Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in Osaka Forum 2017

Conference Theme
Connect with local knowledge
Day & Time
Saturday, March 11 and Sunday, March 12, 2017
Ritsumeikan University Osaka Ibaraki Campus Ritsumeikan Ibaraki Future Plaza 2F, 3FAccess

At the Hyperdisciplinarity Conference,Publicize the value of your research,Provides an opportunity to collect research funding

Forum Overview

The 2017 Osaka Forum aims to connect participants with the wisdom and challenges of the "community" and to provide an opportunity for new value creation.
Organized by: Liverness Corporation Co-organized by: Graduate School of Technology Management, Ritsumeikan University


Thursday, March 2, 13:00~.19:30

Main Venue


  • 13:15-17:00Poster Presentation



  • @Main Venue

Technology Management and New Business Startups

In recent years, divisions in charge of new business development and open innovation have emerged one after another in manufacturing companies. As the world changes at an ever-accelerating pace, it has become more essential than ever to utilize internal and external knowledge to create diverse research and business themes, and to grow them through a verification cycle. Open innovation must not end as a mere boom, but must be integrated into the normal operation of technology management.

In this symposium, we will introduce how in-house innovators who are trying to accelerate the launch of new businesses in the Kansai region are implementing technology to create new businesses, along with examples of how they are doing so.


Yukihiro Maru

Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.

Founder & CEO


Mr. Takashi Ozawa
Omron Corporation
New Business Creation Center, Business Development Division


Mr. Isao Tokomoto
ShinMaywa Industries, Ltd.
Technical Department


Mr. Takashi Imasaka
Furuno Electric Co.
Technical Research Institute


Mr. Hideaki Tsuru
Yanmar Holdings Co.
Open Innovation Center


Mr. Ryo Hattori
Rohto Pharmaceutical Co.
Regenerative Medicine Commercialization Project


  • @Main Venue

Ritsumeikan University MOT Open Forum Vol. 3
New Trends in Technology Management
~Business potential through the fusion of brain science and ICT

Although we often hear about brain science on TV, the full-scale industrial use of brain science findings and brain activity data has only just begun.
This forum will discuss the barriers from research to commercialization, mobility of human resources from industry and academia, technical challenges, and requirements for success, while presenting real-life examples based on speakers' experiences in neurorehabilitation and neuromarketing. The possibility of new services will also be discussed.


Atsushi Aoyama
College of Science and Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
Professor, Graduate School of Technology Management


Ms. Rieko Osu
The Nielsen Company, LLC
consumer neuroscience

1996 Withdrawal from the Doctoral Program of the Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University. Doctor of Literature
1996 Researcher, Kawahito Learning Dynamic Brain Project, Japan Science and Technology Corporation
2003 Chief Researcher, ATR Brain Information Laboratory
2009 Director, Laboratory for Motor Control and Functional Recovery, ATR Brain Information Laboratories
Since 2014 Current position


  • @Sub Venue

Joint Graduate School Information Session
Go to graduate school where you can train yourself!

The start of your research career begins with the selection of a graduate school and laboratory. Why not choose a graduate school where you can not only devote yourself to the research you are interested in and pursue it to the fullest, but also "have the experience of being in contact with society and facing issues in the field" and "acquire the abilities required by society in the future"?
This information session will also include research poster presentations by students from each graduate school. This is a chance to hear directly about life and research in graduate school!

Target: High school students, technical college students, undergraduate students, and graduate students who are considering or interested in entering graduate school.

Okinawa Science and Technology graduate school

Kumamoto University
Institute of Developmental Medicine

Shiga University of Medical Science
Leading Program for Doctoral Education
Asian Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) Transcendence Project

The University of Tokushima
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University
Leading Program for Doctoral Education
Phoenix Leader Development Program to Promote Radiation Disaster Recovery

College of Science and Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
Graduate School of Technology Management

Sunday, March 12, 10:30-17:30

Main Venue


  • 11:00-17:00Poster Presentation


  • 13:00-14:30TECH PLANTER Meetup

11:00-12:00 10:30-12:00 (start time has been changed)

  • @Main Venue

Special project
Researchers' Next Stage Review Meeting
~Considering how to work in the age of living for 100 years~.

