The 9th Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference

Conference Theme
A New Era of Knowledge Manufacturing
Day & Time
April 23, 2020 (Thursday) 9:00-19:00
Held online

The 9th Annual Meeting of the Association of Hyperdifferent Fields has ended with a great success.

Thank you to our partners, speakers, presenters, and audience participants.

The main conference of the Society for Hyperdisciplinary Research continues to run as a place where new knowledge that cannot be found anywhere else is constantly being created. The 9th Annual Conference will have up to 40 slots for sessions. We are able to manufacture knowledge that no one else in the world has done yet because we bring together diverse people with different knowledge, such as healthcare, brain science, IoT, data science, materials, energy, organizational development, and local ecosystems, and fuse their knowledge with each other.
This is the essence of a hyperdisciplinary conference, where individuals with a passion for solving global-scale problems can take the first step toward social implementation.

Please join us here and let's start a new project together.

<To whom it may concern
Academia, ventures, large companies, SMEs, local governments, secondary and high school students, etc.

<Project Keywords.
Energy, Life Science, Architecture, Chemistry, Mobility, Robotics, Data Science, Materials, Computer Science, Agri, Electronics, Food, Psychology etc.

Audience participation deadline: last minute registration possible

<For Poster Presenters and Booth Presenters
Due to the change to an online format, poster and booth presentations will be changed to a 3-minute pitch format (session name: Technology Splash).

<Participation fee for auditing
Due to the change to an online conference, there will be no auditing fee.

Thursday, April 23, 2020 9:00 - 19:00


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Opening Talk (Opening Ceremony)

Group CEO and Representative Director, LIVERNESS Co.
Yukihiro Maru
D. in Applied Biotechnology from the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Tokyo. 2002, while still a graduate student, he founded LIBANES with only undergraduate and graduate students in science and engineering. In 2002, while still in graduate school, he founded LIVERNESS, a business that offers "delivery laboratory classes in cutting-edge science" for the first time in Japan. He operates a "knowledge manufacturing business" that creates new knowledge by combining technologies and management resources that lie dormant in universities and local communities. As the instigator of one of Asia's largest venture ecosystems, he works to solve global-scale social issues by discovering deep tech from around the world. He is also an innovator involved in the launch of numerous deep tech ventures, including Euglena.

Director, Knowledge Foundation Research Center, Liverness, Inc.
Hiroyuki Takahashi
D. from Yokohama City University in 2009. D. in Science, focusing on creating new research projects between industry and young researchers, including the launch of the "Liberace Research Fund" for young researchers under the age of 40. In addition, he continues to organize the "Super Interdisciplinary Society," a place to generate new knowledge and seeds for research and development by combining individual knowledge, technology, and passion for problem solving without being bound by the framework of academia.

Founding Development Division, Osaka Head Office, Liverness Co.
Machika Hamaguchi
D., Osaka University, 2019. D. (Science). He joined LIVERNESS in the same year, aiming to create a mechanism to accelerate research and business in the bio-medical field, where hurdles such as regulatory approval are high. He is also involved in the development of incubation facilities that can be used as wet laboratories.


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The forefront of GovTech (government x technology) to solve deep issues
Session Partner: Drone Fund

GovTech (Government x Technology), which uses new technology to solve long-standing problems faced by governments and municipalities, has begun to attract attention in recent years. In Japan, disaster prevention is an area where GovTech is needed, as seen most recently in the devastation caused by typhoons and other natural disasters in the Kansai region in 2018 and in the Kanto region in 2019. In addition, there are many issues that need to be solved on a national level, such as education, food/agriculture, and health/healthcare.
In this session, we will discuss how government and private companies should promote GovTech by making full use of "DeepTech" technology to solve the deep global issues that humanity is facing. Key persons from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Cabinet Office will join Drone Fund, a VC firm specializing in drone and air mobility, to discuss the forefront of GovTech and how government and private companies should promote GovTech.

