Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in Hokkaido Forum 2023

Conference Theme
Where empirical research through new combinations is advancing the most in Japan.
Day & Time
Friday, September 1, 2023, 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Hokkaido University FMI International Center (Kita 21 Nishi 11, Kita-ku, Sapporo)Access

What is the Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference?

It is a place where researchers, large corporations, small factories, and venture companies, regardless of their field or industry, can fuse their knowledge and technology, identify new research themes and issues that humanity needs to face, and promote research together, through discussion. Participants from different fields and industries constructively discuss the creation of unprecedented research themes and approaches to problem solving, and continue to work together to set up cutting-edge R&D projects that transcend barriers.

About the Hokkaido Forum 2023 of the Association of Hyperdifferent Fields

Hokkaido is an advanced region in terms of population decline, decarbonization of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, and a widely decentralized society, while also boasting a food self-sufficiency rate of 2001 TP3T from its vast land area of 221 TP3T, rich natural resources, and tourism resources. It is also home to a large number of universities and other research institutions. RIVERNESS launched the Hokkaido Forum in 2021 and has been communicating with researchers, producers, and local governments in Hokkaido, as well as with companies and ventures from outside Hokkaido. Based on the ideas for project themes that we have obtained through these efforts, we will work to bring together players who have both fields that are facing challenges and technologies that they wish to demonstrate or achieve results with.

Date and Time Friday, September 1, 2023, 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

LocationHokkaido University FMI International Center (Kita 21 Nishi 11, Kita-ku, Sapporo)
>>Venue Access

organizingLeave a Nest Co., Ltd.

<To whom it may concern
Academia, ventures, large companies, SMEs, local governments, secondary and high school students, etc.

Archive video of \Hokkaido Forum 2023 is now available.

note (supplementary information) symbolRegister for a LIVERNESS IDis required (free of charge)

Program Information

Information for all participants

The "Information for All Participants" for Hokkaido Forum 2023 is now available online.
There will also be information on how to get to the venue and how to register on the day of the event.
Please read this booklet thoroughly if you plan to attend the exhibition, including audience members, presenters and exhibitors.

Online Abstracts

Poster and booth abstracts are now available online.
To view, you must register for a poster or booth presentation or obtain an auditorium ticket.

Presenter/Exhibitor Manual

Manuals for poster presenters and booth exhibitors are available online.
All presenters and exhibitors are encouraged to read this information.

  • September 1

Friday, September 1, 9:30-18:00

Main hall Poster and booth
9:30 Opening Ceremony
9:50 Special project
10:25 Issue Pitches by Local Governments in the Province
Hokkaido Splash.
10:35 Pitches by researchers and venture companies in very different fields
Technology Splash."
11:15 Poster & Booth
core time
12:15 Lunch break hour
13:15 keynote speech
Sustainable Fisheries / Future University Hakodate
Mr. Masaaki Wada

Poster & Booth
13:45 Session 1
Challenging the visualization of agriculture, livestock, and fisheries sites
〜Hokkaido to the world, realizing a sustainable food system
14:35 Discussion
14:50 Knowledge Manufacturing Ignition Pitch
15:20 Session 2
Dairy Research "Social Implementation" Frontline
16:10 Discussion
16:25 Session 3
Ask an Entrepreneur Why I Stand Up
17:15 Discussion
17:30 Closing Ceremony
18:00 closing of a place


  • Main hall
Issue Pitches by Local Governments in the Province
Hokkaido Splash.
In collaboration with the FY2023 "Project to Promote the Introduction and Establishment of Businesses in Co-Existence with Local Communities and Businesses (Identification of Local and Social Issues and Matching for Solutions)," municipalities in Hokkaido will make presentations on their issues. Through collaboration with local governments, we aim to create demonstration projects aimed at solving regional and social issues.