In the 80-year life period, it was common for people to receive an education, work as a member of society, and retire at the age of 64, which is the final age of the working-age population as defined by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

In this roundtable discussion, researchers who have retired from their positions and are now moving on to new careers will take the stage and share their experiences. The results of a survey conducted by the Research Career Center at LIVERNESS on the attitudes of pre-retired researchers will also be presented.

Through these activities, we will consider the next stage of researchers and explore the possibilities of utilizing knowledge and know-how in researchers' lives to contribute to the earth.


Mr. Hisatake Otsuka
Mu Corporation

In March 1971, he completed a doctorate in mechanical engineering at the Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo. From April 1989 to December 1988, he served as an assistant professor and then as a professor at the Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Ryukoku University, where he has been a professor emeritus since March 2011. In the same year, he established Mu Corporation and became its representative director. He holds a doctorate in engineering.


Mr. Nagahisa Nakano
Osaka Prefecture University Graduate School
Regional Collaboration Research Organization, Center for Biological Resource Development
Visiting Professor, Professor Emeritus

In 1968, he completed the Master's course at Tohoku University Graduate School of Agriculture and became an assistant at Shimane University Faculty of Agriculture. 1969, he moved to Osaka Prefecture University, where he served as an assistant, lecturer, assistant professor, and professor in the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture. 2007, he retired and has been an honorary professor and visiting professor. He has also been a professor at the Faculty of Nutrition, Koshien University since October 2007, and President of Osaka Women's Junior College since 2009 (retired in March 2015). He holds a PhD in Agriculture.


Mr. Yoshio Kitaoka
Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics and Engineering
Professor, Graduate School of Agricultural Science

In 1976, he received his M.S. from the Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, and became a teaching staff member of the Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo; from 1982, he was an assistant at the Faculty of Science, Kobe University; from 1985, he was an assistant at the School of Engineering Science, Osaka University; then he was an associate professor, and later an assistant professor and professor at the same graduate school of Engineering Science. He also served as Director of the Center for Extreme Science and Technology, Osaka University, and Director of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering since 2016. He holds a PhD in Engineering.


Satoko Isogai
Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
Human Development division


  • @Main Venue

Special project
Regional Summits
〜Seeds of innovation born in the region

As "regional creation" has been advocated in recent years, the issues facing industries in various regions of Japan are being uncovered. By working together to solve these issues not only on the industrial side but also on the research side, such as universities and research institutions, new knowledge that contributes to regional creation can be generated.

In this session, attempts to address regional issues will be introduced from the standpoints of the national government, local governments, businesses, universities, etc., and by exchanging mutual wisdom, we will create an opportunity to take a new step forward hand in hand.


Mr. Tomohiro Terasaki
Regional Support Planning Officer, Industrial Collaboration and Regional Support Division, Science and Technology Policy Bureau


Mr. Yasumichi Matsumoto
Kumamoto University
Director and Vice President


Mr. Tadakatsu Fukunaga
Shiga Prefecture Department of Commerce, Industry, Tourism and Labor
head of a (school) club


Mr. Takashi Ozawa
OMRON Ventures, Inc.
President and Representative Director


Yuji Fukuda
Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
Community Development Division
Director, Research Institute for Industries in Harmony with Nature

@Sub Venue F

Super Interdisciplinary Poster Session

Thursday, March 2 and Friday, March 3, 12:30-18:00

This is a place for poster presentations that are not limited to a specific field, but rather, where a wide variety of presentations are made simultaneously to exchange passions among different fields and to create opportunities for innovation.