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Strategic Export Negotiator, Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Nobuyuki Hiratsuka
Born in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. Graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law, Harvard Law School, and Columbia University School of Public Policy and International Relations. After joining the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), he worked in the Minister's Secretariat, Small and Medium Enterprise Agency (in charge of venture promotion), Iraq Transitional Authority, and Director General of the Japanese Business Council in Europe, before serving as Director General of the Corporate Accounting Office, Director General of the Monozukuri Policy Deliberation Office, Trade Negotiation Coordinator, and Director of the Corporate Trade Division at the Fair Trade Commission (executive exchange personnel). Currently, as a Strategic Export Negotiator at the Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, he is in charge of supporting Japanese companies, including venture companies, in their overseas expansion.

Director for Innovation Creation Environment, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
Mr. Yoshiaki Ishii
From 2018, he was seconded to the Cabinet Office to work on the formation of innovation ecosystem and promotion of open innovation. In 2018, he was seconded to the Cabinet Office, where he is in charge of promoting the formation of innovation ecosystems and open innovation. He is currently promoting a project in the Open Innovation Challenge of the Cabinet Office, which seeks solutions to policy needs of government ministries and agencies and local governments from startups and coalitions of startups and large companies. D. (Commerce), Graduate School of Commerce, Waseda University

Co-founder/Representative Partner, Drone Fund
Mr. Soki Omae
In 2002, he founded Creative Hope Inc. and has successfully led numerous domestic and international projects through strategic web/IT consulting. As a drone grapher (2014-), his activities include winning the runner-up prize in the Drone Movie Contest (2016) and overall supervision for Yomiuri TV Drone Zekkei Kiko (2018) He was appointed to the Drone Fund Advisory Board in 2017 and became co-chair partner the following year. Professor at Business Breakthrough University/Graduate School (specializing in digital marketing)

Group CEO and Representative Director, LIVERNESS Co.
Yukihiro Maru
D. in Applied Biotechnology from the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Tokyo. 2002, while still a graduate student, he founded LIBANES with only undergraduate and graduate students in science and engineering. In 2002, while still in graduate school, he founded LIVERNESS, a business that offers "delivery laboratory classes in cutting-edge science" for the first time in Japan. He operates a "knowledge manufacturing business" that creates new knowledge by combining technologies and management resources that lie dormant in universities and local communities. As the instigator of one of Asia's largest venture ecosystems, he works to solve global-scale social issues by discovering deep tech from around the world. He is also an innovator involved in the launch of numerous deep tech ventures, including Euglena.


Director, Investment Development Research Center, Riverness, Inc.
Yoshinobu Osaka
He holds a Master's degree in Business Administration from Keio University, Graduate School of Business Administration. After working at Mitsubishi UFJ Bank and Japan Bank for International Cooperation, he held positions at the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo (Specially Appointed Researcher) and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (ACCEL Program Manager). He was appointed as the Director of the Research Center for Investment and Development of LIBERNESS Corporation, where he currently serves as the Director. He has a proven track record of supporting the commercialization of research results by researchers and providing hands-on investment and training to pre-startup teams and venture companies immediately after their establishment. Proactively involved as an advisor and director of various companies.



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Solving the "Marine Litter Problem" with a super interdisciplinary team
Session Partners: The Nippon Foundation, Japan Advanced Institute for Research and Development of Human Resources for Science and Technology Education (JASTO)

The time has come when solving social issues can be the seed of a new business. Project Ikkaku," launched by the Nippon Foundation, JASTO, and LIVANES, focuses on the issue of marine litter, which has been attracting increasing attention in recent years, and aims to create "businesses that contribute to the reduction of marine litter. This is an activity to create business opportunities driven by solving social issues, and it aims to grow based on the empathy of people with various attributes, such as researchers, businesspersons, and designers. In this session, we will discuss with the leaders of the teams that have started their activities under the project, how to tackle the solutions to issues that are not easy to solve, and where the breakthroughs in both technology and business can be made.