<Speaking Municipalities
Fisheries Section, Industry Promotion Division, Otake Town
Morimachi Fisheries Division
Yoichi Town Policy Promotion Division
Rangetsu Town, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Division

"More Information"

Fisheries Section, Industry Promotion Division, Otake Town

Restoration of damaged scallop fry aquaculture facilities and improvement of efficiency of fishery resource stock assessment
The fisheries industry is a key industry in Yubu Town, and scallop production in particular is a major fishery, accounting for the majority of landings every year. Scallop production is based on a harvesting system that covers the entire process from raising young scallops to releasing them into the sea. However, every year there are cases where the upper block rope at the intermediate raising facility breaks, causing the young scallop raising baskets to sink to the sea floor. In order to stabilize scallop production, we are seeking the development of an underwater drone to improve the efficiency of raising the rearing baskets and surveying fishery resources.

Morimachi Fisheries Division

Effective use of waste from scallop processing and energy saving at processing facilities
Facing the calm southern part of Uchiura Bay, Mori Town has a thriving fishing industry. In particular, scallops are very popular as a tax return gift, and there are many seafood processing companies. On the other hand, the disposal of scallop shells, scallop scales, and other by-products from processing, as well as the reduction of utility costs for processing facilities, have become issues. We are seeking effective ways to utilize these wastes and energy-saving technologies such as natural energy that can reduce utility costs.

Yoichi Town Policy Promotion Division

Establishment of a system as a vinification grape growing region
Yoichi Town has a proven track record in the cultivation of grapes for brewing, and the number of wineries has been increasing in recent years. On the other hand, as the farming population ages, labor shortages have become an issue, and mechanization and labor saving in agricultural work such as mowing and chemical spraying are required, but there has been little progress since the demonstration stage. In addition, the region faces the problem of lack of public transportation and reception facilities when it comes to connecting with the tourism industry.

Rangetsu Town, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Division

Efficiency through smart agriculture in paddy rice and horticulture
Rangetsu Town is known for its "Rangkoshi Rice," a good-tasting rice production area in Hokkaido, and in recent years has also been expanding its horticultural facilities for tomatoes, asparagus, and other crops. In our town, the aging of the population and the increasing number of farmers leaving the farming industry are also noticeable, and we feel the need for smart agriculture to improve work efficiency. Among other things, we are looking for a variety of ideas that make full use of cutting-edge technology, such as weeding systems in rice paddies and harvesting robots for various vegetables.

  • Main hall
Pitches by researchers and venture companies in very different fields
Technology Splash."
Technology Splash, named after the meaning of the word "splash," which means "to splash or splash (water, etc.)," is an opportunity for researchers and venture companies to pitch what they want to do and what they are looking for from the participants in a 90-second pitch. The goal is to find passionate researchers and to use their pitches as inspiration for new ideas, while being exposed to the knowledge and enthusiasm of researchers who appear one after another. The aim is then to develop into more in-depth discussions at the poster presentations, leading to the creation of new collaborative research.

"More Information"

