of Be:Zen
Ryo Takimoto

Graduated from the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University in 2007. After engaging in research on the use of artificial muscles to support standing movements, he worked for a medical and nursing care equipment manufacturer, and in 2015 became involved in corporate planning at Sanyo Clay Industry Co. He has succeeded in producing high-quality "Organic Calcium Micropowder" from discarded oyster shells using a unique wet ball mill process. He aims to reduce and eventually eliminate the amount of discarded oyster shells, which are disposed of at a rate of more than 5,000 tons every year in the local area, and which cause problems with the sanitary environment and deterioration of the landscape.

2020 Finalist, 3rd MEDTECH Grand Prix KOBE
protect kid's brain representative
Hiroaki Nagase

Completed graduate studies at Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine in 2003. He is a specially appointed Professor of Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Internal Medicine, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine. He has developed a program for real-time detection of nonconvulsive seizures (NCS) and nonconvulsive status epilepticus superimposed (NCSE), which are at risk of causing serious disorders such as intellectual disability and motor impairment in children. Currently, the company aims to develop a program to detect NCS/NCSE with even higher detection sensitivity and accuracy by using AI to analyze a large number of accumulated EEG monitoring data.

2019 1st Kagawa Tech Plan Grand Prix Finalist, TEAM ARK Representative
2020 The 2nd Kagawa Tech Plan Grand Prix Finalist, Member of Maurice Co.
Yukinori Misaki

Completed Nagaoka University of Technology in 1986, Ph.D. (Engineering); after serving as a professor at the Graduate School of Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology in 2016, he has been a professor at the Department of Electronic Systems Engineering, Kagawa National College of Technology since April 2017. Engaged in the development of sensors that can measure respiration, heartbeat, and body movement with high sensitivity using polyvinylidene fluoride. He aims to use this sensor to prevent sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), which is a necessary countermeasure to the declining birthrate, and to open the door for mothers and childcare workers to use the sensor during child rearing. In 2020, he joined Maurice Corporation, where he is engaged in the development of a "Safe Sleep System" that uses a breathing sensor he developed to deliver a superb sleep environment to people with disabilities and AI.

Yanmar Holdings Co.
Full-time General Manager, Technology Strategy Department, Technology Division
Hideaki Tsuru

D., Department of Precision Machinery Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo. He learned the fascination of co-creation in different fields through the joint development of an antibody sensor as an undergraduate and the world's first motorized powder press as a graduate student. After working as a RIKEN Basic Science Research Fellow, he joined the Basic Technology Research Center of Honda R&D Co. He joined Yanmar in 2016 and assumed his current position in April 2021.

Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
General Manager, Kansai Development Division
Satoko Isogai

Joined LIVERNESS in 2008. He works on projects that convey the appeal of researchers and science and technology, and create opportunities for new things to happen by connecting people to people and people to technology. He has interviewed more than 100 researchers about their research and philosophies through articles, etc. He has been working in Osaka since 2016, and in November 2020, he established the Kansai Development Business Headquarters at the Osaka Head Office. In November 2020, he will establish the Kansai Development Business Headquarters at the Osaka head office, aiming to develop the businesses of all six divisions in the Kansai region and foster a counterculture to the Tokyo metropolitan area.

  • Sysmex Corporation


  • Nihon Unisys, Ltd.

  • Focus Systems Co.

  • Yanmar Holdings Co.

  • Kobe Medical Industry Development Organization Kobe Medical Industry Development Organization