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Representative Director, Ten no Gijutsu Co.
Yutaka Kudo
After graduating from Tokyo Institute of Technology with a degree in electrical and electronic engineering, he worked for a major telecommunications company, mainly in research on image recognition and teleoperation robots, and in the development of access networks. After working for a semiconductor equipment manufacturer and a space startup, he started StrayCats'Lab, Inc. (later renamed Ten no Gijutsu, Inc.), a space equipment development company. He was the representative organization of CCSD in Project Ikkaku, and promoted the construction of a satellite/drone-based litter drift diagnostic system.

President and CEO, Sustainable Energy Development Corporation
Masahiro Mitsuyama
Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Economics. After working for an investment bank and an auditing firm, he became the representative director of Marumitsu Sangyo Co., Ltd. and Yamagata Prefecture Water Supply and Sewage Facility Management Co. He also established a scheme (NEDO-commissioned project) with Shinjo City in Yamagata Prefecture and Nippon Paper Industries Co., Ltd. to convert sewage sludge generated from public sewage systems into solid fuel and sell it to coal-fired power plants, after which he established our company. In Project Ikkaku, he served as the representative body of Team SBC and promoted the development of an autonomous decentralized waste treatment system.

Representative of G.L.E. LLC
Yukino Goya
In 2016, the company launched the "Coral Friendly Sunscreen" project to promote coral-friendly sustainable tourism, and began selling the product in 2017. Since then, the company has begun selling the product in Thailand and the Republic of Palau, expanding sustainable "tourism x environmental action" throughout Asia. Project Ikkaku serves as the representative body of Material Circulator and promotes the development of products that "leave a lasting impression on people" using marine plastic waste as recycled raw material.

Representative Director and CEO, Mylops, Inc.
Toshihiko Orisaka
Graduated from Chuo University, Faculty of Science and Engineering. After working for an electronics manufacturer and a web production company, became CEO and Representative Director of Mylops, Inc. His design activities utilize his experience as a designer and engineer, and recently he has been focusing on design needed in startups. At Project Ikkaku, he is in charge of branding design, production, and direction, focusing on websites as Mylops. He is currently enrolled in a master's program at Musashino Art University.



General Manager, Founding Development Division, Riverness Inc.

Yusuke Shinozawa
He graduated from the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Tokyo with a Master's degree in Agricultural Sciences. After working for a PR company, he joined RIVANES in 2009, where he launched the media development business in 2012 and the seed acceleration business "TECH PLANTER" in 2013. 2015, he was appointed as Growth Manager at the Real Tech Fund, where he is in charge of bio- and Since 2018, he has served as the head of the Founding and Development Business Department. Since 2018, he has been working on the theme of "founding a company" instead of starting a business.


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Pitches by researchers and venture companies in very different fields
technology splash

The word "splash" means "to splash, to splash, or to fall with a zap. In this program, researchers and venture capitalists who are presenters will share the most passionate aspects of their research and business with the participants, transcending the boundaries of their fields and affiliations. Participants, on the other hand, will be plunged into the world of different fields while being exposed to the knowledge and enthusiasm of the researchers who will appear one after another. In a series of short presentations in very different fields, the enthusiasm of the presenters and the enthusiasm of the participants collide, and new research ideas and friends are born as if by splashing. That is what Technology Splash is all about.

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General Manager, Strategic Development Division, Riverness, Inc.
Sosei Saito

Completed the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Keio University. In his first year at LIVERNESS, he was involved in a basic survey on the actual situation of town factories in Sumida Ward, Sumida City, Japan, for the revitalization of industrial vitality. Later, he was involved in the launch of "TECH PLANTER," a project to discover and nurture R&D-oriented ventures that utilize a diverse range of research fields and a network of local factories. Currently, he not only gathers the knowledge of universities, research institutes, and small factories through the discovery and fostering of TECH PLANTER, but also fosters human resources who can create innovation by utilizing these networks, supports new business creation and R&D of large companies, and searches for seeds of new businesses.

Poster and Booth Presentations (Pitches)for more information.