order of appearance on the platform theme identity belong to Poster No.
1 Development and application of temperature-responsive aqueous solutions that become cloudy when heated and clear when cooled Yasuteru Mato Muroran Institute of Technology 01
2 Research on CO2 direct conversion technology using liquid tin alloys Ryuto Onozuka Tokyo Institute of Technology 02
3 Development of an in-vehicle speaker system for avoiding collisions between deer and vehicles using super-directional sound Hiroki Matsuzaki Hokkaido University of Science 04
4 Space Cattle Project: Development of Strategic Smart Livestock Technology Using Advanced Bioscience, IoT and Space Technology for Grazing-Based Feeding Takafumi Goto Hokkaido University 05
5 Liquid fuel production from biogas Takashi Okubo Osaka University 06
6 Control of germination timing and establishment of fall sowing method using polymer-coated seeds Takeshi Namikoshi Kitami Institute of Technology 08
7 DX promotion for resource management and efficient utilization of hardwoods in the province Masahiro Saegusa Kitami Institute of Technology 10
8 Evaluation of Moisture Content of Modified Pork Intestine Sausage with Waste Pericarp Extract by Near-Infrared Hyperspectral/Multivariate Analysis FENG CHAO-HUI Hokkaido National University Organization Kitami Institute of Technology 14
9 New materials made from food waste Kota Machida fabula Inc. 15
10 Horokanai Buckwheat Circulation Project Tomoyoshi Ishikawa PS Corporation 17
11 Sapporo Glacier Project - Feasibility of an Urban Artificial Glacier Masahiko Todoroki Kyoto University 18
12 Research on seawater desalination plant brine and contaminated groundwater purification and resource recovery process using liquid metallic tin Toranosuke Horikawa Tokyo Institute of Technology 19
13 Research on Sustainability Assessment of Distribution of Fishery Products in Hokkaido Yudai Tanaka Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology 21
14 Optimal analysis of drone frequency data for machine learning based 3D center-of-gravity detection theory. Xu Xuan Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology 22
15 Influence of different shoulder joint rotation limb positions on trunk muscle activity during snow dump thrusting operation - with application to reaching operation in external rotation of the shoulder joint Ryusuke Osaka Hokkaido Bunkyo University 25
16 Micro Bio Space LAB Service Kouhei Yoshioka IDDK Corporation 32
17 Project to visualize the distribution of fish populations and zooplankton in the sea Yusaku Matsumura Hokkaido University 35
18 Aquaculture Simulation Kohei Kurahashi Hokkaido University 36
19 Development of biostimulants through visualization of plant stress responses Rieko Ogura Yokohama Biotechnology Co. 38
20 Rethinking the Measurement Principle Equation and Design of Stem Heat Balance Sap Flow Sensors for Agricultural Applications Kazuhiro Nishioka Agrishot Corporation 39
  • Poster and booth
Poster Presentation and Booth Exhibit Core Time
Let's generate many new ideas and knowledge from the poster presentations (research presentations) and booth exhibits (business introductions) to further accelerate your research and business.

"More Information"