Poster Session
announcer belong to Title. What we look for
Iwao Kibata Kihata Keiki Seisakusho Co. IoT of existing instruments and application of pressure measurement technology to the medical field (respiration measurement) to realize a safe and secure society
Tetsuya Inokuchi Vantec Ltd. Centrifugal High-Performance Individual Liquid Separator Opens the Way to a New Future in Resource Utilization Technology
Akira Oyasu Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University Design of a new nitric acid production process using NOx from power plant exhaust gas as feedstock
Yumiko Tateoka Shiga University of Medical Science Verification of the effect of aloe poultice on nipple problems in early postpartum period
Yumi Hoshino Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University Development of an Oocyte Temperature Measurement System to Dramatically Improve Assisted Reproductive Medicine
Kazuhiko Hayashi Kure National College of Technology Development of physics teaching materials using augmented reality technology
Akihiro Sotani Kure National College of Technology Challenges in engineering education utilizing the characteristics of technical colleges
Yuki Iwata Renaissance Osaka High School Comparison of voltages obtained from natural and artificial sludge batteries
Shoki Yamamoto Wakayama Koyo Senior High School Seeking wild yeast with starch resolution
Osamu Sugiyama Kyoto University Hospital Development of a PHR platform for collecting activity data at health promotion events and analysis of activity data for acquiring walking habits
Atsuo Sekiyama Endowed Chair of Preemptive Psychosomatic Medicine, Department of Frontier Pharmaceutical Sciences, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University The Future of Blood Profiling Technology for Depression and Stress - From Blood Testing to Human Visualization
Kan'ya Sugimoto College of Science and Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ritsumeikan University Approaches to Cancer Control from Survey Analysis of Public Attitudes Toward Cancer
Shogo Takasugi Shogo Takasugi Design Office Designed for continued treatment with confidence
Abedin Khalonezhad Graduate School of Technology Management, Ritsumeikan University Applicability of Bankruptcy Prediction Under Uncertainty; and Focusing on the Impact of Technological Change on SOEs' Performance
Keitaro Hidaka SILAFFS External Researcher Interactions brought about by modern love letters - scofflaws are milestones.
Ryuhei Ueda Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University The "rut" romantic relationship and the desire to cheat: a psychological explanation using functional brain imaging.
Kiyoto Fukuda Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University A Study on Semi-Automatic Raw Storytelling Method by Artificial Intelligence Using Dialogue System
Farid Mohamed Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) ABE Initiative Participant Enhancing The E-Commerce User Experience in Africa
Kazumi Komatsu Golden Dance Co. Comfortable communication in noisy environment! Bone Conduction Communication System "A-Un
Mai Furuya Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University Varietal differences in rhizome development of soybean core collections under low and high phosphorus conditions.
Harajiri Komei individual Stimuli-responsive gels using familiar materials
Keisuke Kamata iGEM nagahama Designing the Next Generation of Fermented Foods Using Synthetic Biology: Smell-Free Funa Sushi
Tatsunori Hirotsu Kumamoto University Faculty of Life Science Department of Formulation Design Development of activity-maintaining PEGylated proteins using cyclodextrin supramolecular formation.
Chisato Tomita Graduate School of IBS, The University of Tokushima Malignant transformation of colorectal cancer cells induced by angiogenesis inhibitors and its molecular mechanisms
Hideto Kojima Shiga University of Medical Science Drugs Anywhere Door - Development of Cellular ZIP-CODE System
Oral Session
announcer belong to Title. What we look for
Osamu Sugiyama Kyoto University Hospital Development of a PHR platform for collecting activity data at health promotion events and analysis of activity data for acquiring walking habits
Yumi Hoshino Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University Development of an Oocyte Temperature Measurement System to Dramatically Improve Assisted Reproductive Medicine
Kazuhide Miyamoto Laboratory of Bioanalytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Himeji Dokkyo University Real-time detection of E2 activity in the ubiquitination reaction -Toward understanding the pathophysiology of cancer
Keiko Gionsen Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Dojo "Research Group for the Creation of Future Society", Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University The iKODE Program for the Development of Global Entrepreneurs through Collaboration of Medicine, Engineering, and Design (iKODE)
Akira Oyasu Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University Design of a new nitric acid production process using NOx from power plant exhaust gas as feedstock
Ryuhei Ueda Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University The "rut" romantic relationship and the desire to cheat: a psychological explanation using functional brain imaging.
Farid Mohamed Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) ABE Initiative Participant Enhancing The E-Commerce User Experience in Africa
Atsuo Sekiyama Endowed Chair of Preemptive Psychosomatic Medicine, Department of Frontier Pharmaceutical Sciences, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University The Future of Blood Profiling Technology for Depression and Stress - From Blood Testing to Human Visualization
Tetsuya Inokuchi Vantec Ltd. Centrifugal High-Performance Individual Liquid Separator Opens the Way to a New Future in Resource Utilization Technology