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〜A new way for startups to take full advantage of large companies.

The word INSTALL comes from the Latin, in stare, meaning "to stand in. When a researcher who loves the technology he or she has developed as if it were his or her own child entrusts it to a venture company, the technology stands on its own in the venture company and turns into a business. This project is named after such a future. TECH INSTALL" is a project to accelerate startups by implementing technologies of large companies into society with the thoughts of the researchers who developed the technologies. We believe that it is good for startups to make the most of large companies. That is what we believe.
The main actors in this year's event are three researchers from Takenaka Corporation's Technical Research Institute, the technology they have developed, and three startup companies that have been inspired by the technology to devise new ideas for using the technology. On the day of the event, the researchers and the start-up teams will present the technologies they have developed and the new applications they have devised based on those technologies. The session will be an interactive session where the audience can add their own ideas to the presentations.
What will happen when we "INSTALL" Takenaka Corporation's "TECH" to a start-up? Stay tuned!

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Executive Officer and Senior Research Fellow, Takenaka Corporation
Masahiko Higashino (Mr. Masahiko HIGASHINO
Born in 1957, he joined Takenaka Corporation in 1982, specializing in research and development of building structures, especially seismic isolation and vibration control structures. From 1990 to 1992, he conducted joint research on active control with the State University of New York, U.S.A. From 1993 to 1995, he was a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A. From 2004 to 2008, he worked in the Technology Planning Department, where he promoted the Technology Research Institute and company-wide technology and research planning. From 2004 to 2008, he worked in the Technology Planning Department, where he promoted technology and research planning for the Technical Research Institute and the entire company; from 2017 to February 2020, he served as Executive Officer and Director of the Technical Research Institute; from March 2020, he will serve as Executive Officer and Senior Research Fellow; from 2011 to 2012, he will serve as Executive Officer and Senior Research Fellow.

Representative Director, President and COO, Liverness, Inc.
Shuichiro Takahashi
D. (Life Sciences), Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo. He has been involved in RIVANESS since its establishment. After completing his graduate studies, he continued his research activities as a faculty member at the University of Tokyo, while at the same time he established a research institute at RIVANESS and built the foundation of its research and development business. He devised the business model of "Liberness Research Grant," a unique research grant, and "L-RAD," a database of unutilized research ideas, and has initiated many open innovation projects involving industry, academia, and education.


<Technical Introduction
Fe-Mn-Si alloys" with approximately 10 times the metallic fatigue endurance of steel
Yasuhiko Inoue(Advanced Materials Group, Construction Materials Department, Technical Research Institute, Takenaka Corporation)

Fe-Mn-Si alloys (commonly known as FMS alloys) are developed alloys with about 10 times higher metallic fatigue endurance than conventional steel. In the construction field, we have developed and commercialized steel-based control dambers with dramatically improved fatigue resistance by utilizing FMS alloy for energy-absorbing members during earthquakes. We expect to develop a wide range of alloy applications in many industrial fields.
This patent (No. 618275) is a joint patent by the National Institute for Materials Science, Takenaka Corporation, and Awaji Materia Co.

Wide-band vibration power generation" that converts various shakes of people, machines, cars, trains, buildings, etc. into power sources

Ryuta Inoue(Electromagnetic and Vibration Environment Group, Building Environment Department, Technical Research Institute, Takenaka Corporation)

This technology converts vibration energy into electric power to supply power to IoT sensors and other devices without the use of wiring or batteries. Conventional vibration power generation can only generate power from a single frequency (period) of vibration, although the vibrations in our daily lives oscillate in different ways at different locations. The patented technology introduced here is capable of converting a wide range of vibrations into electric power, and has already been tested in a variety of facilities and equipment. We hope to utilize and deploy this technology in a wide range of fields and applications in the future.