No theme identity belong to
01 Development and application of temperature-responsive aqueous solutions that become cloudy when heated and clear when cooled Yasuteru Mato Muroran Institute of Technology
02 Research on CO2 direct conversion technology using liquid tin alloys Ryuto Onozuka Tokyo Institute of Technology
03 Coarse copper particle systems for heat dissipation bonding materials Takashi Aso Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University
04 Development of an in-vehicle speaker system for avoiding collisions between deer and vehicles using super-directional sound Hiroki Matsuzaki Hokkaido University of Science
05 Space Cattle Project: Development of Strategic Smart Livestock Technology Using Advanced Bioscience, IoT and Space Technology for Grazing-Based Feeding Takafumi Goto Hokkaido University
06 Liquid fuel production from biogas Takashi Okubo Osaka University
07 Satellite Data x Machine Learning x Plot Technology to Improve Agricultural Efficiency Takashi Tanaka Gifu University / Sagri Corporation
08 Control of germination timing and establishment of fall sowing method using polymer-coated seeds Takeshi Namikoshi Kitami Institute of Technology
09 Development of CO2 Separation Equipment for Green Premier Agriculture Toranosuke Nago Hokkaido University, Faculty of Engineering
10 DX promotion for resource management and efficient utilization of hardwoods in the province Masahiro Saegusa Kitami Institute of Technology
11 Al tolerance mechanism involving endophytic fungi of Miscanthus sinensis native to a former mine site. Toshikatsu Haruma Forest Research and Development Organization
12 Development of on-demand production technology for a sustainable source of protein, arctic lampreys SAJJAD KAMAL SHUVRO Hokkaido University
13 Anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory action of Astragalus membranaceus leaf extract Бундддулам Пэрлэйдулам Kitami Institute of Technology
14 Evaluation of Moisture Content of Modified Pork Intestine Sausage with Waste Pericarp Extract by Near-Infrared Hyperspectral/Multivariate Analysis FENG CHAO-HUI Hokkaido National University Organization Kitami Institute of Technology
15 New materials made from food waste Kota Machida fabula Inc.
16 e-Combu - Saving the Earth with Mottainai Kombu Momoe Osuna e-Combu
17 Horokanai Buckwheat Circulation Project Tomoyoshi Ishikawa PS Corporation
18 Sapporo Glacier Project - Feasibility of an Urban Artificial Glacier Masahiko Todoroki Kyoto University
19 Research on seawater desalination plant brine and contaminated groundwater purification and resource recovery process using liquid metallic tin Toranosuke Horikawa Tokyo Institute of Technology
21 Research on Sustainability Assessment of Distribution of Fishery Products in Hokkaido Yudai Tanaka Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
22 Optimal analysis of drone frequency data for machine learning based 3D center-of-gravity detection theory. Xu Xuan Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
23 Development of an Efficient Algorithm for Deriving the Maximum Bypass Degree Key Nodes in Trapezoidal Graphs Tomonari Izumi Kushiro National College of Technology
24 Three-dimensional center-of-gravity detection technology that contributes to safety in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries Yutaka Watanabe Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
25 Influence of different shoulder joint rotation limb positions on trunk muscle activity during snow dump thrusting operation - with application to reaching operation in external rotation of the shoulder joint Ryusuke Osaka Hokkaido Bunkyo University
26 Evaluation of medium- to long-term stress using hair 50 lives total Eve Care Co.
27 Learning by Video! Proposal for a look-back system to improve newcomer training and production efficiency Soaring Nishimoto College of Science and Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
28 Problem Design in Programmatic Thinking Makoto Tasaki Kogakuin University
29 Why is ice cream just the right consistency? Kimi Fuoki Exploration Classroom ESTEM
30 Protection of protein crystals by hydrogel Fumiaki Tomoike Hokkai-Gakuen University
31 DNA Higher-Order Structure Modeling with Histone-like Protein HU Fumiaki Tomoike Hokkai-Gakuen University
32 Micro Bio Space LAB Service Kouhei Yoshioka IDDK Corporation
33 How to connect Northern Japan with the current and future vision of the Japanese student synthetic biology community Kohei Takeuchi Hokkaido University
34 SDGs addressed by Hokkaido University Satoru Kato Hokkaido University
35 Project to visualize the distribution of fish populations and zooplankton in the sea Yusaku Matsumura Hokkaido University
36 Aquaculture Simulation Kohei Kurahashi Hokkaido University
37 Dynamics of Interfaces in Foods Makoto Kono Kawano Labs Co.
38 Development of biostimulants through visualization of plant stress responses Rieko Ogura Yokohama Biotechnology Co.
39 Rethinking the Measurement Principle Equation and Design of Stem Heat Balance Sap Flow Sensors for Agricultural Applications Kazuhiro Nishioka Agrishot Corporation


  • Main hall
keynote speech
Considering Sustainable Fisheries
<Summary of Lecture
Sustainable fisheries are achieved by balancing the sustainability of fishery resources with the sustainability of fishery management. Producers are making daily efforts toward sustainable fisheries by conserving resources and reducing expenses, but is there anything we, as consumers, can do? In this lecture, we will consider sustainable fisheries that can be realized by changing consumer behavior from the perspective of ethical consumption.

"More Information"

Masaaki Wada

Vice President/Professor, Future University Hakodate

Graduated from the Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University in 1993. He received the Hokkaido Science and Technology Award in 2012, the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award in 2015, etc. He is also a regional information technology advisor for the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and a member of the Fisheries Agency's Smart Fisheries Field Implementation Committee. He also serves as a regional informatization advisor for the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and as a member of the Fisheries Agency's Smart Fisheries On-Site Implementation Committee. He is the author of "Setting Sail for Marine IT" (2015) and the editor of "Introduction to Smart Fisheries" (2022). D. (Fisheries Science).

  • Main hall
Challenging the visualization of agriculture, livestock, and fisheries sites
〜Hokkaido to the world, realizing a sustainable food system

Partner: Focus Systems, Inc.

Many challenges remain in the primary industry, such as changes in the natural environment due to climate change, soaring fuel and fertilizer prices due to changes in international conditions, and the passing on of accumulated know-how and tacit knowledge due to the aging of producers. If physiological and environmental information of plants and animals can be quantitatively understood, it will be possible to optimize not only cultivation, growth, and resource management suited to their conditions, but also the food system, including processing, transportation, and consumption. In this session, we will discuss what we can do to solve the challenges of primary industries and contribute to the realization of a sustainable food system in the world by gathering knowledge in Hokkaido, including case studies.

"More Information"

Masaaki Wada
Vice President/Professor, Future University Hakodate
Graduated from the Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University in 1993. He received the Hokkaido Science and Technology Award in 2012, the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award in 2015, etc. He is also a regional information technology advisor for the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and a member of the Fisheries Agency's Smart Fisheries Field Implementation Committee. He also serves as a regional informatization advisor for the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and as a member of the Fisheries Agency's Smart Fisheries On-Site Implementation Committee. He is the author of "Setting Sail for Marine IT" (2015) and the editor of "Introduction to Smart Fisheries" (2022). D. (Fisheries Science).

Kazuhiro Nishioka
Representative Director and CXO, Agri-Shot Corporation
He developed a low-cost sap flow sensor that measures the flow rate of sap sucked up by plants from their roots, and founded several ventures at the University of Tokyo to promote the use of the sensor in the agricultural scene. His life's work is viticulture using plant water physiology, and he has been involved in winery management mainly in Yamanashi for the past 15 years, working as a flying consultant both in Japan and overseas. He also collaborates with Hirakawa Farm in Yoichi, Hokkaido, to develop quantitative and precise canopy management using sap flow sensors. In 2020, he will launch the online salon "Wine Kaitai Shinsho" with internationally active Japanese winemakers.

Kazuto Nakamura
Sales Planning & Management Department, IT Innovation Division 2, Focus Systems, Inc.
In 1999, he joined Focus Systems Co. In 2018, he began working on the company's new business creation, and is involved in joint research with universities, venture support, and demonstration experiments using the company's products. In recent years, he has been promoting the development of a labor-saving system for calf rearing and a system for estimating the growth of fruit trees using IoT devices.

Shuichiro Takahashi
Representative Director, President and COO, Liverness, Inc.
D. (Life Sciences), Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo. Founding member of RIVANESS. He established the RIVANES research institute and built the foundation for research support and R&D projects. He has devised unique business models such as "RIVANESS Research Fund" and "L-RAD," a platform for unused research ideas, and has led many projects involving industry, academia, and education.

  • Main hall
Dairy Research "Social Implementation" Frontline

Farm Note Holdings Co.

The advancement of genome analysis technology is accelerating worldwide to improve the genetic performance of cows in terms of milk production, feed efficiency, and health in order to increase production efficiency for the realization of a sustainable dairy industry. In this session, we will focus on the utilization of acquired genomic information other than nucleotide sequence, such as epigenome analysis and metabolic imprinting, and discuss its social implementation in dairy farming with researchers and ventures who are at the forefront of such research.

"More Information"

Yuto Taira
Director, Farm Note Dairy Platform, Inc.
After graduating from the Department of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture, Gifu University, he worked at the Gifu Prefectural Livestock Research Institute, where he was involved in the management of breeding Wagyu cattle and research on preventing diarrhea in calves. He then worked in livestock practice in Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture, mainly in dairy farming, and also experienced farm operations. 2017 he joined Farm Note Co. He joined Farm Note Co., Ltd. in 2017 and has been engaged in product development from a veterinarian's point of view. Currently, after launching his own dairy farm at Farm Note Dairy Platform, Inc. he serves as Director and Head of Pasture Business.

Takafumi Goto
Professor, Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University
D., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyushu University, where he has been working since 2022. Based on livestock biomechanics, he has conducted a wide range of research on beef production, including meat science, animal nutrition and physiology, livestock management, livestock behavior, ICT livestock production, and satellite data application. He is involved in the development of new livestock production systems based on new biological concepts such as metabolic imprinting theory.

Ryu Nakaki
CEO & CTO, Rhelixa Corporation
D. in Engineering from the Yutani Laboratory, Department of Genome Science, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo. He specializes in the development and application of dedicated analysis algorithms for large-scale genomic and epigenomic data. While still in graduate school, he founded Rhelixa, Inc. in 2015. Using his unique analysis algorithms and know-how, he supports basic research and product development using genomic and epigenomic information for various industries, including universities, research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and food companies.