One Team" mathematical model for aggregating multi-factor information and understanding overall activity

Yuushi Takai(Intelligent Information Group, Advanced Technology Department, Technical Research Institute, Takenaka Corporation)

We have devised a mechanism to represent a complex whole composed of diverse elements as a combination of models derived from each element. We have demonstrated this system by analyzing activities in buildings for energy conservation and by estimating stress conditions based on people's life patterns, and we are planning to apply this system to further real-world problems.


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The intestinal environment can be designed
Session Partner: Kyowa Hakko Bio Co.

Comprehensive analysis of the intestinal environment has successively revealed the relationship between humans and their intestinal flora. In order to utilize this knowledge for health maintenance and disease prevention, it is important to promote behavioral changes to achieve these goals and to design the intestinal environment appropriately. In this session, researchers involved in intestinal environment, food nutrition, and medicine related to lifestyle-related diseases will gather to discuss how we can design the intestinal environment through diet and lifestyle.

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President and CEO, Metagen, Inc.
Project Professor, Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio University
Shinji Fukuda)he
In addition to his current position, he has been a visiting professor at the University of Tsukuba's School of Medicine and Medical Sciences since 2016, a group leader at the Kanagawa Prefectural Institute of Industrial Technology since 2017, a visiting professor at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia since 2019, and a deputy research director at JST ERATO. 2013 Young Scientist Award from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; 2015 Science and Technology In 2015, he was selected for "Outstanding Contribution to Science and Technology 2015" by the National Institute of Science and Technology Policy, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). In the same year, he won the top prize at the 1st Bioscience Grand Prix for his business plan "Healthy Society Created from Stool" and founded Metagen Inc. He became President and CEO. He is the author of "Understanding More! Intestinal Microflora" (Yodosha).


Project Professor, Department of Applied Biosciences, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Hisanori Kato
D. from the University of Tokyo, worked as an assistant at the University of Tokyo, a researcher at NIH, and an assistant professor at Utsunomiya University before assuming his current position. He specializes in molecular nutrition. He combines various comprehensive analyses of genomes, proteomes, metabolomes, and microbiomes to explore new functions of foods. He is the Vice President of the Japanese Society of Nutrition and Food Science, the Organizing Committee Chairman of the 22nd International Congress on Nutrition to be held at the Tokyo International Forum in 2021, and an Affiliate Member of the Science Council of Japan. He is a curry lover.


Professor, Department of Cardiovascular and Hypertension Medicine, Kagoshima University
Mitsuru Oishi
Graduated from Osaka University School of Medicine in 1990, and worked in cardiovascular emergency and cardiac catheterization since 1991. 1995 returned to the 4th Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka University, and then to the Department of Pathology, Osaka City University to conduct research on atherosclerosis. 1997 to 2 years of study at the Howard Florey Research Institute, Australia. After working as a lecturer at the Department of Geriatrics and Nephrology, Osaka University, he became a professor at the Department of Cardiovascular and Hypertension Medicine, Kagoshima University in 2013, where he has also served as deputy hospital director since 2015. He is conducting three cohort studies and 30-year health checkup data analysis for 1 million people in Kagoshima in collaboration with industry and academia.



Representative Director, Vice President CTO, Liverness, Inc.
Jyo Inoue
D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences. He is a founding member of LIVERNESS. After completing the doctoral program, he worked as an assistant professor and lecturer at the Faculty of Science, Kitasato University, and an assistant professor at the Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University before being appointed as a specially-appointed associate professor at the Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio University in 2015. While conducting research and development, he is a researcher involved in launching joint research projects with universities and research institutions and supporting the establishment of research institutes.


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Role of Regional Banks in Local Development
Session Partner: Nihon Unisys, Ltd.

While the crisis over the concentration of business in Tokyo is being discussed in various places, regional banks are playing a role in promoting regional development by taking root in their local communities and revitalizing their industries. As the Cabinet approved the "Long-term Vision for the Creation of Towns, People, and Jobs" and the second phase of the "Comprehensive Strategy for the Creation of Towns, People, and Jobs" in 2028, regional development is seen as an important factor that could influence the future trends of the Japanese economy. In this context, some regional banks are promoting a strategy of identifying and fostering the science and technology accumulated in academia as the nucleus for the creation of industries from local regions.
We will discuss the future of regional banks in regional development by inviting a person in charge of the regional tech planter promoted by RIVANES, who is active as an industry creation partner in discovering seeds, fostering venture companies, and promoting the participation of local companies in projects.