Jyo Inoue
Representative Director, President and CCO, Liverness, Inc.
D., Pharmacist, founded Leave a Nest Co., Ltd. in 2002 while still in graduate school. After completing his PhD process, he worked as an Assistant Professor and Lecturer at the Faculty of Science, Kitasato University, Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, and Specially Appointed Associate Professor at Keio University before assuming and concurrently serving as Professor of Advanced Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University and Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Keio University from 2018. He is a researcher and manager involved in launching joint research projects with universities and research institutions and supporting the establishment of research institutes while conducting research and development. He has also been involved in the establishment of many venture companies and serves as an advisor.

  • Main hall
Ask an Entrepreneur Why I Stand Up
Try something new. Do what no one else is doing. Destroy the values of the past. The lack of such entrepreneurs is a longstanding issue throughout Japan, and Hokkaido is no exception. It is not difficult to imagine that creating young entrepreneurs who will create the future in the region will lead to solutions to local issues and business creation. In this session, we will unravel the "reasons why I stand up" of entrepreneurs in and outside of Hokkaido, and consider what has nurtured them.

"More Information"

Momoe Osuna
Otaru University of Commerce, Faculty of Commerce, 2nd year
Born in Hokkaido, Japan in 2003, he will study abroad in Los Angeles, USA in 2019. In 2022, he will attend Otaru University of Commerce, where he will study marketing and other subjects, and form e-Combu, a human resource development program within Ezofrogs. Together with Kazuo Miyashita of Hokkaido Bunkyo University and others, he is working on the development and commercialization of a feed additive that can reduce methane emissions from cattle using kelp washed up on Hokkaido's beaches.

Yusaku Matsumura
Master 2, Department of Marine Bioresource Science, Faculty of Fisheries Science, Hokkaido University
He entered the Faculty of Fisheries at Hokkaido University because of his love of fishing. While studying about the fisheries industry, he learned about the current situation of overfishing and aging population. He wanted to make efforts to DX the fisheries industry and formed Atuy Data Sea with his friends. He aims to create an infrastructure to obtain information on the marine environment and fish catches in the field, and to realize a sustainable fishery industry where fishermen, government, and researchers can work together to manage resources based on scientific evidence and manage risks such as stopping damage caused by red tides.

Kota Machida
CEO and Representative Director, fabula K.K.
Born in 1992. Graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering. Spent his childhood in the Netherlands and became interested in environmental issues. In October 2021, he founded fabula inc. with three childhood friends from elementary school, with the aim of "turning all garbage into value". He finds stories in garbage discarded, and creates excitement out of garbage. His favorite food waste is mandarin orange peels.

Yoshifumi Kawana
General Manager, Research and Development Division, Liverness Inc.
D. in Environmental Studies from Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan. lecturer at Yokohama National University VBL since 2008, representative of LD Factory Inc. and then director of Mylops Inc. director of Livanes Inc. since 2014, director of Agronome Research Institute Inc. since 2017, and since June 2023. He also serves as Representative Director of KAKAXI Co. He is involved in launching new businesses related to agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, including plant factory business, food and beverage business, and agri-tech venture support.

  • Farm Note Holdings Co.

  • Focus Systems Co.

Poster and booth

Super Interdisciplinary Poster Session

Friday, September 1, 11:15-12:15

No theme identity belong to
01 Development and application of temperature-responsive aqueous solutions that become cloudy when heated and clear when cooled Yasuteru Mato Muroran Institute of Technology
02 Research on CO2 direct conversion technology using liquid tin alloys Ryuto Onozuka Tokyo Institute of Technology
03 Coarse copper particle systems for heat dissipation bonding materials Takashi Aso Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University
04 Development of an in-vehicle speaker system for avoiding collisions between deer and vehicles using super-directional sound Hiroki Matsuzaki Hokkaido University of Science
05 Space Cattle Project: Development of Strategic Smart Livestock Technology Using Advanced Bioscience, IoT and Space Technology for Grazing-Based Feeding Takafumi Goto Hokkaido University
06 Liquid fuel production from biogas Takashi Okubo Osaka University
07 Satellite Data x Machine Learning x Plot Technology to Improve Agricultural Efficiency Takashi Tanaka Gifu University / Sagri Corporation
08 Control of germination timing and establishment of fall sowing method using polymer-coated seeds Takeshi Namikoshi Kitami Institute of Technology
09 Development of CO2 Separation Equipment for Green Premier Agriculture Toranosuke Nago Hokkaido University, Faculty of Engineering
10 DX promotion for resource management and efficient utilization of hardwoods in the province Masahiro Saegusa Kitami Institute of Technology
11 Al tolerance mechanism involving endophytic fungi of Miscanthus sinensis native to a former mine site. Toshikatsu Haruma Forest Research and Development Organization
12 Development of on-demand production technology for a sustainable source of protein, arctic lampreys SAJJAD KAMAL SHUVRO Hokkaido University
13 Anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory action of Astragalus membranaceus leaf extract Бундддулам Пэрлэйдулам Kitami Institute of Technology
14 Evaluation of Moisture Content of Modified Pork Intestine Sausage with Waste Pericarp Extract by Near-Infrared Hyperspectral/Multivariate Analysis FENG CHAO-HUI Hokkaido National University Organization Kitami Institute of Technology
15 New materials made from food waste Kota Machida fabula Inc.
16 e-Combu - Saving the Earth with Mottainai Kombu Momoe Osuna e-Combu
17 Horokanai Buckwheat Circulation Project Tomoyoshi Ishikawa PS Corporation
18 Sapporo Glacier Project - Feasibility of an Urban Artificial Glacier Masahiko Todoroki Kyoto University
19 Research on seawater desalination plant brine and contaminated groundwater purification and resource recovery process using liquid metallic tin Toranosuke Horikawa Tokyo Institute of Technology
21 Research on Sustainability Assessment of Distribution of Fishery Products in Hokkaido Yudai Tanaka Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
22 Optimal analysis of drone frequency data for machine learning based 3D center-of-gravity detection theory. Xu Xuan Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
23 Development of an Efficient Algorithm for Deriving the Maximum Bypass Degree Key Nodes in Trapezoidal Graphs Tomonari Izumi Kushiro National College of Technology
24 Three-dimensional center-of-gravity detection technology that contributes to safety in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries Yutaka Watanabe Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
25 Influence of different shoulder joint rotation limb positions on trunk muscle activity during snow dump thrusting operation - with application to reaching operation in external rotation of the shoulder joint Ryusuke Osaka Hokkaido Bunkyo University
26 Evaluation of medium- to long-term stress using hair 50 lives total Eve Care Co.
27 Learning by Video! Proposal for a look-back system to improve newcomer training and production efficiency Soaring Nishimoto College of Science and Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
28 Problem Design in Programmatic Thinking Makoto Tasaki Kogakuin University
29 Why is ice cream just the right consistency? Kimi Fuoki Exploration Classroom ESTEM
30 Protection of protein crystals by hydrogel Fumiaki Tomoike Hokkai-Gakuen University
31 DNA Higher-Order Structure Modeling with Histone-like Protein HU Fumiaki Tomoike Hokkai-Gakuen University
32 Micro Bio Space LAB Service Kouhei Yoshioka IDDK Corporation
33 How to connect Northern Japan with the current and future vision of the Japanese student synthetic biology community Kohei Takeuchi Hokkaido University
34 SDGs addressed by Hokkaido University Satoru Kato Hokkaido University
35 Project to visualize the distribution of fish populations and zooplankton in the sea Yusaku Matsumura Hokkaido University
36 Aquaculture Simulation Kohei Kurahashi Hokkaido University
37 Dynamics of Interfaces in Foods Makoto Kono Kawano Labs Co.
38 Development of biostimulants through visualization of plant stress responses Rieko Ogura Yokohama Biotechnology Co.
39 Rethinking the Measurement Principle Equation and Design of Stem Heat Balance Sap Flow Sensors for Agricultural Applications Kazuhiro Nishioka Agrishot Corporation