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Manager, Growth Support Promotion Group, Community Support Department, Kansai Mirai Bank, Ltd.

Mr. Tsuyoshi Uraguchi
Graduated from Ritsumeikan University's Faculty of Economics in 2009 and joined Biwako Bank, Ltd. After working at Yohkaichi Branch, Osaka Ekimae Branch, and Umeda Branch, he was transferred to the Monozukuri Promotion Division, Commerce, Industry, Tourism, and Labor Department of Shiga Prefecture in FY2016, where he was involved in the launch and operation of the "Shiga Tech Planter" and "Shiga Growth Industry Discovery and Development Consortium". In charge of industry-academia-government collaboration and business matching. Visiting coordinator for social cooperation at Shiga University.

Research Manager, Regional Business Development, Corporate Consulting Group, Solution Sales Department, The Chugoku Bank, Ltd.

Norikazu Takeda
After graduating from Kagawa University's Faculty of Economics in 1999, he joined The Chugoku Bank, Ltd. He was in charge of business restructuring at the sales branch and loan department, and in 2014, he was transferred to the Iwate Prefecture Industrial Restoration Consultation Center to assist in the recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake. After returning to Iwate, he assumed his current position. He participated in the establishment of the Okayama Innovation Project, a program to support founders, and led the organization of the Okayama Tech Planter, and plans to hold the Science Castle Chugoku-Shikoku in Okayama in 2020. He aims to establish an ecosystem for fostering local industries, and to discover and nurture companies that will change the world from the local area.

General Manager, Regional Development Office, Regional Development Department, The Higo Bank, Ltd.

Mr. Shogo Takeshita
Born in Kumamoto, Japan, he joined Higo Bank's Udo Branch in April 1997, worked at Minami Hakata Branch in 2002, Minami Kumamoto Branch in 2004, and was transferred to Mizuho Corporate Bank on an advisory basis in 2008; returned to Higo Bank's Information Sales Department in 2009, Deputy Research Officer, Regional Development Office, Regional Development Department in 2015, and April 2019 Current position from April 2019.


Executive Officer, LIVERNESS Co.

Shuhei Tsukada
D. in Applied Biotechnology, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo. D. in Agriculture. Participated in the management of RIVERNESS since 2003, when the company was in its early stages of establishment. After accumulating practical experience in experimental classes and various types of writing, developed and introduced advanced technologies in the agri-field and launched a project to build an ecosystem for regional startups. Committed to technology and business development in collaboration with large and medium-sized companies, venture companies, researchers, etc. on a field-oriented basis.


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Can open patents of major companies be a seed for innovation?
Session Partner: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

While many major companies are seeking open innovation moves from collaboration with venture companies, Mitsubishi Electric and LEVANES have focused on "their own open patents" and have worked to bring together various entities, including students, local factories, and venture companies, with their own researchers who created the patents. In the course of these activities, we have succeeded in adding new knowledge to open patents to find new ways to utilize them. Can this experimental method really become a method that can be used by other companies? Are there any ideas for developing this method into a better one?
In this session, Professor Shichitake of Tokyo University of Technology, who is involved in innovation research in academia and also researches R&D strategies of major companies, and Mr. Takata, who supports IP utilization by small and medium-sized companies and venture companies at the Japan Patent Office, will be invited to discuss innovation methods based on dormant patents of large companies. We will discuss about innovation methods on the theme of dormant patents of large companies.

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Manager, Exploring Group, Future Innovation Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Satoshi YamanakaMr.
He joined Mitsubishi Electric Corporation in 1998. Since 2015, he has been in his current position, promoting open innovation with venture companies. As a communicator, he focuses on strengthening existing businesses through matching with venture companies and creating business opportunities by utilizing intellectual property within companies.


Professor, Graduate School of Tokyo University of Technology
Mr. Naohiro Shichijo
D. in Engineering from the Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo. After serving as Associate Professor at the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, the University of Tokyo, Associate Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study at Waseda University, and Senior Researcher at the National Institute of Science and Technology Policy, MEXT, he became a professor at the University of Tokyo in September 2016. He specializes in bibliometrics, innovation research, science and technology policy, and creative industries.


JPO Open Innovation Promotion Project Team
Mr. Tatsuya Takada
After joining the Japan Patent Office, he worked for the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs before assuming his current position. He prepared the pamphlet "Four Points for Corporate Collaboration Using Intellectual Property", which explains contract risks in corporate collaboration through case studies. Currently, he is in charge of the JPO's open innovation-related measures (business matching project using patent information, project to establish guidelines for technology transaction agreements for R&D ventures, etc.).


Executive Officer CKO, LIVERNESS Co.
Kazuhiro Hasegawa
He holds a master's degree in engineering from Tokyo Metropolitan University. He joined RIVERNESS in his first year as a master's student, and later became the first new employee of RIVERNESS. He launched the Human Resources Development Business Department and became an executive officer in 2012. In 2013, he moved to the Tokyo head office, where he is in charge of incubation business in the manufacturing field and industry-academia collaboration business. He also serves as the representative director of Glocalink Co.


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Softness changes engineering.
Session Partner: Murata Manufacturing Co.

The time is coming when it will be possible to take advantage of softness, for example, by using soft materials, or by having softness as a structure even if each individual part is hard. For example, the use of soft materials has a great potential to bring diversity in grasping and movement to robots that have generally been made using hard materials. However, there have not been many cases where robotics engineers have teamed up with material suppliers, and thus the potential has not been fully exploited. In this session, researchers working on accelerating manufacturing with soft matter and soft robotics will discuss the impact softness has in engineering and the challenges it poses for implementation, with examples.

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Associate Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Tohoku University
Kenjiro Tadakuma
D. in 2007 from the Department of Mechanical and Space Systems, Tokyo Institute of Technology. D. in Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2007, Postdoctoral Associate from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2007, Research Fellow at Tohoku University in 2008, Assistant Professor at the University of Electro-Communications, Assistant Professor at Osaka University, and Associate Professor at Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University since May 2015. Associate Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Tohoku University since May 2015. Currently. Consistently engaged in research and development of robot mechanisms, including omni-directional moving and driving mechanisms and flexible and rigid switching gripper mechanisms.


Associate Professor, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo
Mr. Yasuaki Kakehi
Interactive media researcher and media artist. D. in Interdisciplinary Information Studies. After working at Keio University and MIT, he has been Associate Professor at the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo since 2018. Using advanced technology, he pioneers interaction expression that extends the characteristics of human sensation, perception, and physical materials. In addition to his engineering research, he has exhibited his works in Japan and abroad, and has received numerous awards, including the ACM CHI Best Paper Award and the Young Scientist Award from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in the field of science and technology. following is a list of the most common problems with the


CEO and Representative Director, Nature Architects, Inc.
Mr. Taisuke Oshima
He received his Bachelor's degree from the University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Department of Regional and System Sciences. After working as a Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (DC1) and as a part-time researcher at the University of Tsukuba, he founded Nature Architects in May 2017. He is engaged in research on mechanical metamaterials, computational design, and digital fabrication, and in the development of technologies to calculate the elasticity and deformation of materials and to design, fabricate, and control them at will through geometric structures. He is certified as an "Unexplored Super Creator" by the Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan, and as a member of the Cross-cultivation Program by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan.



Professor, Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University
Mr. Hidemitsu Furukawa
He is the head of the Soft and Wet Matter Engineering Laboratory (SWEL) at Yamagata University. after moving to Yamagata University in 2009, he started developing a 3D gel printer, which became the focus of attention when the 3D printer boom came. in April 2018, he established the Yawaraka 3D Co-Creation Consortium, and became its chairman, He also focuses on social implementation of the technology. His research on enhancing 3D digital fabrication of polymer gel, utilizing 3D printers in education, and social implementation of cutting-edge technology has taken the creation of new value from local to global.


<List of Technology Splash Presentations

Announcement time order of presentation Name (titles omitted) belong to
9:30-10:00 A01 Hiroki Oka Waseda University
A02 Shigeru Ichinoura Laboratory of Production Machinery, Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University
A03 Ikutaro Masaki The University of Tokyo
A04 Hiroaki Ito Gastroenterological Surgery, Showa University Koto Toyosu Hospital
A05 Toshi Kanie Nagoya University
A06 Masaki Misawa National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
A07 Hiroaki Yano University of Tsukuba
A08 Daichi Okabe Japan Healthcare Corporation
A09 Masanobu Kowaka Hamano Manufacturing Co.
A10 Yoshimi Ui aba Corporation
12:00-12:50 B01 Yotoku Takamitsu Nariko Seimitsu Co.
B02 Sayuri Goryoda Tsuji Institute of Culinary Education, Dokkyo Medical University
B03 Tomoaki Takaya Oyama National College of Technology
B04 Tomohiro Murayama Urawa Jitsugyo Gakuen Junior & Senior High School
B05 Takushi Ikeda Urawa Jitsugyo Gakuen High School
B06 Takeshi Ito Yuge Merchant Marine Technical College
B07 Kohei Aso Euglena Co.
B08 Shinichiro Takezawa Seturotech Corporation
B09 Lin Butei Hosei University Graduate School
B10 Hiroji Akimoto Albatross Technology, LLC.
B11 Austin Yoshino Manaola Innovations
B12 Meguro, Scholar National Institute for Materials Science
B13 Nakatani Warm Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Hosei University
B14 Rio Takahashi Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Hosei University
B15 Ryo Sakakibara Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Hosei University
B16 Yutaka Kudo Ten no Gijutsu Co.
B17 Shun Yokota Hosei University
B18 Masahiro Tsugita Tokai University Graduate School
B19 Yoshinao Kishimoto Tokyo City University
B20 Kanazawa, et al. (KanaLABO Inc.
18:00-18:50 C01 Kazuhiro Nishioka Kisvin Science Corporation
C02 Sousuke Ohtaki Urawa Jitsugyo Gakuen Junior & Senior High School
C03 Sun Kim Urawa Jitsugyo Gakuen High School
C04 Aimi Ishii Keio University
C05 Seima Yabe Specialized in Biology, Department of Science, Faculty of Education, Waseda University
C06 Jilan Sadjawijit Manirat Kanagawa Prefectural Central Agricultural High School
C07 Ken Ueno Smolt Corporation
C08 Keisuke Igarashi Japan Cellular Agriculture Association, NPO
C09 Rei Miyano Kitasato University Graduate School
C10 Hiroshi Nakayama University of Tsukuba
C11 Yuhei Natsume Chiba University International Education Center
C12 Naoki Yaraoka HiLable, Inc.
C13 Mitsuo Nagao Nihon University
C14 Tetsuya Tsugami Department of Electrical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
C16 Rei Kurozumi University of Tsukuba Graduate School
C17 Koutaro Sakamoto University of Tsukuba
C18 Genjiro Maeda Correspondence course student, Faculty of Science and Technology, Akita University
C19 Hajime Tamaki Agro Design Studio, Inc.
C20 Tomoji Nakamura Umi no Kabushiki Kaisha, Ltd.
C21 Kazunori Otobe National Agricultural Research Center, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
C22 Shinjiro Saeki The Society for the Scientific Study of Edible Insects, NPO

Click here for details of abstracts
Some of the presenters in the above list (announced online on April 23) are different from those who were scheduled to present on March 6-7.
*Only those who have given us permission to post on the web will be posted.
